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More than three years after moving from Australia to this remote part of England, we are still learning how things are done here.

  Not too long after we arrived and unpacked, we were invited for “a drink on Sunday morning” by a retired couple nearby. We got there about noon, to find the living-room crowded — lots of chat and discussions, and in all a very jolly occasion.

  Trouble was, there was no food — no self-respecting Australian would regard a tray of crisps as food. In Sydney, when you are invited for a drink any time after midday on a Sunday, you know you will be fed as well as watered and you plan accordingly. Meaning the hardworked little woman makes no plans to cook lunch because you are eating out.

  By one-fifteen my stomach was sending up “please explain” to me. Even the crisps had gone. There was nothing we could do except wait, and wonder if the hostess was going to perform some magic and feed us fashionably late. Then, as quickly as if word had spread that there was free beer at the local pub, the room emptied. By one-forty-five there were only a few guests left, so we decided to go home. Tinned soup for lunch that day because the little woman was not really interested in real cooking for us.

  A few weeks ago we were invited out for “supper” and the hostess suggested 8:15. Ah, we thought greedily, “this is going to be the real thing.”

  We dressed with some care — I putting on a dark suit — and arrived on time. My wife looked pretty good, I thought, a little black dress and so on. But when we walked in I had a terrible feeling we had got the night wrong because the hostess was dressed in a daytime kind of way and the husband was in jeans and an open-neck shirt. But no, we were greeted and shown into the sitting-room.

  After a drink I looked around and saw that this was indeed a superior cottage because it had a (more or less) separate dining-room. But there were no signs of a table-setting. Not again! I thought. Were we meant to eat before we came? I decided that in future my wife and I would always carry a chocolate bar. About 9:28 our hostess went out of the room, saying something about food. Ten minutes later she returned and asked us to follow. We were led out to the kitchen. There on the table were country style plates and a huge bowl of soup, rough bread and all the makings of a simple meal. And that is what it was. In other words we had not read the signals right when we were invited for “supper”. If they want you to come to dinner, they say so, and you know that means dark suits and so on. If they mean supper, they say it, and you get fed in the kitchen.

When the author and his wife were invited out for “a drink on Sunday morning”, they thought _______.

       A. they would be the only people there

       B. they would be given lunch as well

       C. they would be taken to a restaurant for lunch

       D. they would be asked to take some food with them

The “party” had been going on for about an hour and three quarters when _________.

       A. the hostess decided to feed her guests      B. everyone had tinned soup for lunch

       C. most of the guests went to lunch at the pub     D. the author realized he would go home hungry

When invited out for “supper” a few weeks later, the writer _________.

       A. expected to be served a proper dinner

       B. arrived on the wrong evening

       C. interpreted the invitation correctly this time

       D. realized there was no dining-room in the cottage

As the evening went on, the writer became aware that _________.

       A. no one used their dining-rooms in the countryside

       B. he should have had a meal before going out

       C. “supper” meant a simple, informal meal

     D. he should, in future, eat only chocolate in the evening


It is a typical case. A young professional has just moved to a new city. She is very active in her new job but wishes to meet people socially outside of work. How does she do this?

  Signing up for a night class is always a good starting point. Not only is it an ideal way to meet like-minded people,it can also be a great new learning experience. Pubs and clubs can be a good meeting place but can be a bit hard if you are on your own.

  Join a gym

  GL-14 health club in Manchester city centre is a gym which also has lots of member activities outside the gym from charity fashion shows to dinner dances giving members a chance to socialize away from the treadmill(繁忙的工作). Or if you want a gym with a difference,try a“Green Gym”for people who want to exercise but wish to be outdoors and doing something that will benefit the environment at the same time. The“work out”could involve such activities as practical conservation or gardening work. It’s a great way to get people’s heart and muscle working. And many agree that meeting other people and having a matter and a laugh is a big attraction of the scheme.

  Reading groups

  In the Reading Groups,Jenny Hartley suggested that there may be as many as 50,000 people in reading groups in the UK. They range from informal groups of friends or colleagues who meet in someone’s home or at the local pub,to discuss a book. If you want something a bit more structured,lots of libraries have reading groups and could have a broader group of members.


