A. use B. origin C. expression D. meaning 查看更多




  Many people take it for granted that black is a color of bad things while white should always mean something good.This may be because, in their opinion, black is related to darkness and white to purity.However, that is not always the case.Did you know that the same colour may mean differently in different places of the world?

  In the English-speaking world, black is the colour of mourning.People wear black clothes at the funeral.Red is concerned with danger or bloodshed(流血).Yellow is the word for fear.If you are afraid, you are yellow.Yet none of these sayings is true outside the English-speaking world.In China and Korea white is the colour of mourning.In Russia, China and some other countries, red stands for beauty, life and excellence.In Italy and Germany, you are yellow with anger, not with fear.

  Even within the English-speaking area it is not difficult to find colour contradictions.A redcap in the United States is a porter in a railway station.In Britain, however, a redcap is a military policeman.Both names are logical because both men wear red caps.Similarly, the British term for an American white collar worker is sometimes called a black-coated worker.

  One does not have to cross an area to find colour differences.Would you rather be red-blooded? If we go back to the origin, we find that both terms are logical as both names suggest.The expression "blueblood" comes from Spain, where some noble families proudly said that they had "blue blood".But then why "blue" blood? Because they were fairskinned, and it is only natural that their blood vessels(血管)stood out appearing blue.


Yellow is concerned with anger in.

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The two meanings of the term "redcap" form a difference in.

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logical relationship






Both Britain and America would probably agree that.

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a black-coated worker is employed in an office


black is the color of mourning


red stands for beauty and excellence


a redcap is a porter in a station


The best title for this passage is

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The Development of the Symbolic use of Colors


The Meaning Concerned With Certain Colors


Colors that Carry Bad Meanings


The Origin of Blue Blood.


When some Spanish called themselves “blueblood”, they actually meant _________.

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they came from a noble family


their faces looked blue


they had blue blood in their vessels


they were fairskinned



  “Indeed, ” George Washington wrote in his diary in 1785, “some kind of fly, or bug, had begun to eat the leaves before I left home.” But the father of America was not the father of bug.When Washington wrote that, Englishmen hade been referring to insects as bugs for more than a century, and Americans had already created lightning-bug(萤火虫).But the English were soon to stop using the bugs in their language, leaving it to the Americans to call a bug a bug in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

  The American bug could also be a person, referring to someone who was crazy about a particular activity.Although fan became the usual term, sports fans used to be called racing bugs, baseball bugs, and the like.

  Or the bug could be a small machine or object, for example, a bug-shaped car.The bug could also be a burglar alarm, from which comes the expression to bug, that is, “to install(安装)an alarm”.Now it means a small piece of equipment that people use for listening secretly to others’ conversation.Since the 1840s, to bug has long meant “to cheat”, and since the 1940s it has been annoying.

  We also know the bug as a flaw in a computer program or other design.That meaning dates back to the time of Thomas Edison.In 1878 he explained bugs as “little problems and difficulties” that required months of study and labor to overcome in developing a successful product.In 1889 it was recorded that Edison “had been up the two previous nights discovering ‘a bug’ in his invented record player.”


We learn from Paragraph 1 that ________.

[  ]


Americans had difficulty in learning to use the word bug


George Washington was the first person to call an insect a bug


the word bug was still popularly used in English in the nineteenth century


both Englishman and Americans used the word bug in the eighteenth century


What does the word “flaw” in the last paragraph probably mean?

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The passage is mainly concerned with ________.

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the misunderstanding of the word bug


the development of the word bug


the public views of the word bug


the special characteristics of the word bug


People say time is relative.But relative to what.I do know that sometimes time“seems”to be moving slower.Remember Christmas Eve when you were a child? It was the longest night of the year.It lasted forever! And now it seems like I just paid my bill yesterday...and it’s due again!  

 People tell me all too frequently…I need more time! Oh ,really?…Mother Teresa,

Michelangelo,and Helen Keller all had 24 hours a day.Look what they did with their time!

 Is it that we need to manage our time better…or our priorities(重点)?You’ve heard the expression“first things first.”The first step in understanding the power of time is to understand that it is limited.Why is it then that some people get a lot more done? We know the answer.They use their time smartly.   

One day an expert on time management was speaking to a group of students and announced a quiz.He pulls out a wide-mouthed jar.Next,he places about a dozen fist-sized rocks,one at a time , into the jat, until no more will fit.“Is it full?”he asks.”Yes,”responds the class.”Oh really?”he asks.So he takes out a bucket of gravel(砂砾)。which he manages to work down into the spaces between the larger rocks.“Is it full now?”he asks.

Wising up,one answered,‘'Probably not.”Sure enough。he takes out a bucket of sand,which he pours into the empty spaces.”Is it full now?”he asks.”N0 1”reply the students confidently.So he takes a glass of water and fills it in.Then he asks,“What is my point?’’

One said,‘'No matter how full your schedule is,if you try really hard,you can always fit some more things into it!”

“No,”the speaker replied,“It tells us if you don’t put the big rocks in first, you’ll never get  them in at all.’’

What are the big rocks? The things you should put in to your jar first.

