1013] The teacher praised him for he had . [译文] 因为他取得的成绩.老师表扬了他. A. the progresses; made B. a progress; made C. the progress; made D. the progress; taken [答案及简析] C. progress 是不可数名词. 查看更多




  It was a day to celebrate if your family had put most of its money in a bank.You will get more money back because of a recent rise in interest rates.

  On October 29, for the first time in nine years, the People’s Bank of China(PBOC)raised interest rates.The rate for one-year renminbi deposits(存款)was increased from 1.98 percent to 2.25 percent.And the rate for one-year renminbi loans(贷款)went up from 5.31 percent to 5.58 percent.Longer term rates saw higher increases.

  So what are interest rates?Banks offer some money to encourage people to keep their savings in a saving account, and ask more money in return if you borrow money from them.The percentage of the extra money is the interest rates.

  If your parents have borrowed money from banks to pay for houses or cars, the interest rates rise was not good news.An increase in the interest rates on a loan means the borrower will need to repay more to the bank.For example, a person who borrowed 10,000 yuan from the bank had to return 10,531 yuan before the interest rise.But after the interest rates are increased, he was to pay extra 27 yuan per year.

  The rise came following a great demand for the cooling of the overheating Chinese economy.For several years, pushed by a huge investment and construction projects, the country has had the fastest economic growth in the world.But this can be damaging just as it is when a person grows too fast and can no longer fit their clothes.It is hoped that with a higher interest rate people will act more cautiously and take less risks when borrowing money.

  “The rate rise will help the economy to cool down.It will reduce investment in unnecessary industrial and construction projects,”said Su Ning, deputy governor of the PBOC.


If we deposit 1,000 RMB in the bank for one year, how much can we get after October 29?(The tax rate on interest rates is 20%.)

[  ]










What is the purpose of the rise in the interest rates?

[  ]


To attract greater investment.


To make people earn more money.


To carry out construction projects.


To cool down the over-heating economy.


By saying“this can be damaging just as it is when a person grows too fast and can no longer fit their clothes”, the writer ________.

[  ]


warns that if the economy grows too rapidly, it will cause trouble


warns us that industry will suffer a loss


advises us to buy bigger clothes when we are young


advises us not to grow too fast


Which of the following is NOT a result of the increase in the interest rates on a loan?

[  ]


People will make wise investments.


People will need to repay more to the bank.


People will borrow more money to invest in their business.


People will be careful of taking money from banks to expand their business.



  High school graduates planning to study in certain countries will have to do well in the National College Entrance Examination(NCEE), because certain foreign universities are considering NCEE results, according to overseas education consultants(顾问).

  Many famous foreign universities began to consider applicants’ NCEE scores and school academic records more carefully as they noticed the NCEE had changed for the better, with universities putting higher emphasis on results for newly graduated foreign applicants

  “The continuous reform of NCEE has made it a quite reasonable way ________, so it has begun to gain more international recognition,” said a CCTV senior education journalist, Chen Xiaomei.

  Official figures showed that, among the 815 000 students that went overseas by the end of(2004, 2823 went to Australian universities, 1013 to Canadian institutions, 700 to Singapore and 442 to Germany.

  Chen said having a high NCEE score was important for students who wanted to go to the top five Canadian universities including the University of British Columbia, the University of Toronto and McGill University.

  The University of Toronto required applicants to earn a NCEE score higher than 600, a level qualified for a Chinese regular university program.The two leading Singaporean universities, the National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technology University, even required Chinese high school graduates to get a NCEE score 20 points higher than the bottom mark of China’s regular university requirement.

1.What is the best title of the passage?


2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

In order to study in a famous foreign university, the school, graduates must get higher scores in the NCEE.


3.Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.


4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph into Chinese.


