1114] ----- I wonder if I could use your dictionary. ----- Sure. . [译文] --我可以用一下你的辞典吗? --当然.用吧! A. Go on B. Go ahead C. Go up D. Go away [答案及简析] B. go on 继续,go ahead 当然可以,go up 上升,go away走开. 查看更多



European Work Experience Programme

European Work Experience Programme (E.W.E.P.) is an independent British organization which began in 1991 in the city of London. E.W.E.P. provides the opportunity for students from the 25 countries of the European Union and nationals(公民)from Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein to live in England, to gain work experience, to practise their English and to get a better insight into the British social and cultural life.

To apply you must fulfil(符合)the following requirements:

Preferred age: 18 to 28 years’ old

Be able to work in the UK for a period of at least two months.

Must have a good knowledge of English.

Due to work permit restrictions(限制), European Work Experience Programme Ltd (E.W.E.P) will only select you if you are a European Union Member or national from Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

European Work Experience Programme Ltd will find you a suitable job and an accommodation. A representative of E.W.E.P. will be available during your stay to help you and you will get a 24 hours help line service during your stay. The TOTAL fee(费用)for our services is ?? 264.63 (394.35 Euros).

Should you require any further information, please contact us:

European Work Experience Programme Ltd

Unit 1, Red Lion Court, Alexandra Road

Hounslow, Middlesex, TW3 1JS

United Kingdom

Tel: 44 208 572 2993  

Fax: 44 208 572 1114

E-mail: sales@ewep.com

What’s the purpose of writing the text?

A. To introduce a new programme in England

B. To attract more students to work in England

C. To describe the working conditions in England

D. To make clear the requirements for students working in England

Which of the followings is not the purpose of the progamme?

A. to get a lot of work experience

B. to improve their English rapidly

C. to have better understanding of the British culture

D. to make more money in Britain

If you apply for the programme, you __________. 

A. must be 18 to 26 years’ old

B. be able to speak at least three languages

C. must be nationals from the countries mentioned in the text

D. should have some working experience in a foreign country

You can get in touch with E. W. E. P. Ltd by the following ways EXCEPT by_____.

A. making a telephone call                        B. sending the organization a fax

C. writing an e-mail to the organization             D. going there in person by air 

Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the text?

A. European Work Experience Programme was set up about twenty years ago.

B. You’ll work in the UK for at least two months if you attend the programme.

C. You can get a 24 hours help from a representative during your stay.

D. You don’t have to hand in 394.35 Euros after you have got a job in Britain.


     " I will donate blood as long as I am healthy , that's a citizen's responsibility," said Peter Weber, Swiss by
birth and general manager of Four Seasons Shanghai, ___1____donating blood in a blood collection bus
on Friday morning.
     Despite the heat wave    2   the city, nearly 40 employees of the local leading hotel donated this
precious gift, 400ml of blood each, to     3     in need of transfusion.
        4     last week, the city' s blood centers have been thirsty for healthy blood because the need for
blood   5   in summer when traffic and burn accidents are more   6   . But the number of donors decreases
significantLy(明显减少)   7    the hot weather. During the first half of the year, blood donation increased     8     about 5.5 per cent but the clinical( 医学的) use of blood jumped by 11.2 per cent.
        " Right after we heard that the blood centre was short of healthy blood last week, we sent    9    to
our employees calling them to donate , " said  Stanley  Ng , the  hotel's  human  resources  director.
     "Our staff(共作人员) feel    10   to help the hotel make a contribution to public welfare events. "
     Meanwhile , the  hotel  also  11  leaflets(传单) to 50 nearby office buildings informing and encouraging
their employees   12   the Friday donation effort.
      "I hope my blood will help    13    in need, especially the patients with financial difficulty, " said one
        " Donating blood is good for others and also good for oneself and family. One day, if I or my family
members need to use blood.we   14   receive such help from others. "
     According to the China Blood Donation Law , blood donors can use blood up to   15   they have
donated within five years free of charge. Their family members can also use the same amount of donated
blood , also free of charge.
     In addition,public education on the   16   of blood donation should be improved and more convenient
procedures adapted.
        " The  arrival  of the  blood  collection bus at our hotel makes giving blood     17     more convenient.  Otherwise, it's quite complicated(复杂的) , with the need to make a trip  to a hospital ( blood collection centre) , " Weber     18   .
      All local residents who are   19    to donate their blood, are invited to contact the city's blood centre
via two blood donation   20   :6219-1114,6275-8257.
(     )1. A. while                      
(     )2. A. reaching                  
(     )3. A. doctors                    
(     )4. A. By                        
(     )5. A. falls                      
(     )6. A. ordinary                  
(     )7. A. in spite of                
(     )8. A. by                        
(     )9. A. announcements              
(     )10. A. sorry                    
(     )11. A. made up                  
(     )12. A. to join                  
(     )13. A. that                      
(     )14. A. must                      
(     )15. A. five times
                  the amount    
(     )16. A. difficulty                
(     )17. A. very                      
(     )18. A. wondered                  
(     )19. A. likely                    
(     )20. A. calls                    

