422] Would you be to turn down the gas fire a little? [译文] 请你把天然气关小一点好吗? A. kind enough B. kind so as C. kind D. so kind [答案及简析] A. would you be kind enough to do sth是一个常见句型.请求人家做什么. 查看更多




For Sale Chinese--made bicycle

Excellent condition

Zhang Ying

305 dormitory 4


Small typewriter

in good condition

Lan Fleming


Roommate Wanted

Male English native speaker

Wanted to share

Furnished 2--bedroom Apr

Near campus

washer, dryer, kitchen

Call Li, 228-9406

Any evening after 5.


Black briefcase

With 3 books on physics

Call: John Smith


Wanted to Rent

one-bedroom apartment

From Feb 1 through June

Better near campus

But not necessary

Call: Robert Waller


3 p.m.

10 p.m.


Brown briefcase

With some money

See: Joseph Hofman

In Chemistry Dept

(1)You can get in touch with Zhang Ying if you want to ________.

[  ]

A. buy a bike

B. see a bike

C. have your bike repaired

D. borrow a bike

(2)Lan Fleming put a note on the notice board because ________.

[  ]

A. he needed a typewriter

B. he wanted to sell a typewriter

C. he would lend his typewriter

D. he hoped to borrow a typewriter

(3)One of the reason why Li wants someone to share his room is that ________.

[  ]

A. he wants to live near the campus

B. he wants to improve his English

C. he wants to have his washer, dryer and kitchen in good conditions

D. he wants his kitchen to be furnished with a washer and dryer

(4)Robert Waller wishes to rent a room _______.

[  ]

A. which is near the school

B. which is far away from the school

C. which is inside the school

D. which must be near the campus

(5)Which of the following is correct according to the notes above? [  ]

A. Joseph Hofman who studies Chemistry just lost a brown briefcase.

B. John Smith lost his blue briefcase with 3 books on Chemistry.

C. It was Joseph Hofman who found John Smith's briefcase.

D. There was nothing but some money in the brown briefcase.



For Sale Chinese--made bicycle

Excellent condition

Zhang Ying

305 dormitory 4


Small typewriter

in good condition

Lan Fleming


Roommate Wanted

Male English native speaker

Wanted to share

Furnished 2--bedroom Apr

Near campus

washer, dryer, kitchen

Call Li, 228-9406

Any evening after 5.


Black briefcase

With 3 books on physics

Call: John Smith


Wanted to Rent

one-bedroom apartment

From Feb 1 through June

Better near campus

But not necessary

Call: Robert Waller


3 p.m.

10 p.m.


Brown briefcase

With some money

See: Joseph Hofman

In Chemistry Dept

(1)You can get in touch with Zhang Ying if you want to ________.

[  ]

A. buy a bike

B. see a bike

C. have your bike repaired

D. borrow a bike

(2)Lan Fleming put a note on the notice board because ________.

[  ]

A. he needed a typewriter

B. he wanted to sell a typewriter

C. he would lend his typewriter

D. he hoped to borrow a typewriter

(3)One of the reason why Li wants someone to share his room is that ________.

[  ]

A. he wants to live near the campus

B. he wants to improve his English

C. he wants to have his washer, dryer and kitchen in good conditions

D. he wants his kitchen to be furnished with a washer and dryer

(4)Robert Waller wishes to rent a room _______.

[  ]

A. which is near the school

B. which is far away from the school

C. which is inside the school

D. which must be near the campus

(5)Which of the following is correct according to the notes above? [  ]

A. Joseph Hofman who studies Chemistry just lost a brown briefcase.

B. John Smith lost his blue briefcase with 3 books on Chemistry.

C. It was Joseph Hofman who found John Smith's briefcase.

D. There was nothing but some money in the brown briefcase.

