desire n. / vt. 心愿.期望 查看更多



On a cold winter day, I waited in line to see my hero, Jack Canfield, the author of The Success Principles, who was going to deliver a speech on his new book.

During his talk, Jack   41   his wallet, pulled out a hundred-dollar bill, and said, ‘‘Who wants this?”   42   shot up in the audience; people leaned forward to see whom Jack would   43  . But I jumped up, ran up the   44   to the stage, and grabbed the bill. As I was launching myself in the air,   45  raced through my mind — was I about to be humiliated(羞辱) in front of 800 people? Would they   46   security guards and take me from the stage?    47   my desire for bold (大胆的)action was louder than any   48  voice. As I got the bill from his hand, he said, “That’s it! We can’t wait for the   49   to come to us. We must take    50    to create what we want!’’

After his talk, I   51   to formally meet Jack and boldly asked for his personal e-mail address. Over the next months, I sent him emails   52   my points of view and dreams with him. He kindly e-mailed back lots of encouragement. But my life got busy   53  other things. I stopped e-mailing Jack.

A year later, my dreams had worn away. I thought Jack would inspire me into action, like a giant arrow that would show me the way.

I e-mailed him, and then again — but got no   54  . As I sat down at my computer to 55   my e-mails, I  56   woke up. What was I doing? I was waiting! Now I remembered the crowd, most likely   57   that hundred-dollar bill, while they sat glued to their chairs.

Usually we all have a “Jack” for whom we wait — whether it’s a person, a place or a thing. We   58   believe the gifts of life are just around the corner, and that everything will come in a(n)   59   way. So we don’t try. We  60  . But as Wayne Gretzky said,“You’ll always miss 100% of the opportunities you don’t take!” So I stopped waiting and started my writing career.

Now what are you waiting for?

1.A. brought in                    B. reached for                     C. took over                         D. handed in

2.A. Cheers                                   B. Shouts                              C. Heads                     D. Hands

3.A. offer                              B. trust                                  C. like                                   D. choose

4.A. path                               B. road                                  C. steps                                 D. route

5.A. thoughts                       B. opinions                           C. ideas                      D. plans

6.A. ask                                 B. call                                    C. demand                            D. order

7.A. And                               B. So                             C. But                                    D. Or

8.A. noisy                             B. doubtful                           C. meaningful                      D. helpful

9.A. opportunities                  B. consequences                  C. results                              D. aims

10.A. step                         B. measure                           C. way                       D. action

11.A. expected                            B. tried                                  C. permitted                        D. managed

12.A. stating                       B. describing                        C. presenting                       D. sharing

13.A. with                             B. in                                  C. about                                 D. over

14.A. news                                    B. message                           C. response                          D. reaction

15.A. check                                   B. examine                           C. inspect                             D. review

16.A. gradually                    B. suddenly                          C. immediately           D. slowly

17.A. desiring                               B. claiming                            C. begging                            D. dreaming

18.A. particularly                         B. honestly                           C. falsely                               D. correctly

19.A. difficult                B. impressive                C. early                         D. natural

20.A. give up                                B. put up                         C. take up                     D. set up



On a cold winter day, I waited in line to see my hero, Jack Canfield, the author of The Success Principles, who was going to deliver a speech on his new book.
During his talk, Jack   36  his wallet, pulled out a hundred-dollar bill, and said, ‘‘Who wants this?”   37  shot up in the audience; people leaned forward to see whom Jack would  38 . But I jumped up, ran up the   39  to the stage, and grabbed the bill. As I was launching myself in the air,   40 raced through my mind — was I about to be humiliated(羞辱) in front of 800 people? Would they   41  security guards and take me from the stage?   42  my desire for bold (大胆的)action was louder than any   43 voice. As I got the bill from his hand, he said, “That’s it! We can’t wait for the   44  to come to us. We must take    45   to create what we want!’’
After his talk, I   46  to formally meet Jack and boldly asked for his personal e-mail address. Over the next months, I sent him emails   47  my points of view and dreams with him. He kindly e-mailed back lots of encouragement. But my life got busy   48 other things. I stopped e-mailing Jack.
A year later, my dreams had worn away. I thought Jack would inspire me into action, like a giant arrow that would show me the way.
I e-mailed him, and then again — but got no   49  . As I sat down at my computer to 50  my e-mails, I  51  woke up. What was I doing? I was waiting! Now I remembered the crowd, most likely   52  that hundred-dollar bill, while they sat glued to their chairs.
Usually we all have a “Jack” for whom we wait — whether it’s a person, a place or a thing. We   53  believe the gifts of life are just around the corner, and that everything will come in a(n)   54  way. So we don’t try. We  55 . But as Wayne Gretzky said,“You’ll always miss 100% of the opportunities you don’t take!” So I stopped waiting and started my writing career.
Now what are you waiting for?