  B. if                    
  B. washing                
  B patients                
  B. At                    
  B. drops                  
  B. usual                  
  B. instead of            
  B. at                    
  B. notices                
  B. satisfied              
  B. gave off              
  B. join                  
  B. which                  
  B. can                    
  B. the amount
      five times  
  B. possibility            
  B. quite                  
  B. said                  
  B. possible              
  B. telephones            

C. than                  
C. striking              
C. nurses                
C. In                    
C. raises                
C. common                
C. as a result of        
C. for                    
C. advertisements        
C. interested            
C. sent out              
C. joining                
C. those                  
C. may                    
C. five times
     the number  
C. reality                
C. far                    
C. doubted                
C. willing                
C. addresses              

D. because              
D. leaving              
D. customers            
D. Since                
D. grows                
D. average              
D. in face of            
D. from                  
D. letters              
D. proud                
D. put on                
D. joins                
D. what                  
D. need                  
D. the number
    five times
D. importance            
D. really                
D. answered              
D. unwilling            
D. hotlines            


European Work Experience Programme

European Work Experience Programme (E.W.E.P.) is an independent British organization which began in 1991 in the city of London. E.W.E.P. provides the opportunity for students from the 25 countries of the European Union and nationals(公民)from Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein to live in England, to gain work experience, to practise their English and to get a better insight into the British social and cultural life.

To apply you must fulfil(符合)the following requirements:

Preferred age: 18 to 28 years’ old

Be able to work in the UK for a period of at least two months.

Must have a good knowledge of English.

Due to work permit restrictions(限制), European Work Experience Programme Ltd (E.W.E.P) will only select you if you are a European Union Member or national from Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

European Work Experience Programme Ltd will find you a suitable job and an accommodation. A representative of E.W.E.P. will be available during your stay to help you and you will get a 24 hours help line service during your stay. The TOTAL fee(费用)for our services is ?? 264.63 (394.35 Euros).

Should you require any further information, please contact us:

European Work Experience Programme Ltd

Unit 1, Red Lion Court, Alexandra Road

Hounslow, Middlesex, TW3 1JS

United Kingdom

Tel: 44 208 572 2993

Fax: 44 208 572 1114

E-mail: sales@ewep.com

45. What’s the purpose of writing the text?

A. To introduce a new programme in England

B. To attract more students to work in England

C. To describe the working conditions in England

D. To make clear the requirements for students working in England

46. Which of the followings is not the purpose of the progamme?

A. to get a lot of work experience

B. to improve their English rapidly

C. to have better understanding of the British culture

D. to make more money in Britain

47. You can get in touch with E. W. E. P. Ltd by the following ways EXCEPT by_____.

A. making a telephone call                        B. sending the organization a fax

C. writing an e-mail to the organization             D. going there in person by air 

48. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the text?

A. European Work Experience Programme was set up about twenty years ago.

B. You’ll work in the UK for at least two months if you attend the programme.

C. You can get a 24 hours help from a representative during your stay.

D. You don’t have to hand in 394.35 Euros after you have got a job in Britain.




  European Work Experience Program(E.W.E.P.)is an independent British organization which began in 1991 in the city of London.E.W.E.P.provides the opportunity for students from the 25 countries of the European Union and nationals(公民)from Norway,Iceland,Switzerland and Liechtenstein to live in England,to gain work experience,to practice their English and to get a better insight into the British social and eulturallife.

