He was writing a letter at the moment, I believe. 查看更多



                                                                  Profits of Praise
     Are we too quick to blame and slow to praise? It seems we are. Praise is like sunlight to the
human spirit; we cannot flower and grow without it. And yet, while most of us are only too
ready to apply to others the cold wind of criticism, we are somehow unwilling to give others
the warm sunshine of praise.
     It's strange how mean we are about praising. Perhaps it's because few of us know how to
accept praise gracefully. Instead, we are embarrassed and shrug off the words we are really
so glad to hear. Because of this defensive reaction, direct compliments are surprisingly difficult
to give. That is why some of the most valued pats on the back are those which come to us
indirectly, in a letter or passed on by a friend.
     Do you ever go into a house and say, "What a tidy room!" Hardly anybody does. That's why
housework is considered such a boring job. Shakespeare said, "Our praises are our wages."
Since so often praise is the only wage a housewife receives, surely she is well worth praising.
Mothers know naturally that for children an ounce of praise is worth a pound of scolding. Still,
we're not always aware of children's small achievements and we seldom apply the rule. One day
I was criticizing my children for quarreling. "Can you never play peacefully?" I shouted. Susanna
looked at me, confused. "Of course we can," she said. "But you don't notice us when we do."
Teachers agree about the value of praise. "I believe that a student knows when he has handed
in something above his usual standard," writes a teacher, "and that he waits and is hungry for a
brief comment in the margin to show him that the teacher is aware of it, too."
     Behavioral scientists have done countless experiments to prove that any human being have
a tendency to repeat an act which has been immediately followed by a pleasant result. In one
such experiment, a number of schoolchildren were divided into three groups and given arithmetic
tests daily for five days. One group was consistently praised for its previous performance; another
group was criticized; the third was ignored. Not surprisingly, those who were praised improved
dramatically. Those who were criticized improved also, bus not so much. And the scores of the
children who were ignored hardly improved at all. Interestingly the brightest children were helped
just as much by criticism as by praise, but the less able children reacted badly to criticism,
needed praise the most. Yet the latter are the very youngsters who, in most schools, fail to get
the pat on the back.
     To give praise costs the giver nothing but a moment's thought and a moment's effort-perhaps
a quick phone call to pass on your praise, or five minutes spent writing an appreciative letter. It
is such a small investment-and yet consider the results it may produce. "I can live for two months
on a good compliment," said Mark Twain. So, let's be alert to the small excellences around us-and
comment on them. We will not only bring joy into other people's lives, but also, very often, added
happiness into our own.
                                                              Title: Profits of Praise

 Compared with (1)    , praise should be valued and appreciated more.

Reasons for
unwillingness to
give praise
We feel embarrassed and ignore the words pleasant to our ears (2)    
than accept them gracefully.
We have (3)     giving direct praise because of our so-called defensive
Importance of
praise in some cases
A house wife is (4)    to be praised for her sacrifices and devotion.  
A mother is supposed to be aware of their children's small achievements
and (5)     the rule of giving praise.
A student waits (6)    for a good comment form his teacher when he
hands in his homework above his usual standard.
Findings of
experiments on profits of praise

Everybody (7)     to repeat an act if praised more often.
Those who receive constant praise have made dramatic improvement.
Unlike brilliant children, less able children (8)     badly to criticism
desperately need praise.
It pays to make a moment's (10)     to pass on praise, for it brings added joy and happiness to our lives as well as others'.



  Mr and Mrs Jackson worked in the same workplace.The man was skillful and could make all kinds of parts and repair the machines.The boss liked him and paid him more than his workmates.But he had to give all his money to his wife and she bought the food, clothes and drinks for him.He was angry with her but couldn't say anything.All the men in the workplace were afraid of their wives and they felt sorry for each other.

