1844] Books are usually made paper, while paper sometimes made bamboo. [译文] 书通常是纸造的,然而纸有时是竹子造的. A. from; from B. from; of C. of; of D. of; from [答案及简析] D. 看得见原材料的用介词of,看不见原材料的用介词from. 查看更多



Educational Camps 2011

★21st Century Princess Program: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday through Friday, July 23-27. For girls 12-15. Girls learn hair care, good manners and the importance of inner beauty.  Homewood Suites by Hilton, 2001 E. Highland Ave., Phoenix.  $495.  www. homewoodsuites. hilton.com. (623) 848-1844.

★Barrow Institute Summer Camp: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, July 23 through Aug. 3. For ages 12-14. Activities include exploring laboratories and researching the effectiveness of treatments and medicines. July 23-27 for beginning students, and July 30-Aug. 3 for advanced students. Barrow Neurological Institute, 350 W. Thomas Road, Phoenix: $195-$220: www. thebni, com. (602) 716-2028.

★Digital Kids World Summer Camp: 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, July 30 through Aug. 17. For kids 6-14.  Choose from a variety of technical classes, such as comic book design and video game design. Morning and afternoon camps held in weekly sessions (一段时间).  Digital Kids World, 5070 N.  Central Ave., Phoenix. $150 weekly for kids 6-9; $225 weekly for kids 10-14. www. digitalkidsworld, com. (602) 445-3925.

★Kids Advanced College Program:  Mondays through Thursdays, July 30 through Sept. 19. For ages 8-14. Classes include lively computer design, engineering and writing. Prices and times vary. Paradise Valley Community College, 18401 N. 32nd St., Phoenix. $99--$379.

www.pvc.maricopa.edu. (602) 787-6804.

★Camp Zoo: Mondays through Fridays,  July 30 through Aug. 13. For ages 4-14. Younger kids work with smaller animals, basic care giving and art projects, while older children explore animal medicine. Morning, afternoon, evening and full-day sessions available. Phoenix Zoo, 455 N. Galvin Parkway, Phoenix. $153-$280 per week. www. phoenixzoo.org. (602) 273-1341.

56.         kinds of Educational Camps are mentioned in the passage.

       A. Two                     B. Three                   C. Four                     D. Five

57. According to the passage, these activities are mainly intended for _________.

       A. children            B. teachers            C. parents             D. college students

58. If Mary, aged 12, wants to learn how to behave well, which of the following will she choose?

       A. Barrow Institute Summer Camp.             B. Digital Kids World Summer Camp.

       C. 21st Century Princess Program.             D. Kids Advanced College Program.

59. Which of the following can offer you information about animals and animal medicine?

       A. (602) 716-2028.                                  B. www. digitalkidsworld. com.

       C. (602) 273-1341.                              D. www.pvc.maricopca.edu.

60. According to the passage, we know that _______.

       A. 21st Century Princess Program lasts the longest

       B. all these activities are held in the same city

       C. the price of Camp Zoo is the highest per week

       D. Kids Advanced College Program is popular with plant lovers 



John Dalton was born in England in 1766,ten years before the U.S.Declaration of Independence was signed.His family lived in a small cottage.As a small child,John worked in the fields with his brother,and helped his father in a shop where they wove cloth. Most poor boys at that time received no education,but John was lucky to attend a nearby school In 1766,when only about one out of every 200 people could read.

    John was a good student and loved learning.His teachers encouraged him to study many things when he was twelve. He opened his first school in a nearby town,but there was little money.He had to close his schoo1.

    Three years later,he joined his older brother and a friend in running a school. John studied the weather and nature around him. He collected butterflies,snails and mites. He discovered he was colorblind and studied that,too.

    In 1793,John began to think about different elements and their composition. He had a theory that each element is made up of identical(完全相同的) atoms and that elements are different because each is made of different atoms.

    In 1808,Dalton published a book,which listed the atomic weights of many known elements.These formed the basis for the modern periodic table(元素周期表).Not everyone accepted Dalton’ theory of atomic structure at the time.However,he had to defend it with more research.