  To apply you must meet the following requirements:

  *Preferred age:18 to 28 years old

  *Be able to work in the UK for a period of at least two months.

  *Must have a good knowledge of English.

  *Due to work permit restrictions,European Work Experience Program Ltd will only select you if you are a European Union Member or national from Norway,Iceland,Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

  European Work Experience Program Ltd will find you a suitable job and an accommodation.A representative of E.W.E.P.will be available during your stay to help you and you will get a 24-hour help line service during your stay.The TOTAl fee for our services is £264.63(394.35 Euros).

  Should you require any further information,please contact us:

  European Work Experience Program Ltd

  Unit 1,Red Lion Court, Alexandra Road

  Hounslow,Middlesex,TW3 1 JS

  United Kingdom

  Tel:44 208 572 2993

  Fax:44 208 572 1114



What's the purpose of writing the text?

[  ]


To introduce a new program in England.


To attract more students to work in England.


To describe the working conditions in England.


To make clear the requirements for students working in England.


Which of the following is NOT the purpose of the program?

[  ]


To get a lot of work experience.


To improve their English rapidly.


To have better understanding of the British culture.


To make more money in Britain.


If you apply for the program.you________

[  ]


must be 18 to 26 years old


must be able to speak at least three languages


must be nationals from the countries mentioned in the text


should have some working experience in a foreign country


You can get in touch with E.W.E.P.by the following ways EXCEPT by________

[  ]


making a teJephone call


sending the organization a fax


writing an e-mail to the organization


going there in person by air


Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

[  ]


European Work Experience Program Was set up in the 19 th century.


You'll work in the UK for at least two months if you attend the program.


You can get a 24-hour help from a representative during your stay.


You don't have to hand in 394.35 Euros after you have got a job in Britain.




  European Work Experience Program(E.W.E.P.)is an independent British organization which began in 1991 in the city of London.E.W.E.P.provides the opportunity for students from the 25 countries of the European Union and nationals(公民)from Norway,Iceland,Switzerland and Liechtenstein to live in England,to gain work experience,to practice their English and to get a better insight into the British social and eulturallife.

  To apply you must meet the following requirements:

  *Preferred age:18 to 28 years old

  *Be able to work in the UK for a period of at least two months.

  *Must have a good knowledge of English.

  *Due to work permit restrictions,European Work Experience Program Ltd will only select you if you are a European Union Member or national from Norway,Iceland,Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

  European Work Experience Program Ltd will find you a suitable job and an accommodation.A representative of E.W.E.P.will be available during your stay to help you and you will get a 24-hour help line service during your stay.The TOTAl fee for our services is £264.63(394.35 Euros).

  Should you require any further information,please contact us:

  European Work Experience Program Ltd

  Unit 1,Red Lion Court, Alexandra Road

  Hounslow,Middlesex,TW3 1 JS

  United Kingdom

  Tel:44 208 572 2993

  Fax:44 208 572 1114



What's the purpose of writing the text?

[  ]


To introduce a new program in England.


To attract more students to work in England.


To describe the working conditions in England.


To make clear the requirements for students working in England.


Which of the following is NOT the purpose of the program?

[  ]


To get a lot of work experience.


To improve their English rapidly.


To have better understanding of the British culture.


To make more money in Britain.


If you apply for the program.you ________

[  ]


must be 18 to 26 years old


must be able to speak at least three languages


must be nationals from the countries mentioned in the text


should have some working experience in a foreign country


You can get in touch with E.W.E.P.by the following ways EXCEPT by ________

[  ]


making a teJephone call


sending the organization a fax


writing an e-mail to the organization


going there in person by air


Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

[  ]


European Work Experience Program Was set up in the 19 th century.


You'll work in the UK for at least two months if you attend the program.


You can get a 24-hour help from a representative during your stay.


You don't have to hand in 394.35 Euros after you have got a job in Britain.

