1684] When she left college, she had her hair cut short and it short ever since. [译文] 大学毕业时.她把头发剪短了.从那时起她就一直留着短发. A. wore B. has worn C. had worn D. was wearing [答案及简析] B. ever since引起的短语与完成时态连用. 查看更多




  The old man rested in the sun.He thought of his violin which he loved dearly.He remembered buying it in 1931 from a stranger who needed money.He had paid him 250

  “Uncle Sanchez, a telegram(电报)for you!”a boy shouted.

  Slowly the man opened it.First he smiled,then he laughed.

  “What is it?”the boy asked.

  “From the American who saw my violin at Christmas.”He remembered that the stranger had looked inside the violin as if he were looking for gold.”He says my violin was made by Stradivari.He will buy it for 100000.”

  Sanchez was not the first person to learn that his violin was a treasure(财宝).He is just one of the most recent.Stories like this could be told in different parts of the world.Some of Stradivari’s violins have been carefully protected,others have been harmed by carelessness.

  Almost nothing is known of Stradivari’s early life.But we do know he was born in a small village in Italy in 1644.As a boy of twelve,he began to learn violin making from Amati,Who was famous all over Europe for his fine violins.However, it was not until after Amati’s death in 1684 that Stradivari began making his own violins.He never made poor violins,but he made some that were much better than all the others.Luckily Stradivari’s great skill was noticed.Top prices were paid for his works from the time he began to sell them.

  Today it is thought that Stradivari made violins that are better than any made ever since.Many of the world’s best violinists have chosen Stradivari’s violins.But few now can have a lot of money to collect them.some of the most beautiful are kept in museums.There,they can be seen by everyone or lent to famous artists for concerts.

1Who was the maker of the violin owned by Sanchez?

[  ]

AA stranger who needed money.


CAn American.


2when Stradivari was ______ years old,he started to make his own violins.

[  ]

A40   B44   C56   D72

3Violinists like to play Stradivari's violins because ______.

[  ]

Ahis violins are very expensive

Bhe was the first person in the world to make violins

Chis violins are all well kept

Dhis violins are best made

4One of the facts we can find in the passage is that ______.

[  ]

AAmati taught Stradivari to make violins

BStradivari was Amati’s workmate

CAmati was also a well-known violinist

DAmati did not permit Stradivari to play his own violins

5Which of the follwing is NOT true according to the passage?

[  ]

ASanchez bought his violin at a very small price.

BSanchez learned that the American wanted to buy his violin.

CSometimes Stradivari made very poor violins.

DFamous artists may get a chance to give concerts with Stradivari’s violins.