  The BBC recently conducted a survey called Going solo:single life in the 21st century. You can look at the overall results or search by area. It found that:

  *69% of people thought that the gym was a good place to meet new

  *Pubs or clubs were considered to be good meeting places by 58% of people in the UK

  *68% thought that work was a good place to meet people

  *72% thought that internet chat was not an ideal way to meet people

(  )56.“Green Gym”in Paragraph 3 refers to an activity in which you can________.

A.have night classes with like-minded people

B.do something good for the environment on your own

C.discuss a book with other members at a pub

D.benefit the environment while doing outdoor exercise

(  )57.Which of the following is a Green Gym activity?

A.Gardening work.         B.Chatting on the Internet.

C.A charity fashion show.    D.A dinner dance away from the treadmill.

(  )58.What’s the most popular place to meet new people outside of work?

A.Pubs or clubs.  B.The Internet.  C.The working place. D.The gym.




  The Village of Langshort is halfway along the old coach road from London to the South Coast. Young Henry Buckle was there when a car passed through the village for the first time, in the early 1900s. Later, as the owner of what had been his father's general store, he remembers selling ice-creams and soft drinks to families that passed through the village in cars and coaches on their way to the seaside.

  But the traffic did not only bring trade to the village, it also brought noise and danger. As the years passed, the peace of what had been a quiet country village was broken by roaring engines; Farmer Dodd's gates were left open by day-trippers enjoying a picnic in his field; and trees that had been familiar friends were cut down so that the road through the village could be made wider and safer.

  Safer, that is, for the cars and heavy lorries that thundered past within a few metres of Henry Buckle's general store. But it was not safer for Henry's son Gerald, and the other children of the village; and it was not safer for the old cottages that were shaken from their chimneys to their floors by every lorry that passed. Nor was it safer for Henry himself; as the old man moved, more slowly now, from his store to the pub and to the butcher's shop of his friend George Carter, just across the street.

  The street had been where the life of the village was lived, where games were played, work was done and long conversations were held. Now it cut the village in two, and brought not life but death. Henry was knocked down and killed one night by a passing car. A great character, part of old Langshort, had died.

  But Henry had not been buried long before his son Gerald, George Carter and others, had dressed as gasmen, and dug up the road, causing the traffic to follow another road right round the village, instead of through it.

  Right up Your Street is the story of men who, when they are pushed too far, act quickly to defend a way of life that most of us have let go for good.

  “Village life is described with a loving, and truthful pen” -- Morning Mail

  “A book that puts the car on trial” -- Evening Post

(1) As a result of the increasing amount of traffic ________

[  ]

A.the peace was broken, gates were left open and trees were cut down

B.trade grew, there was more life in the village and local people enjoyed themselves more

C.familiar friends died or left the village for somewhere quieter

D.the road became wider and safer for the village people

(2) The road was made wider so that ________.

[  ]

A.heavy lorries could thunder past within a few metres of Henry's store

B.children could play in the street more safely than they had done before

C.it would be safer for cars and heavy lorries to pass through the village

D.the traffic would not shake the old cottages beside the road

(3) Henry took longer to cross the road now, because ________.

[  ]

A.the road was wider and safer, but noisier

B.he had to cross the road by means of a foot-bridge

C.he had to go to the pub before visiting his friend

D.he was becoming quite an old man

(4) “The street had been where the life of the village was lived” means ________.

[  ]