A.brought inB.reached forC.took overD.handed in
A.CheersB.ShoutsC.Heads D.Hands
【小题3】 D.choose
A.expected B.triedC.permittedD.managed
A.give upB.put upC.take upD.set up



My mother only had one eye . During elementary school , there was a time  36  my poor mom came to my classroom . She was such a(n)  37  that I threw her a hateful look and ran out . soon word  38  that I had a one-eye mother . Everybody  39  me . So I told myself that I would grow up and become  40  , because I hated my mom and our desperate  41  . Then I studied really hard and later became a powerful businessman . I was living happily in Seoul when my mother  42  came to see me . I felt  43  the whole sky was falling apart on me . My little daughter ran away ,  44  of my mom’s eye . I asked my mother coldly , “ Who are you ? I don’t know you !” as if she were a(n)  45  . My mother quietly answered , “ Oh , I’m sorry . I may have got the wrong  46  ,” and disappeared . Thank God ! She didn’t recognize me . I was quite  47  .

One day , a letter  48  a school reunion came to my office . I decided to take part . After the reunion , I  49  to my old home , only to find my mother falling on the cold ground with a  50  in her hand , which read :

My son ,

I think my life has been enough now . I won’t visit Seoul anymore , but would it be too much if I wanted you to visit me once in a while ? I  51  you so much . And I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion . But I decided not to go to the school . I’m  52  that I was an embarrassment for you . You see , when you were very small , you got a(n)  53  , and lost your eye . As a mother , I couldn’t  54  watching you grow up with only one eye , so I gave you mine . I was so proud of my son seeing a new world for me , in my place , with that eye . You mean the world to me .

My world shattered(崩裂). Then I cried for the person who  55  for me—my mother .

36    A   when               B.     which             C.               whose                   D     as

37    A   achievement     B.     experience      C.         encouragement  Dembarrassment

38    A   showed off       B.     moved about   C.               got around             D     turned over

39    A   turned to          B.     laughed at       C.               contributed to        D     cared for

40    A   generous          B.     devoted          C.               successful              D     lucky

41    A   poverty            B.     illness            C.               desire                    D     hunger

42 A       unfortunately    B.     Unnecessariy   C.        unlikely         Dunexpectedly

43    A   even though      B.     as if               C.             in case                   D     if only

44    A   afraid               B.     proud             C.               sure                      D     full

45    A   owner              B.     beggar            C.               relative                  D     friend

46    A   number            B.     way               C.               direction                D     address

47    A   depressed         B.     worried          C.               relaxed                  D     puzzled

48    A   including          B.     considering     C.               concluding             D     regarding

49    A   returned           B.     responded       C.               replied                  D     recovered

50    A   book                B.     photo             C.               newspaper             D     letter

51    A   hate                 B.     miss               C.               like                       D     envy

52    A   glad                 B.     delighted        C.               sorry                     D     excited

53    A   incident            B.     experience      C.               affair                    D     accident

54    A   stand                B.     help               C.               appreciate              D     understand

55    A   learned             B.     cried              C.               fell                       D     lived



 Last weekend  I was out walking with my dog. She loves wandering around and seeing           we meet, so it becomes a social walk rather than an exercise.

    Then we      0ur neighbour who was preparing to sell her house.  She was busy getting ready for her open house(看房时间)that afternoon . After talking a little we went our separate ways .I could tell it was a(n)       day for her.

