1303] -----You seemto like this restaurant a lot. ----- I here for years. [译文] -看来你很喜欢这家餐厅. --数年来我一直在这家餐厅吃东西. A. have been eaten B. had eaten C. have been eating D. am eating [答案及简析] C. 有for years 这样的短语.句子的时态一般都是完成时态. 查看更多




Come over and lend a helping hand in our non-profit unusual animal sanctuary(动物保护区)and educational facility in Sunny Florida! We are devoted to the lifetime care of deserted, retired, abused or otherwise homeless exotic(奇异的)animals to prevent them from being destroyed.

The animals that come here for sanctuary are given permanent homes. They are not sold, transferred, given away or bred ; they’ are simply here to be protected from harm. Great care is given to the animals to ensure that their medical, nutritional, and emotional needs are met on a daily basis. With the help from our supporters, we are able to provide permanent habitats for these animals on our 36-hectare compound.

You live in camping facilities at the sanctuary. Hot showers and laundry facilities are at your disposal. Facilities to relax after working hours are available.

Food, mostly home cooked, is included in the fee.Special arrangements, such as vegetarian food can be made.

What makes your stay here most important is that you will learn a lot about the knowledge and experience it takes to care for the different species at the sanctuary. You will also learn how to work around the animals without risk of being hurt as some of the animals are wild and need special handling and caution when working close by.

You must be in good physical condition and be able to bear heat.

You must be able to speak or at least understand English.You must be aged 18 or older. You must be available for at least two weeks.

• Recommended retail prices for 2006

Minimum two weeks participation $ 597 ; every week extra $ 298.

• Airport pick-up/drop-off

An airport pick-up/drop-off can be provided at the days of arrival/departure from the project, in between 9:00 and 21:00 hrs.The cost for the pick-up and/drop-off both together are $ 110.

1.What is the purpose of this passage?

    A.To call on people to take part in their volunteer action of protecting animals.

    B.To inform of readers something they are doing for the animals.

    C.To raise money for this non-profit project.

D.To introduce their sanctuary to the tourists.

2.All of the following are true EXCEPT that ________

    A. you must stay for at least half a month

B. it’s a job without pay and there may be some danger

    C.anybody is able to take part in the volunteer work

    D.you have to pay extra money for the pick-up and drop-off


3.How much will you pay if you want to be there for 4 weeks with a pick-up and a drop-off?

    A.$ 597.         B.$ 596.         C.$ 1303.        D.$ 1193.

4.What may be the most worthwhile thing you do at the sanctuary?

    A.See exotic animals that cannot he seen anywhere else.

    B.Get knowledge about caring different kinds of animals.

    C.Try some vegetarian food.

    D.Learn how to escape being hurt by dangerous animals.