A.everyone who lived in the village lived on one or other side of the street

B.most of what happened in the village happened in the street

C.everyone worked in shops at the sides of the street

D.it was the cars and lorries that made the village a lively place


Most of us spend our lives seeking the natural world. To this end, we walk the dog, play golf, go fishing, sit in the garden, drink outside rather than inside the pub, have a picnic, live in the suburbs, go to the seaside, buy a weekend place in the country. The most popular free time activity in Britain is going for a walk. And when joggers (慢跑者) jog, they don’t run the streets. Every one of them automatically heads to the park or the river. It is my firm belief that not only do we all need nature, but we all seek nature, whether we know we are doing so or not.
But despite this, our children are growing up nature-deprived (丧失). I spent my boyhood climbing trees. These days, children are robbed of these ancient freedoms, due to problems like crime, traffic, the loss of the open spaces and strange new ideas about what is best for children, that is to say, things that can be bought, rather than things that can be found.
The truth is to be found elsewhere. A study in the US: families had moved to better housing and the children were assessed for ADHD (多动症). Those whose housing had more natural views showed an improvement of 19%; those who had the same improvement in material surroundings but no nice view improved just 4%.
A study in Sweden indicated that kindergarten children who could play in a natural environment had less illness and greater physical ability than children used only to a normal playground. A US study suggested that when a school gave children access to a natural environment, the entire school would do better in studies.
Another study found that children play differently in a natural environment. In playgrounds, children create a hierarchy (等级) based on physical abilities, with the tough ones taking the lead. But when a grassy area was planted with bushes, the children got much more into fantasy play, and the social hierarchy was now based on imagination and creativity.
Most bullying (恃强凌弱) is found in schools where there is a tarmac (柏油碎石) playground; the least bullying is in a natural area that the children are encouraged to explore. This reminds me unpleasantly of Sunnyhill School, with its hard tarmac, where I used to hang about in corners dreaming about wildlife.
But children are frequently discouraged from involvement with natural spaces, for health and safety reasons, for fear that they might get dirty or that they might cause damage. So, instead, the damage is done to the children themselves: not to their bodies but to their souls.
One of the great problems of modern childhood is ADHD, now increasingly and expensively treated with drugs. Yet one study after another indicates that contact with nature gives huge benefits to ADHD children. However, we spend money on drugs rather than on green places.
The life of old people is much better when they have access to nature. The most important for the growing population of old people is in quality rather than quantity of years. And study after study finds that a garden is the single most important thing in finding that quality.
In wider and more difficult areas of life, there is evidence to indicate that natural surroundings improve all kinds of things. Even problems with crime and aggressive behaviour are reduced when there is contact with the natural world.
Dr William Bird, researcher from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, states in his study, “A natural environment can reduce violent behaviour because its process helps reduce anger and behavior that people might regret later.” Wild places need encouraging for this reason, no matter how small their contribution.
We tend to think human beings are doing nature some kind of favor when we are protecting nature. The error here is far too deep: not only do humans need nature for themselves, but the very idea that humanity and the natural world are separable things is damaging.
Human beings are a species of animals. For seven million years we lived on the planet as part of nature. So we miss the natural world and long for contact with non-human life. Anyone who has patted a dog, stroked a cat, sat under a tree with a glass of beer, given or received a bunch of flowers or chosen to walk through the park on a nice day, understands that.
We need the wild world. It is necessary to our well-being, our health, our happiness. Without other living things around us we are less than human.
【小题1】What is the author’s firm belief?

A.People seek nature in different ways.
B.People should spend most of their lives in the wild.
C.People have quite different ideas of nature.
D.People must make more efforts to study nature.
【小题2】What does the author say people prefer for their children nowadays?
A.Personal freedom.  B.Things that are natural.
C.Urban surroundings.  D.Things that are purchased.
【小题3】What does a study in Sweden show?
  A. The natural environment can help children learn better.
  B. More access to nature makes children less likely to fall ill.
  C. A good playground helps kids develop their physical abilities.
  D. Natural views can prevent children from developing ADHD.
【小题4】Children who have chances to explore natural areas ________.
A.tend to develop a strong love for science 
B.are more likely to dream about wildlife
C.tend to be physically tougher in adulthood 
D.are less likely to be involved in bullying
【小题5】What does the author suggest we do to help children with ADHD?
A.Find more effective drugs for them.  
B.Provide more green spaces for them.
C.Place them under more personal care.  
D.Engage them in more meaningful activities
【小题6】In what way do elderly people benefit from their contact with nature?
A.They look on life optimistically.  B.They enjoy a life of better quality.
C.They are able to live longer.D.They become good-humored


Most of us spend our lives seeking the natural world. To this end, we walk the dog, play golf, go fishing, sit in the garden, drink outside rather than inside the pub, have a picnic, live in the suburbs, go to the seaside, buy a weekend place in the country. The most popular free time activity in Britain is going for a walk. And when joggers (慢跑者) jog, they don’t run the streets. Every one of them automatically heads to the park or the river. It is my firm belief that not only do we all need nature, but we all seek nature, whether we know we are doing so or not.

