The children are curious about who the world. A. made B. formed C. created D. produced 查看更多




  As American friend of mine who was high up in a big corporation had worked out a way of heading a good of e_mails before most of us bad, even heard of the concept.If any information he was sent was vital enough, his back of response would ensure the sender rang himup, if the sender wasn’t important enough to have his private numbers the communication couldn’t be that mportant, my friend is now even more semor in the same company so the strakegy must work.

  Most every week now there seems to be a ceport suggesting that we are all being driven crasy by the botter of e_mail.He this is the case, it’s only because we haven’t developed an appropriate in deating with it.

  ________ Fristry.You junk nothing with an exchmation mark on a string of capital letters, or from my adders, you don’t recognive on feel confideet about.

  Secondly, e_mail don’t and have to be answerd.Because e_mail is so easy, there’s a trardery for cmespordence to carry on for ever, but it is permissible to stop an endiess discussion or to accept a point of information sent by a colleague without acknowleadring it.

  Thirdly ,a reply e_mail thoughts have to be the same length as the original.We all have e_mail pals who read long, chatty e_mail, which are nice to receive, but who then expect an equally long reply.The chart of e_mail can consist in the single, inconuplete sentence, totally ,regardless of the of the bread of the letter meat by past.You are perfectly within the bounds of polyandrous in_responding to a marathon e_mail with a better reply.

1.Which reaearch in the passage to the ch to the lining once?

The possible success of insn’t bilits to sart e_mails

2.The Fill on the bland in Paragraph 8 with a popper in(withinwords)

3.What advices to pvven in the that paseasnd?(within 10 words)

4.For what peasseas ther Paragraph?(within words)

5.Fthe undetie in the last paragraph into Chinese.



  Before World War Ⅱ Chicago,Illinois,standing at the southern end of huge Lake Michigan,had the reputation(名声)of being one of the toughest,most lawless and corrupt(腐败的)cities in the world.It earned its ill reputation largely from those who sold strong during the days of 1919 to 1933,when a law forbade(禁止)Americans to make or sell strong wine in any form.

  Chicagoans have a great pride in their city.They say it is of great importance to the nation than New York.It is the center of American commerce(商业)and transportation.O'Hare Airport is the busiest airport in the world.44 million passengers pass through it every year,and there are 2000 take-offs and landings every day.

  Chicago is also a great inland port(港).It can send goods by oceangoing ships all the way to Europe via the Great Lakes and the Saint Lawrence Seaway.It can send goods by barge(驳船),through water way and canals,to the Mississippi and down it to the Gulf of Mexico.

1.Which of the following diagrams(图解)gives the correct relationship between Lake Michigan,Chicago and Illinois?

[  ]


L.M=Lake Michigan  Ch=Chicago  Ⅲ=Illinois

2.According to the passage,Chicago is more important than New York because ________.

[  ]

A.Chicagoans love their city more than others

B.Chicago is the center of America

C.Chicago is an inland port has O'Hare Airport

D.Chicago lies at the southern end of Lake Michigan

3.44 million passengers each year and 2 000 take-offs and landings prove that O'Hare Airport is ________.

[  ]

A.the only one in America

B.the biggest one in the world

C.the busiest one in the world

D.the most well-known one in the world

4.If we carry goods to Chicago from Mexico,we probably go through ________.

[  ]

A.the Gulf of Mexico-Mississippi-Canals-Waterway-Chicago

B.the Gulf Mexico-Mississippi-the Great Lakes-ChicagoC.Lake Michigan-the Saint Lawrence Seaway-the Gulf of Mexico

D.Waterway-Mississippi-the Gulf of Mexico



  There were smiling children all the way.Clearly they knew at what time the train passed their homes and they made it their business to stand along the railway, were to complete strangers and cheer them up as they rushed towards Penage.Often whole families stood outside their homes and waved and smiled as if those on the trains were their favorite relatives.This is the simple village people of Malaysia.I was moved.

  I had always traveled to Malaysia by plane or car, so this was the first time I was on a train.I did not particularlf relish the long train joumey and had brought along a dozen magazines to read and reread.I looked about the train.There was not one familiar I sighed and sat down to read my Economics

  It was not long before the train was across the Causeway and in Malaysia.Johore Baru was just another city like Singapore, so I was tired of looking at the crowds of people as they hurried past.As we went beyond the city, I watched the straight rows of rubber trees and miles and miles of green.Then the first village came into sight.Immediately I came alive, I decided to wave back.

