M: you got in touch with Mr.Smith? W:Through a friend of mine. A:It was how that B:How was it C:How was it that D:Was it how that 命题意图:考查强调句型转换为特殊疑问句.属于四星级题目. 知识依托:“It is/was +强调部分+that+其余部分 强调句型结构. 错解分析:很多同学没有搞清楚题意.看不懂.其实首先句子应是一个强调句.然后对句子进行提问. 解题方法与技巧:先把句子还原为肯定句:It was t hrough a friend of mine that I got in touch with Mr Smith.然后对划线部分提问.即是:How was it that you got in touch with Mr Smith? 答案:C 查看更多



It took courage to stand up at work. Now more and more people like to have a change and stand up when they are on something important. Standing up is popular. Medical researchers have found that people who stand at work tend to be much healthier than those who sit.
In the last few years, many office supply companies have begun to sell the adjustable- height desk. These so- called “ sit/ stand” models are equipped with an electric motor that lets them shift from chair height to person height at the push of a button. Unfortunately, they’re regarded as specially furniture. Sit/ stand desks tend to be expensive, hard to find and not easy to test it in person.
When you worked standing up, your mind was more excited and new ideas kept coming out. This is because when you’re standing, you feel a bit unchained from your desk. If you got stuck on a word or sentence as you wrote, you found yourself shaking your arms, bouncing on your feet or stepping away from the desk for a bit------ things you couldn’t do in a chair. Often, standing up seemed to relax your mind enough for you to get over creative barriers.
There’s one other thing about standing for a long time;  you tended to get hungrier than you do when you sit on a chair. That felt like confirmation of the stand-up advocates’ belief that you burn more calories when you stand than when you sit. For this reason alone, I’m hoping that sit/ stand desks one day hit the mainstream, with mass- market furniture companies making many low- priced versions. We could all do with a bit more standing up.
【小题1】We can learn that the adjustable- height desk is_______.

A.easy to findB.easy to test
C.relatively cheapD.smart in operation
【小题2】According to para.3, standing up while working ______.
A.tends to make us much healthier
B.get us distracted from the work at hand
C.can make us relaxed and be creative
D.make us move about and unfocused
【小题3】The underlined word “ unchained” in para.3 means “_______”



M:Hi.Jenny.Nice to meet you here! Have you got everything ready for Christmas?

W:1..What about you, Mike?

M:2..By the way,have you read this news in the newspaper? Two men broke into a store near here last night and took more than $4,500 in cash.

W:3..Two young men held up my husband on the street last week in the middle of the afternoon.

M:Really? 4..Where did that take place?  

W:5..Right in front of the cinema.

         A.I’m sorry to hear that

         B.No.I came here to get some meat and fruit

         C.Only a block from here

         D.I think I can get everything ready today

         E.How much did it cost you?

         F.That’s nothing

G.Good luck to you




My mother only had one eye . During elementary school , there was a time  36  my poor mom came to my classroom . She was such a(n)  37  that I threw her a hateful look and ran out . soon word  38  that I had a one-eye mother . Everybody  39  me . So I told myself that I would grow up and become  40  , because I hated my mom and our desperate  41  . Then I studied really hard and later became a powerful businessman . I was living happily in Seoul when my mother  42  came to see me . I felt  43  the whole sky was falling apart on me . My little daughter ran away ,  44  of my mom’s eye . I asked my mother coldly , “ Who are you ? I don’t know you !” as if she were a(n)  45  . My mother quietly answered , “ Oh , I’m sorry . I may have got the wrong  46  ,” and disappeared . Thank God ! She didn’t recognize me . I was quite  47  .

One day , a letter  48  a school reunion came to my office . I decided to take part . After the reunion , I  49  to my old home , only to find my mother falling on the cold ground with a  50  in her hand , which read :

My son ,

I think my life has been enough now . I won’t visit Seoul anymore , but would it be too much if I wanted you to visit me once in a while ? I  51  you so much . And I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion . But I decided not to go to the school . I’m  52  that I was an embarrassment for you . You see , when you were very small , you got a(n)  53  , and lost your eye . As a mother , I couldn’t  54  watching you grow up with only one eye , so I gave you mine . I was so proud of my son seeing a new world for me , in my place , with that eye . You mean the world to me .