 The rich don’t get 25 hours and the poor don’t get 23…we all get the same.Let’s use them wisely! Invest your time wisely!

61.The text is written mainly            

A.to explain the origin of the expression“first things first”

B.to call on us to use our time in a smart manner   

C.to introduce a meaningful class given by an expert

D.to tell us about the relativity and the power of time

62.What do“the big rocks”in this passage refer to?

A.Difficult points.  B.Advantages          C.Minor things           D.Focuses

63.The underlined phrase“Wising up”in the passage is closest in meaning to“      ”.

A.Becoming aware                                        B.Telling the truth   

C.Rising to his feet                                        D.Raising her hand

64.How is the passage mainly developed?

A.By inferring.                                         B.By comparing.

C.By listing examples.                                  D.By giving facts.

65.What does the point of the quiz lie in?

A.How to put more things into ajar.

B.How well the students learn the lesson.

C.How.to get more done in limited time

D.The skill and order is very important.


完形填空(2)     阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从11~20各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。

“Long time no see” is a very interesting sentence. When I first read this sentence from an American friend’s email, I laughed. I thought it was a perfect            11           of Chinglish. Obviously, it is a word-by-word literal(照字面意思的) translation of the Chinese greeting with a ruined English grammar and structure! Later on, my friend told me that it is a standard American   12           . I was too amazed to believe her. Her words could not convince me   13           . So I did a search on www.google.com. To my surprise, there are over 60 thousand web pages         14           “long time no see”. This sentence has been   15          used in emails, letters, newspapers, movies, books, or any other possible place. Though it is sort of informal, it is part of the language that Americans use daily.  16         , if you type this phrase in Microsoft Word, the software will tell you that the grammar needs to be corrected.

  Nobody knows the   17          of this Chinglish sentence. Some people believe that it came from Charlie Chan’s movies. In the 1930s, Hollywood moviemakers successfully   18         a world wide famous Chinese detective named “Charlie Chan” on wide screens. Detective Chan liked to teach Americans some Chinese wisdom by quoting(引用) Confucius(孔子). “Long time no see” was his trademark. Soon after Charlie Chan, “Long time no see” became a popular phrase in the real world thanks to the popularity of these movies.

Some scholars compare America to a huge pot of stew(大熔炉). All kinds of culture are mixed in the stew together, and they   19          the color and taste of each other. American Chinese, though a minority ethnic(少数民族的) group in the United States, is also influenced some changes to the stew! Language is usually the first thing to be   20          in the mixed stew. 

11.A. word                          B. sign                         C. example                   D. change

12.A. custom                B. greeting                   C. habit                        D. proverb

13.A. almost                B. in all                        C. at all                        D. after all

14.A. publishing                  B. printing                    C. containing         D. expressing

15.A. seldom                B. hardly               C. widely                     D. deeply

16.A.Unfortunately              B. Luckily                    C. Suddenly                  D. However 

17.A. use                      B meaning                    C .expression         D. origin

18.A. did                      B. published                 C. created                     D. discovered

19. A. improve                     B. change                     C. lower                       D. promote

20.A. mentioned                  B. used                         C. considered         D. influenced





“Long time no see” is a very interesting sentence. When I first read this sentence from an American friend’s email, I laughed. I thought it was a perfect 21       of Chinglish. Obviously, it is a word-by-word literal(照字面意思的) translation of the Chinese greeting with a ruined English grammar and structure! Later on, my friend told me that it is a standard American 22         . I was too amazed to believe her. Her words could not convince me 23          . So I did a search on www.google.com. To my surprise, there are over 60 thousand web pages 24        “long time no see”. This sentence has been 25          used in emails, letters, newspapers, movies, books, or any other possible place. Though it is sort of informal, it is part of the language that Americans use daily.  26         , if you type this phrase in Microsoft Word, the software will tell you that the grammar needs to be corrected.

  Nobody knows the 27         of this Chinglish sentence. Some people believe that it came from Charlie Chan’s movies. In the 1930s, Hollywood moviemakers successfully 28         a world wide famous Chinese detective named “Charlie Chan” on wide screens. Detective Chan liked to teach Americans some Chinese wisdom by quoting(引用) Confucius(孔子). “Long time no see” was his trademark. Soon after Charlie Chan, “Long time no see” became a popular phrase in the real world thanks to the popularity of these movies.

Some scholars compare America to a huge pot of stew(大熔炉). All kinds of culture are mixed in the stew together, and they 29          the color and taste of each other. American Chinese, though a minority ethnic(少数民族的) group in the United States, is also influenced some changes to the stew! Language is usually the first thing to be 30          in the mixed stew. 

21.   A. word           B. sign      C. example       D. change

22.   A. custom         B. greeting   C. habit           D. proverb

23.   A. almost        B. in all      C. at all          D. after all

24.   A. publishing     B. printing   C. containing           D. expressing

25.   A. seldom        B. hardly    C. widely         D. deeply

26.   A.Unfortunately   B. Luckily   C. Suddenly       D. However 

27.   A. use           B meaning   C .expression      D. origin

28.   A. did           B. published  C. created        D. discovered

29.   A. improve        B. change    C. lower         D. promote

30.   A. mentioned     B. used      C. considered      D. influenced 


