Ⅱ.补全对话 (A)从方框内所给的句子中选择恰当的句子完成下面的对话.并将代表答案的字母填在答题纸的相应位置. A:Hi.Ann!You look tired today. B:Oh.I'm studying for the end一0f-year exsms these days.This term will be over soon. A: 21 What are you going to do during the holiday? B: 22 A:That sounds exciting.How long are you staying there? B: 23 Maybe one or two weeks.What about you? A:I prefer to stay at home and read some books. B:Only read books at home? 24 A:No.I'm going to play computer games and do sports at times. B:Well.I hope you will have a good holiday! A:Thank you. 25 A.I'm going to the countryside to enjoy the quiet life and fresh air. B.It's kind of boring.I think. C.Nothing much! D.I'm not sure. E.Yes.the summer holiday is coming. F.It's very interesting.I think. G.The same to you! (B)根据上下文提示.在下面对话的空白处填入恰当话语(话语可以是句子.短语或词).使对话完整.并将答案写在答题纸的相应位置. Tom:Hello!May I speak to Peter.please? Peter: 26 ! Who's that? Tom:Hi.Peter!This is Tom. 27 tomorrow evening? Peter:Yes.What's up? Tom:There is going to be a magic show given by Liu Qian.I have two tickets. 28 ? Peter:Great.I'd love to.I think the show must be wonderful. Tom:I think so.Liu Qian is my 29 magician.He is popular with most people. Peter:So he is. 30 .do you know? Tom:Of course.he's from Taiwan.And at the age of 12.he won Taiwan.Youth Magic Contest. Peter:He's so 31 !By the way. 32 shall we meet? Tom:In front of the People's Theater. Peter:And 33 ? Tom:At 6:30 pm tomorrow. Peter: 34 ? Tom:You can take No.5 bus to get there. Peter:Oh.I see.Goodbye Tom:OK. 35 . 查看更多




A:Do you have an e-friend?

B:Yes, I do.

A:  1  

B:She is from Japan.She is a nice girl.

A:  2  

B:Twice a month.We have many things to talk about.

A:  3  

B:She likes English and art best.

A:  4  

B:She likes listening to music and traveling.She plans to come to China for the winter holiday.

A:Good news for you.  5  

B:I hope so.I will show her around our city and tell her more about China.



A.How about you?

B.What did you do?

C.I enjoyed it very much.

D.Was it interesting?

E.How was your weekend?

A: 1   

B:It was great!

A: 2   

B: I went to a movie with my parents.

A:That sounds good.3    

B:Yes, 4    5   

A:I was busy, I helped my mother clean the house.




A. A table for two?

B. What can I do for you?

C. My I take your order now?

D. Excuse me. Could we have some coffee, please?

E. This way, please.

F. Anything else?

G. What would you like to drink?

  Waiter: Good morning, madam.

  Gina: Good morning.

  Waiter: 1._____________

  Gina: Yes. Can we have table by the window?

  Waiter: OK. 2. _____________

  ( At the table )

  Waiter: Here's the menu. 3.__________

  Gina: Yes. We'd like chicken with potatoes, beef with onions and some rice.

  Waiter: 4.__________

  Gina: Orange juice.

  Waiter: 5.________

  Gina: No, that's all. Thank you.






A. A table for two?

B. What can I do for you?

C. My I take your order now?

D. Excuse me. Could we have some coffee, please?

E. This way, please.

F. Anything else?

G. What would you like to drink?

  Waiter: Good morning, madam.

  Gina: Good morning.

  Waiter: 1._____________

  Gina: Yes. Can we have table by the window?

  Waiter: OK. 2. _____________

  ( At the table )

  Waiter: Here's the menu. 3.__________

  Gina: Yes. We'd like chicken with potatoes, beef with onions and some rice.

  Waiter: 4.__________

  Gina: Orange juice.

  Waiter: 5.________

  Gina: No, that's all. Thank you.




根据对话内容,填写适当单词补全对话(每空0.5 分,共5分)
A: 【小题1】____  me, could you ___【小题2】______  me the way to the nearest book shop, please?
B:Certainly. Go along this road and turn right ____【小题3】____ the traffic ____【小题4】___ .
Then walk on __【小题5】____ you reach the second crossing. And then turn left. You will see a bridge. Go across the bridge. You will find the shop __【小题6】__ the right. It's __【小题7】__  the post office __【小题8】____ the fruit shop. You can't _【小题9】___ it.
A:Thank you very much.
B:You're ___【小题10】___ .