But despite this, our children are growing up nature-deprived (丧失). I spent my boyhood climbing trees. These days, children are robbed of these ancient freedoms, due to problems like crime, traffic, the loss of the open spaces and strange new ideas about what is best for children, that is to say, things that can be bought, rather than things that can be found.

The truth is to be found elsewhere. A study in the US: families had moved to better housing and the children were assessed for ADHD (多动症). Those whose housing had more natural views showed an improvement of 19%; those who had the same improvement in material surroundings but no nice view improved just 4%.

A study in Sweden indicated that kindergarten children who could play in a natural environment had less illness and greater physical ability than children used only to a normal playground. A US study suggested that when a school gave children access to a natural environment, the entire school would do better in studies.

Another study found that children play differently in a natural environment. In playgrounds, children create a hierarchy (等级) based on physical abilities, with the tough ones taking the lead. But when a grassy area was planted with bushes, the children got much more into fantasy play, and the social hierarchy was now based on imagination and creativity.

Most bullying (恃强凌弱) is found in schools where there is a tarmac (柏油碎石) playground; the least bullying is in a natural area that the children are encouraged to explore. This reminds me unpleasantly of Sunnyhill School, with its hard tarmac, where I used to hang about in corners dreaming about wildlife.

But children are frequently discouraged from involvement with natural spaces, for health and safety reasons, for fear that they might get dirty or that they might cause damage. So, instead, the damage is done to the children themselves: not to their bodies but to their souls.

One of the great problems of modern childhood is ADHD, now increasingly and expensively treated with drugs. Yet one study after another indicates that contact with nature gives huge benefits to ADHD children. However, we spend money on drugs rather than on green places.

The life of old people is much better when they have access to nature. The most important for the growing population of old people is in quality rather than quantity of years. And study after study finds that a garden is the single most important thing in finding that quality.

In wider and more difficult areas of life, there is evidence to indicate that natural surroundings improve all kinds of things. Even problems with crime and aggressive behaviour are reduced when there is contact with the natural world.

Dr William Bird, researcher from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, states in his study, “A natural environment can reduce violent behaviour because its process helps reduce anger and behavior that people might regret later.” Wild places need encouraging for this reason, no matter how small their contribution.

We tend to think human beings are doing nature some kind of favor when we are protecting nature. The error here is far too deep: not only do humans need nature for themselves, but the very idea that humanity and the natural world are separable things is damaging.

Human beings are a species of animals. For seven million years we lived on the planet as part of nature. So we miss the natural world and long for contact with non-human life. Anyone who has patted a dog, stroked a cat, sat under a tree with a glass of beer, given or received a bunch of flowers or chosen to walk through the park on a nice day, understands that.

We need the wild world. It is necessary to our well-being, our health, our happiness. Without other living things around us we are less than human.

1.What is the author’s firm belief?

  A. People seek nature in different ways.

  B. People should spend most of their lives in the wild.

  C. People have quite different ideas of nature.

  D. People must make more efforts to study nature.

2.What does the author say people prefer for their children nowadays?

  A. Personal freedom.              B. Things that are natural.

  C. Urban surroundings.            D. Things that are purchased.

3.What does a study in Sweden show?

  A. The natural environment can help children learn better.

  B. More access to nature makes children less likely to fall ill.

  C. A good playground helps kids develop their physical abilities.

  D. Natural views can prevent children from developing ADHD.

4.Children who have chances to explore natural areas ________.

   A. tend to develop a strong love for science     

B. are more likely to dream about wildlife

   C. tend to be physically tougher in adulthood    

D. are less likely to be involved in bullying

5.What does the author suggest we do to help children with ADHD?

  A. Find more effective drugs for them.     

B. Provide more green spaces for them.

  C. Place them under more personal care.  

D. Engage them in more meaningful activities

6. In what way do elderly people benefit from their contact with nature?

  A. They look on life optimistically.      B. They enjoy a life of better quality.

C. They are able to live longer.            D. They become good-humored