    After I got home, I quickly      some of the wonderful  lavender(薰衣草) in my garden

Wonderful! They smelled good and  the purple             were so pretty. I wrapped some packing paper around the bunch and           it to my neighbor for her open house. I loved her expression           she saw me there with a bunch of lavender!  It             made me happy. It made her stop and take a deep       and maybe reduced her stress for a second

The next day I had a note in my mailbox from my neighbor thanking me for my         . She said everybody commented on how wonderful her house smelled She said the       0f kindness I showed helped           some of the stress she was feeling. Her note was like a big hug to me.

    Never        that it's the gift from the heart that is the most        .I think sometimes we hesitate(犹豫) to do the         acts of kindness because we may think  they aren't anything but actually they are probably the  best gift

1.A. dogs          B. people         C. scenes               D. food

2.A. came across   B. came up       C.   came to           D.   came into

3.A.  exciting     B. natural         C.  active              D.  difficult

4.A. bought       B. cut              C. raised               D. buried

5.A. leaves         B. grass            C. flowers              D. roots

6.A. took          B. posted           C. placed              D. moved

7.A. because       B. when            C. until                D. if

8.A. hardly        B. probably         C. merely             D. completely

9.A. breath .        B. sigh            C. look                D. step

10.A. idea          B. kindness         C. activity              D. matter

11.A. form          B. desire          C. act                  D. service

12.A. Lose          B. realize          C. warn                D. remove

13.A. forget          B. consider        C. change              D. mention

14.A. honest         B. friendly        C. valuable             D. expensive

15.A. total           B. true            C. easy               D. simple




I had a friend who visited me from out of town and I wanted to show him the CN Tower. It was one of the tallest structures on the earth. So I thought it would offer a(n)   36  sight.

We were standing in line for 45minutes to enjoy the    37   up to the watch point. When we got there, we went around the   38     of the tower and saw the hard wire fence  39     to the structure serving as a barrier. We went back inside to look for the glass floor that provided a direct view   40     . As soon as both of us  41     , we stopped before walking onto it. We found that our legs began to   42  . I stopped for a minute considering the step, taking several seconds to   43     the edge before moving.

And then I had a thought in my mind:“It is far   44     compared to any other floor in this building. There is no real danger to me — it’s    45   an illusion. Look at all the people standing on it, and think about those who have stood on it before.”I began to  46     that step onto the glass floor. I didn’t look down —  47    not for a few minutes.

I walked on the    48   and looked around and thought about how  49   the experience was. I even found myself jumping up and down. There was no  50   , and it was certainly an illusion.

I considered how many things in our lives we  51    and exactly how many of them are actually illusions. I thought about all the things we   52    ourselves from doing because we have  53   ourselves into thinking there’s risk. I thought about all the things that I still have yet to do that appeared  54   . I was glad to discover that although fear isn’t a stranger to me, my desire to live a life without    55   has a much stronger pull.

1.                A.expressive      B.impressive      C.frightening    D.beneficial


2.                A.bus            B.ladder  D.elevator


3.                A.outside     D.surface


4.                A.connected      B.surrounded      C.referred  D.combined


5.                A.around         B.up             C.down D.out


6.                A.understood     B.approached     C.talked    D.returned


7.                A.wave          B.move          C.tremble  D.wander


8.                A.look over       B.think over       C.look up   D.think up


9.                A.tighter         B.taller           C.weaker   D.stronger


10.               A.happily         B.simply          C.greatly    D.relatively


11.               A.take           B.choose         C.decide    D.pick


12.      most least last best


13.               A.fence          B.floor           C.edge D.tower


14.               A.grateful        B.useful          C.wonderful D.helpful


15.               A.death          B.warn           C.trouble    D.danger


16.               A.handle         B.ignore         C.fear  D.hide


17.               A.block          B.protect  D.separate


18.               A.forced         B.advised         C.entered   D.led


19.               A.amazing        B.worrying        C.exciting   D.interesting


20.               A.cost           B.doubt          C.regret D.waste



