Today is Jane’s birthday. 查看更多



1. When did the match start this week?
A. 11:45.
B. 12:15.
C. 2:00.
2. What did Jane buy today?
A. A coat.
B. A skirt.
C. A pair of boots.
3. How much should the man pay if he buys two shirts?
A. Ten dollars.
B. Twelve dollars.
C. Six dollars.
4. Where is the theatre?
A. Next to a bank.
B. Next to a supermarket.
C. Next to a school.
5. What is the man looking for?
A. His shoes.
B. His trousers.
C. His sweater.
6. What gift is the man going to buy for his mother's birthday?
A. A round box.
B. Some flowers.
C. A box of chocolates.
7. What is Susan going to do this afternoon?
A. She is going to watch TV at home.
B. She is going to do some shopping.
C. She is going to learn English.
8. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
A. Teacher and student.
B. Classmates.
C. Mother and son.