  From then on my joumey became imeresting.I threw my magazine into the waste basket and decided to join in Malaysian life.Then everything came alive.The mountains seemed to speak to me.Even the trees were smiling.I stared t everything as if I was looking at it for the first time.

  The day passed fast and I even forgot to have my lunch until I felt hungry.I looked at my wat ch and was surprised that it was 3∶00 p. m.Soon the train pulled up at Butterworth I looked at the people all around me.They all looked beautiful.When my uncle arrive with, I threw my around him to give him a warm hug.I had never done this before.He seemed surprised and then his weather-beaten face warmed up with a huge smile.We walked arm in arm to his car.

  I looked forward to the return journey.


The author expected the train trip to be ________

[  ]










What did the author remember most fondly of her train trip?

[  ]


The friendly country people.


The mountains along the way.


The crowds of people in the streets.


The simple lunch served on the train.


Which of the following words can best take the place of the word“relish”in the second paragraph?

[  ]






prepare for


carry on


Where was the writer going?

[  ]


Johore Baru.


The Causeway.






What can we learn from the story?

[  ]


Comfort in traveling by train.


Pleasure of living in the country.


Reading gives people delight.


Smiles brighten people up.



  The Fourth“21st Century Cup”National English Speaking Competition is to be held in Shanghai.

  Organizers:China Daily and Shanghai Broadcasting Network

  Coordinator:China University English Speaking Association(CUESA)

  Ch-sponsors(联办单位):English Speaking Union(ESU),Lotus Software

  (China)Co.Ltd,Times Publishing Group of Singapore,Hilton Shanghai,

  Pearson Education,Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press.

  Date:March 26(Friday),1999.

  Place:Hilton Shanghai.

  Competition Format(形式):Each student will present a prepared speech on the given topic,followed by a three-minute off-hand speech and a three-minute question and answer period with the judges.

  Prepared speech period:six minutes Q & A period:three minutes Speech topic:People and Nature: In search of harmony(和谐)in a new age +your personal opinion.(Topics for the off-hand speech will be given on the day of competition.)

  Prizes:Besides books and certificates(证书),the top two winners will be offered scholarships(奖学金)to travel to the annual international English-speaking competition which will be held by the English Speaking Union in London in May,1999.The third and fourth place winners sill be offered a study trip to Singapore,sponsored by the Times Publishing Group.The fifth through 10th place winners will be offered cash prizes.All the competitors will receive certificates from the English Speaking Union and book prizes provided by Pearson Education and Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press.The teachers of the top winners will also receive a one-year membership to the International Association of

Teachers of English as a Foreign Language(IATEFL).

1.The main purpose of this passage is ________.

[  ] invite you to take part in the competition tell you some information of the competition help to improve your spoken English show you how to win the competition

2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the Shanghai English Speaking Competition?

[  ]

A.Where and when it will take place

B.Its program

C.What each winner will be offered

D.The number of its competitors

3.Suppose you get the sixth place,you'll ________.

[  ] to London for free

B.become a one-year member of IATEEL

C.get some money,some books and a certificate

D.get a chance to study in Singapore

4.An“off-hand speech” is ________.

[  ]

A.a speech not longer than three minutes

B.a speech without preparation

C.a speech with a piece of paper in hand

D.a speech which is well prepared


The Channel Islands are a group of British-owned islands lying in the English Channel, 10 to 30 miles off the French coast, and 70 to 90 miles from the English coast. There are ten islands with a total land area of 75 square miles and a total population of 123,000. The three largest islands, Jersey, Guernsey, and Alderney, have long been known for the fine breeds (品种) of cattle that are raised on them and named after them.

  In earliest known history the islands were considered part of Normandy, which was part of France, but the ruler of Normandy became king of England in 1066, and from then on the islands were looked upon as British land. English control was unbroken until World War II, when the Germans held the islands for five years.

  Although people on the islands speak both languages and they are considered English, their customs are more French than English.

1.Which of the following maps gives the right position of the Channel Islands?

  Br = Britain      Fr = France     Ch = Channel Islands


2.Jersey, Guernsey, and Alderney breeds of cattle are __________.

  A. considered best in England

  B. named after their birthplaces

  C. brought to the islands by the Germans

  D. raised on well-known farms by the French

3. The Channel Islands have been continuously under British rule since__________.

  A. earliest known history         B. 1066

  C. 1930s                      D. the end of World War II

4.Why do people on the Channel Islands follow French way of living?

  A. Their islands used to be part of France.

  B. Their islands are often visited by the French.

  C. They came from France.

D. They speak French.


