提示:by weight意为“论重量.以斤两计 .by the dozen意为“论打计 . 查看更多




  Mary:Jay, I know you and Adrian were two of the first foreigners who went to Lhasa by the famous Qinghai-Tibet Railway.

  Jay:Yeah, we were r  1   lucky, for there was a great d  2   for tickets and many people had missed out.

  Mary:So do tell me something about your trip!

  Jay:O  3   48-hour-long trip from Beijing to Lhasa was unforgettable t  4   it was long and a bit uncomfortable.The beautiful and breathtaking views of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau(高原)made u  5   for it.On the train people rushed to the windows to e  6   the scenery of snowy m  7  , blue lakes and fields of yaks(牦牛).We were very excited as the train was running p  8   the railway station on the Tanggula Mountain Pass of 5068 meters above sea level, the h  9   railway station in the world.

  Mary:I think the Qinghai-Tibet Railway b  10   much more opportunities for foreigners to see Tibet.I’d like to go there this summer.




My friend invited me to have a trip to the north of Canada


last week.We took our ________(行李)and started in the


morning.On the way to the station, we c________ about our trip.


“Going ________(向东), we will pass mountains and lakes,


as ________ as wide rivers and large cities.”He said excitedly.


A________ the train, we settled down in our seats.At noon,


when we crossed the Rocky Mountains, we ________ sight of


some goats and even a grizzly bear and an ________(鹰).The


next stop was Calgary, w________ is famous for the Calgary Stampede.


Then we were in Vancouver, s________ by mountains and the


Pacific Ocean.We were ________(惊喜)to see such great scenery!




I. 单词拼写。 根据汉语或首字母的提示写出单词,使句子完整与正确。1. C__________ (好奇心)can drive children to know more about the world around them.

2. People with good ____________(礼貌) will be welcome everywhere.  

3. Mr. Green a___________ to Mrs. Brown yesterday for destroying some flowers in her garden.

4. As they had been ____________(包围)by our army for a week, the enemy had no choice but to surrender (投降).

5. Millions of people in Africa are still s_________to death at present because of hunger.

6. Why should I say sorry when it’s not my f_________.

7. A new computer s__________(系统) was introduced into our school last year.

8. It was the first time that he had lived ___________(独立地).

9. It is o________ that foods, such as rice, sugar, butter, oils and so on can give us energy.

10. We ____________ (寻找) for somewhere to live but failed.


 When several different people look at the same person, it is not unusual for each of them to see different things; when you alone observe one behavior or one person at two different times, you may see different things. The following are but some of the factors that lead to these varying perceptions (感知,认知):

  (1)Each person’s perceptions of others are formed by his or her own cultural conditioning education, and personal experiences.

  (2) Sometimes perceptions differ because of what we choose to observe and how we deal with what we’ve observed. It is not necessarily true that person perception is based on observations of a particular person. Your observations may be totally controlled by what others have told you about this person; or you may focus (聚焦) primarily on the situation or role relationship. Most people do not use the same yardstick (标准) to measure their parents, their friends, and strangers.

  (3) Sometimes we see only what we want to see or don’t see what may be obvious to others because of out own needs, desires, or temporary emotional states. This is a process known as selective perception. Selective perception is obviously more difficult when contradictory (矛盾的) information is particularly obvious, but it can be done. We can ignore (忽视) the stimulus- “He’s basically a good boy so what I saw was not shoplifting. ”

  We can reduce the importance of the contradictory information- “All kids (孩子) get into mischief (顽皮) . Taking a book from the bookstore isn’t such a big deal. ” We can change the meaning of the contradictory information-”It wasn’t shoplifting because he was going to pay for it later.”…

1.The first factor given by the author that affects our perception is _____.

A.the abilities of one’s auditory (听) and visual (视) sensors

B.cultural background and personal experiences

C.experiences one learns from others

D.critical measures taken by other people

2.While observing a particular person, ______.

A.one is likely to take all aspects (方面) into consideration

B.one pays more attention to his/her advantages

C.children often differ from grown-ups in perception

D.one tends to choose certain cues (提示) to look for

3.Observation of the same person by two people at the same time may differ because ______.

A.their measuring yardsticks are not the same

B.either of them may be slow to catch information

C.the time for observation is not long enough

D.each of them uses different language to express his/her impressions

4.The word “stimulus ” in paragraph 4 refers to ______.

A.something attractive

B.selective perception

C.contradictory information







   M: I must say, I'm w___76___about this i___77__.                76      


  W: Why? You are the r___78___ person they are looking for.         78      

  M: I know, but I haven't had much e___79___.                     79      

  W: I don't think that m___80___. You are sure to get the job.          80      

  M: I r___81__ need it. And there's another thing.                    81      

I don't think I'm good at l____82___.                                82      

  W: But your German is really good. I was i___83___by the way        83      

you talked to those people we met on holiday last year.

  M: It's very nice of you to try to c___84__ me up, but I still            84      

don't think I'm going to get the job.

  W: Well, we’ll just have to wait and see, w___85___we?              85      