    When John Dalton died in 1844,he was buried with honors in England.More 400,000 people viewed his body as it lay in state.As his final experiment,he asked that an autopsy(验尸)be performed to learn the cause of his color-blindness:This was done,and proved the color-blindness was caused not by a problem with his eyes,but with the way his brain worked.Even in death, he helped expand scientific knowledge.

    Today.scientists everywhere accept Dalton’s theory of atomic structure.A simple country boy showed the world a new way of thinking about the universe and how it is made.

73.John Dalton’s first school had to be closed mainly because___________.

A.he was color-blind                  

B.his family lived in a small cottage

C.he had hardly enough money to run I  

D.he lacked experience

74.Which of the following descriptions about John Dalton is wrong?

    A.John found a cure for color-blindness

    B.As a student,John was outstanding

    C.John used to help with farm work

    D.In his book,presentation of the atomic weight of many known elements was of great importance.

75.From the passage we may conclude that______.

    A.John Dalton’s only contribution to science was his achievement in chemistry

    B.as a great educator,John Dalton established the basis for education in England

    C.John Dalton’s book about the elements enjoyed great popularity then

    D.John Dalton devoted his entire life to science


    Thackeray was born into a comfortably secure upper—middle—class family,and brought up to expect the leisured life of “gentleman However,partly though bad luck and bad financial(财政的)advice,partly through his own profligacy(荒废)in early youth—he was Cambridge and for some years afterwards a compulsive(上瘾的)gambler—he had been left with nothing to depend on but his brains and energy.He dreamed of writing a great novel;but he realized that while he dreamed and wasted time.writers whom he considered to be nobodies,such as Bulwer-Lytton,were writing best sellers,

Writing had not been his first choice of profession.To please his mother he spent some months,studying law,but his earliest wish was to be a painter.He studied art in London and Paris before deciding that his talent was too small for him to be anything but an amateur(业余的)painter,though he continued to draw professionally,and illustrated(给·…··画插图)most of his own novels  He then turned to journalism.In 1836,while he was still struggling to make his  way,he married “penniless girl of eighteen,strongly against his mother’s will

    With considerable courage.Thackeray began to make a living for his growing family from various contributions to any newspapers and magazines that would take his work often he did not know where the next five pounds was coming from Isabella Thackeray gave birth to three daughters,the second of whom died as a child,hut after the birth of the third,in 1840,she became incurably mad.and had to be cared fat away from her family for the rest of her long life—she outlived her husband by over thirty years.

    This tragedy deeply affected Thackeray It was,too,an extra financial load.and for some years he was forced to part with his daughters,who were brought up by his mother in France。while he struggled to make a living in London,still chiefly by Journalism.His chances as a novelist seemed poor: his short novel Barry Lyndan,published serially in Fraser’s Magazine in 1844.made so little impression oil the public that it was not published in book form until twelve years later.

68.Thackeray was born into a family      .

    A that had bad luck              B,that he could not rely on

    C that was quite rich            D.that expected him to be a writer

69.What did his mother want him to study?

    A.Art              B,Law             C Writer        D.Journalism

70.After he got married,Thackeray made a living by          .

    A writing best sellers                    B drawing and illustrating his own novels

    C· publishing a book which made him famous  D writing for newspapers and magazines

7I.Because of financial difficulty,Thackeray had to          

    A.publish his novel in book form 12 years later

    B.publish Barry Lyndon as a series in a magazine

    C,send his children to his mother

D make a living by writing novels    .



Educational Camps 2010

      ★21st Century Princess Program: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday through Friday,  July 23-27.  For girls 12-15. Girls learn hair care, good manners and the importance of inner beauty.  Homewood Suites by Hilton, 2001 E. Highland Ave.,  Phoenix.  $495.  www. homewoodsuites. hilton.com. (623) 848-1844.

      ★Barrow Institute Summer Camp: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, July 23 through Aug. 3. For ages 12-14. Activities include exploring laboratories and researching the effectiveness of treatments and medicines. July 23-27 for beginning students, and July 30-Aug. 3 for advanced students. Barrow Neurological Institute, 350 W. Thomas Road, Phoenix: $195-$220: www. thebni, com. (602) 716-2028.

