841] ----- Do you like these, Mr Lee? ---- No, show me . [译文] --Mr Lee,你喜欢这些吗? --不.给我看看另外的吧. A. another B. other one C. some others D. other ones [答案及简析] C. 从第一句中我们可以判断是复数,而other ones指代不明白. 查看更多



In total, 841 people, _______ China's first astronaut Yang Liwei and shooting gold medalist Xu Haifeng, will carry the torch ______ turn in Beijing after the relay finishes its leg in the   quake-battered Sichuan Province.

A.included; in               B.included; by            C.including; by            D.including; in


  New York China's Yao Ming leads Lakers center Sharquill O'Neal in voting for the National Basketball Association All-star Game to be played on February 9 in Atlanta.

  After the first two rounds of fan voting, the Houston rookie (新秀) leads all centers with 841,393 votes, more than 158,000 votes over O'Neal.

  Yao, the first overall pick in last year's NBA entry draft, also ranks fourth overall in the latest reports released on Thursday.

  O'Neal, of the three-time NBA championship Lakers, missed the first 12 games of the season while recovering from toe surgery.

  Yao, who has had a shining rookie season so far, may have also benefited from new voting procedures.This season marks the first time that fans can go online and vote in Chinese.

  Carter, Toronto Raptors forward, has been sidelined for most of the season with a left knee strain but has 871, 189 votes.He is second overall in the fan ball voting, trailing only Lakers guard Kobe Bryant, who has 958,695.

(Agencies via Xinhua)

1.This message is probably taken from________.

[  ]

A.a book
B.a newspaper
C.a magazine
D.a TV programme

2.O'Neal has got about ________ votes.

[  ]


3.The way to vote for All-star Game players ________.

[  ]

A.remains the same as before

B.changes because of Yao Ming

C.changes because of China

D.changes because of O'Neal

4.How many NBA stars are mentioned in the passage?

[  ]



Scientists already have suggested that eating chocolate may make you happyNow they say men who indulge (沉溺) in chocolate may live longerA study of 7,841 Harvard male graduates found that chocolate and candy eaters—regardless of how voracious (贪婪) their appetite for candies—live almost a year longer than those who never eat any candies.

    The researchers said they don’t know why this isThey guess, however, that antioxidants present in chocolate may have a health benefitScientists havefound that chocolate contains phenols beforeThe scientists stress their findings are preliminary (初步的), and other experts warn that the research does not prove the results can be attributed to (归功于) the antioxidantsIn the study, those who ate a “moderate” amount of sweets—allowing themselves only one to three candy bars a month—got the most desirable effect, having a 36 percent lower risk of death compared with non-candy eatersAlthough they got a worse effect than the moderates, the more ardent (激烈的) sweets eaters still live longer than those who had given up candy in their lives, with a 16 percent decreased risk of death.

1According to the passage, some scientists found________ from the study mentioned in the passage.

Athe more candies a man eats the longer he may live

Bthose who ate a moderate amount of candies had a lower risk of death than the non-eaters

Cantioxidants in chocolate had a health benefit to men

Dphenols is contained in chocolate

2What is not mentioned in the passage?

Awhy scientists carried out the study

Bthe result of the study

Cthe number of people studied by the scientists

Dwhether it is beneficial for men to eat chocolates

3According to the passage, scientists are certain that ________.

Aeating more chocolates can make man live longer

Bit’s wise of men to eat candies rather than refuse to eat them

Cphenols is beneficial to man’s health

Dchocolate contains antioxidants



Scientists already have suggested that eating chocolate may make you happyNow they say men who indulge (沉溺) in chocolate may live longerA study of 7,841 Harvard male graduates found that chocolate and candy eaters—regardless of how voracious (贪婪) their appetite for candies—live almost a year longer than those who never eat any candies.

    The researchers said they don’t know why this isThey guess, however, that antioxidants present in chocolate may have a health benefitScientists havefound that chocolate contains phenols beforeThe scientists stress their findings are preliminary (初步的), and other experts warn that the research does not prove the results can be attributed to (归功于) the antioxidantsIn the study, those who ate a “moderate” amount of sweets—allowing themselves only one to three candy bars a month—got the most desirable effect, having a 36 percent lower risk of death compared with non-candy eatersAlthough they got a worse effect than the moderates, the more ardent (激烈的) sweets eaters still live longer than those who had given up candy in their lives, with a 16 percent decreased risk of death.

1According to the passage, some scientists found________ from the study mentioned in the passage.

Athe more candies a man eats the longer he may live

Bthose who ate a moderate amount of candies had a lower risk of death than the non-eaters

Cantioxidants in chocolate had a health benefit to men

Dphenols is contained in chocolate

2What is not mentioned in the passage?

Awhy scientists carried out the study

Bthe result of the study

Cthe number of people studied by the scientists

Dwhether it is beneficial for men to eat chocolates

3According to the passage, scientists are certain that ________.

Aeating more chocolates can make man live longer

Bit’s wise of men to eat candies rather than refuse to eat them

Cphenols is beneficial to man’s health

Dchocolate contains antioxidants




  More than a halfmillion volunteers(志愿者)are taking part in an international movement to comb the world’s shorelines for cigarette butts, bottle caps and any other rubbish they can find.

  The International Coast Cleanup is in its 14th year, with volunteers ready to collect more than 10 million pieces of rubbish along 19, 308 kilometres of shoreline in 70 countries.

  Sponsored(赞助)by the Centre for Marine Conservation and several other non-profit groups and corporate sponsors, the activity is a one-day attempt to improve conditions on important waterfronts.

  Cigarette butts are by far the most common item, with exactly 1.616,841 million picked up and counted in the last year’s cleanup.They were followed in numbers by food wrappers, plastic pieces, bottle caps and broken pieces of glass.The global event is held on the third Saturday of September.

  Last year, the biggest volunteer army from any one country was in the Philippines, where nearly 300,000 people took part in the cleanup.With more than 7,000 islands, the Philippines is among the countries which have the longest shorelines.

  “Around every main body of water, we have a rubbish problem,” said Sheavly, director of the Center for rubbish program.Bad weather with some hurricane affected some plans, but thousands of volunteers were ready to go, she said.

  About 20,000 divers are joining to clean up offshore rubbish, with major underwater efforts in the United States, the Philippines, Germany, Italy, Australia, Venezuela and El Salvador.

  Globally, less than 20 percent of shore rubbish clearly comes from the water.The most appears to come from land sources.

  Part of the effort is counting the rubbish.Volunteers carry cards to record their collections, which will be piled and used for studies of how to settle the problem year-round.


Which of the following is true according to the passage?

[  ]


Most of shore rubbish was thrown by people on ships.


The annual activity lasts only one day.


Last year all the volunteers went to Philippines to pick up rubbish.


Beachcombers are always found along the longest waterfronts.


What can we learn from the words of Sheavly?

[  ]


The rubbish problem on the shore is a global one.


It seems that the movement is inefficient.


The movement is a kind of warning of all the people on the world.


The rubbish problem had caused a lot of climactic disasters.


Why do they count the rubbish?

[  ]


To see who has collected more rubbish.


To have the sponsors paid for the rubbish.


To help deal with the shore-pollution problem.


To help decide how to save energy the next year.


The best title of the passage is _________.

[  ]


Saving the Environment


Dirtiest Places in the World


World’s Shores Combed for Rubbish


Biggest Movement Happening Recently

