What’s your mother’s f color? 查看更多



(     )1. What does your sister do?    
(     )2. What color is it?        
(     )3. How do you spell your name, please?
(     )4. When is your mother's birthday?
(     )5. How are you?            
(     )6. Why do you like pandas?      
(     )7. Where is the post office?    
(     )8. Where are your friends from?  
(     )9. What does your brother want to be?
(     )10. How much is this shirt?    
A. Because they are cute.                  
B. Fine, thanks. And you?                  
C. She is a policewoman.              
D. Please turn right and you can find it.
E. They are from South Africa.            
F. It's on sale. Only 10 dollars.        
G. He wants to be an actor.                
H. It's red and white.                    
I. On October 7.                      
J. C-A-T-H-E-R-I-N-E, Catherine.          


(     ) 1. How is your mother?    
(     ) 2. Sit down, please.      
(     ) 3. What color is it?    
(     ) 4. What's this in English?
(     ) 5. Thanks a lot.          
(     ) 6. Is it a ruler?        
(     ) 7. Are you Li Ming?      
(     ) 8. What's your name?      
A. It's a jacket.  
B. You're welcome.  
C. My name is Alice.
D. Yes, it is.      
E. She's fine.      
F. Yes, I am.      
G. Thank you.      
H. It's orange.    



( ) 1. How are your mother?
( ) 2. Whose shirt is this?
( ) 3. Your shoes are very nice.
( ) 4. What're these?
( ) 5. How old are you?
( ) 6. What color is the skirt?
( ) 7. Thank you!
( ) 8. Is she from Japan?

A. They are apples.
B. Fourteen.
C. She is fine, thanks.
D. That's OK.
E. No, she isn't.
F. It's Tom's.
G. It's orange.
H. Thank you.


从II 栏中找出 I 栏的相应答语把编号写在前面的括号中。 10%         

I                                                                                              II

1.What’s your name?

2.Is this your cousin?

3.What’s the weather like today?

4.How old is your friend Tom?

5.What color are your shoes?

6.Is there a sports hall at your school?

7.Has she got any beef at home?

8.What’s on the classroom wall?

9.Are Linda and Betty your friends?

10.What’s your mother?   A. Yes, they are.

B. Cold.

C. Yes, there is.

D. Tony.

E. Black.

F. No, she hasn’t.

G. A nurse.

H. A map.

I. Yes, it is.

J. Fourteen.



(     )1. How are you?                  
(     )2. Good morning!                 
(     )3. Do you have a ball?           
(     )4. What’s her name?             
(     )5. What color are the pens?      
(     )6. Nice to meet you!             
(     )7. Is this a green pen?          
(     )8. What’s this in English?      
(     )9. Where’s the pen?             
(     )10. Does your mother watch TV?   
A. No, she doesn’t.         
B. Fine, thanks.             
C. It’s a pen.             
D. It’s Amy.                 
E. Nice to meet you!                                                               
F. Good morning!              
G. Yes, I do.                
H. Yes, it is.           
I. They’re green.            
J. It’s in the bag.   