      ★Digital Kids World Summer Camp: 9 a.m.--4 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, July 30 through Aug. 17. For kids 6-14.  Choose from a variety of technical classes, such as comic book design and video game design. Morning and afternoon camps held in weekly sessions (一段时间).  Digital Kids World,  5070 N.  Central Ave., Phoenix. $150 weekly for kids 6-9; $225 weekly for kids 10-14. www. digitalkidsworld, com. (602) 445-3925.

      ★Kids Advanced College Program:  Mondays through Thursdays, July 30 through Sept. 19. For ages 8-14. Classes include lively computer design,  engineering and writing. Prices and times vary. Paradise Valley Community College, 18401 N. 32nd St., Phoenix. $99--$379. www.pvc.maricopa.edu. (602) 787-6804.

      ★Camp Zoo: Mondays through Fridays,  July 30 through Aug. 13. For ages 4-14. Younger kids work with smaller animals, basic care giving and art projects, while older children explore animal medicine. Morning afternoon, evening and full-day sessions available. Phoenix Zoo, 455 N. Galvin Parkway, Phoenix. $153-$280 per week. www. phoenixzoo.org. (602) 273-1341.

64. According to the passage,  these activities are mainly intended for _________.

    A. college students     B. teachers     C. parents      D. children

65. If Mary, aged 12, wants to learn how to behave well, which of the following will she choose?

    A. Barrow Institute Summer Camp.      B. 21st Century Princess Program.

    C. Digital Kids World Summer Camp.    D. Kids Advanced College Program.

66. Which of the following can offer you information about animals and animal medicine?

    A. (602) 716-2028.         B. www. digitalkidsworld. com.

    C. (602) 273-1341.         D. www.pvc.maricopca.edu.

67. According to the passage, we know that __________.

    A. all these activities are held in the same city

    B. 21st Century Princess Program lasts the longest

    C. the price of Camp Zoo is the highest per week

    D. Kids Advanced College Program is popular with plant lovers


     Thackeray was born into a comfortably secure upper-middle-class family, and brought up to expect the
leisured life of "gentleman". However, partly though bad luck and bad financial (财政的) advice, partly through
his own profligacy (荒废) in early youth-he was Cambridge and for some years afterwards a compulsive (上
瘾的) gambler-he had been left with nothing to depend on but his brains and energy. He dreamed of writing a
great novel; but he realized that while he dreamed and wasted time. Writers whom he considered to be nobodies,
such as Bulwer-Lytton,were writing best sellers.
     Writing had not been his first choice of profession. To please his mother he spent some months, studying
law,but his earliest wish was to be a painter. He studied art in London and Paris before deciding that his talent
was too small for him to be anything but an amateur (业余的) painter, though he continued to draw
professionally, and illustrated (给…画插图) most of his own novels He then turned to journalism. In 1836,
while he was still struggling to make his way, he married penniless girl of eighteen, strongly against his mother's
     With considerable courage, Thackeray began to make a living for his growing family from various
contributions to any newspapers and magazines that would take his work often he did not know where the next
five pounds was coming from Isabella Thackeray gave birth to three daughters,the second of whom died as a
child, hut after the birth of the third, in 1840, she became incurably mad and had to be cared fat away from her
family for the rest of her long life-she outlived her husband by over thirty years.
     This tragedy deeply affected Thackeray. It was, too, an extra financial load and for some years he was
forced to part with his daughters, who were brought up by his mother in France. While he struggled to make
a living in London, still chiefly by Journalism. His chances as a novelist seemed poor: his short novel Barry
Lynden, published serially in Fraser's Magazine in 1844 made so little impression oil the public that it was not
published in book form until twelve years later.
1. Thackeray was born into a family _____.
A. that had bad luck
B. that he could not rely on
C. that was quite rich
D. that expected him to be a writer
2. What did his mother want him to study?
A. Art
B. Law
C. Writer
D. Journalism
3. After he got married, Thackeray made a living by _____.
A. writing best sellers
B. drawing and illustrating his own novels
C. publishing a book which made him famous
D. writing for newspapers and magazines
4. After he got married, Thackeray made a living by _____.
A. writing best sellers
B. drawing and illustrating his own novels
C. publishing a book which made him famous
D. writing for newspapers and magazines