My world shattered(崩裂). Then I cried for the person who  55  for me—my mother .

36    A   when               B.     which             C.               whose                   D     as

37    A   achievement     B.     experience      C.         encouragement  Dembarrassment

38    A   showed off       B.     moved about   C.               got around             D     turned over

39    A   turned to          B.     laughed at       C.               contributed to        D     cared for

40    A   generous          B.     devoted          C.               successful              D     lucky

41    A   poverty            B.     illness            C.               desire                    D     hunger

42 A       unfortunately    B.     Unnecessariy   C.        unlikely         Dunexpectedly

43    A   even though      B.     as if               C.             in case                   D     if only

44    A   afraid               B.     proud             C.               sure                      D     full

45    A   owner              B.     beggar            C.               relative                  D     friend

46    A   number            B.     way               C.               direction                D     address

47    A   depressed         B.     worried          C.               relaxed                  D     puzzled

48    A   including          B.     considering     C.               concluding             D     regarding

49    A   returned           B.     responded       C.               replied                  D     recovered

50    A   book                B.     photo             C.               newspaper             D     letter

51    A   hate                 B.     miss               C.               like                       D     envy

52    A   glad                 B.     delighted        C.               sorry                     D     excited

53    A   incident            B.     experience      C.               affair                    D     accident

54    A   stand                B.     help               C.               appreciate              D     understand

55    A   learned             B.     cried              C.               fell                       D     lived



Piercings(穿洞)have moved up on the trend list in recent Tattoos(纹身)and body years. Around Western schools lots of teens are sporting new holes and flesh ink. Like all other subjects, we’ll surely be faced with such situation. To get a better view of what has happened in the West, let’s sit down and hear what they say.
Kerstin Otto from Washington:
The hotter it gets and the more layers of clothing disappear, the more tattoos and piercings appear on various places of the human body, I wouldn’t be caught dead with a snake tattooed on my ankle or with a piece of metal stuck in my belly button.
Tiara from Indiana:
I personally think body piercing is sickening. If there were supposed to be holes in your body, you would have been born with them. I do, however, think that ear piercing, is not wrong.  There is a difference between ear piercing and belly button piercing. Ear piercing is not nearly as dangerous. I would be sick if someone stuck a needle in my belly button.
Lee from Illinois:
Hi! I live in Illinois. I am 23. I have 12 tattoos and three piercings. I love my tattoos
and consider myself an art collector. You would be surprised at who has given me the thumbs-up on my art work. People on the street stop me to look at that on my leg. Most of them don’t know what it is. They just think the work itself is great.
Nagib from Washington:
I wanted an earring. My friends had them and it looked like a cool thing. I wanted to get a nose ring, but my mum wouldn’t let me. Now I’m glad I didn’t get it. I just wanted a little stud, but I wouldn’t have looked good with it.
Jackson from Ohio:
I don’t think it’s wrong, but when people do it all over the place like their face and everything —I think that’s ridiculous. People who get the big dragons that cover your whole body—I don’t think that’s necessary. When I see naked chicks on guys, I think. “You have no respect for women.”
Brittney from New York:
You don’t want to do stuff to your body. You don t need to do that because you were made perfect. You don’t need to add piercings. If it will make you feel beautiful and you really feel like you need to do it for yourself, then okay. If it really makes a big difference impacting your self-esteem and how you are towards others, then do it. But otherwise, don’t mess with what you got. Maybe you should try something more substantial(充实的)to find beauty in yourself.
60. Who is wholeheartedly lost in tattoos and piercing?
A. Tiara           B. Kerstin           C. Nagib.           D. Lee.
61. Who doesn’t think tattoos and piercing are beautiful?
A. Jackson.          B. Brittney.           C. Tiara.           D. Nagib.
62. We can conclude that ________.
A. tattoos and piercing are a new kind of elegant art
B. all the teachers in the West are in favor of tattoos and piercing
C. everything is changeable with time going on
D. it is necessary to live with all different views of beauty
63. The best title for this passage is probably _________.
A. Body Art or Damage                    B. Damage to the Youth’s Body
C. Young People’s Different Curiosities       D. A Great Anxiety About Young People


-----Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday?

   ----- Yes, _______, I’m going to visit some homes for the old in the city.

A. If ever     B. If busy      C. If anything      D. If possible