  It was March 8th and all the women had a day off.The men could say all they wanted.They said they had to do all the housework at home but the women always spent much money on their clothes.And they didn't think it was fair that women had their own festival but they didn't.The more they said, the angrier they became.They decided to write a letter to the UN and advised them to rescind(取消)the“Women's Day”.And they asked Mr Jackson to do it.The man agreed and began to write it at a table.

  Just at that moment when Mr Jackson finished it, his wife came in.She had left her key in the workplace and came to look for it.The man hurried to hide the letter.But it was too late.She made him hand it to her.Having read it, the woman returned the letter to him and said with a smile, “How can you post it to the UN if I don't supply you the money for buying a stamp?”


Mr Jackson had to give all his money to his wife because ________.

[  ]


he was afraid of her


she bought all for him


she needed much money


he loved her very much


________, so Mr Jackson and his friends could discuss the festival“Women's Day”.

[  ]


The men had enough time


No women were in the workplace


The men were no longer afraid of their wives


The boss thought the men were right


Mr Jackson and his friends hoped ________.

[  ]


to buy everything they wanted


their wives could be friendly to them


to stop their wives maltreating(虐待)them


the UN could rescind the Women's Day


Mr Jackson was afraid that ________, so he hurried to hide the letter.

[  ]


his wife would take him to the police station


his wife would find out what he was writing


his wife would report him to the boss


his wife would discover the letter


Mrs Jackson returned the letter to Mr Jackson because ________.

[  ]


she thought he was having a joke with her


she thought he didn't know where the UN was


she thought he couldn't post it without any stamps


she didn't think the UN would believe him


A car drew up outside the Swan Hotel and a young man got out.Pausing only for a moment to see that he had come to the right place,he went into the hotel and rang the bell on the counter of the bar.
Mrs.Crump,the landlady,who was busy in the kitchen at the time,hurried out,wiping her hands.The young man raised his hat.
“Excuse me,”he said.“I’m looking for my uncle,Mr.White.I believe he is staying here.”
“He was staying here.”Mrs.Crump corrected him.“But I’m afraid that he went back to London yesterday.”
“Oh,dear,”said the young man,looking disappointed.“I understood that he was going to stay here until the end of the month.At least that is what his servant told me when I rang up his house.”
“Quite right,”said Mrs,Cramp.“He planned to stay here the whole of July,as he always does. But yesterday he got a telegram to say that his relative was ill.So he caught the train back to London immediately.”
“I wish he had let me know, ”The young man said.“I wrote him a letter saying that I was coming.I’ve had all this trouble for nothing.Well,since he isn’t here,there’s no point in waiting.”
He thanked Mrs.Grump and went out.Mrs.Grump went to the window and watched him drive off.When his car was out of sight,she called out:“You can come out now, Mr.White. He’s gone.”
Mr.White came out of the kitchen,where he had been waiting.
“Many thanks,Mrs.Grump,”he said,laughing,“you did that very well.These nephews of mine never gave me any peace.That young man is the worst of them all.As you see,when he needs money, he even follows me into the country.Well,perhaps next time he won’t warn me by writing a letter!”

  1. 1.

    This story is about a man         .

    1. A.
      who was very much loved by his nephews
    2. B.
      whose nephew went to visit him at the hotel
    3. C.
      who was not willing to meet his nephew
    4. D.
      whose nephew is always asking him for help
  2. 2.

    When his nephew came to the hotel,Mr.White            .

    1. A.
      took the train back to London
    2. B.
      left to visit a sick relative
    3. C.
      went to pick up a telegram
    4. D.
      hid himself in the kitchen
  3. 3.

    Mr. White didn’t like his nephews because         .

    1. A.
      they always follow him around
    2. B.
      they frequently disturb their relatives
    3. C.
      they won’t write to him often
    4. D.
      they usually visit him in hotels


A car drew up outside the Swan Hotel and a young man got out.Pausing only for a moment to see that he had come to the right place,he went into the hotel and rang the bell on the counter of the bar.
Mrs.Crump,the landlady,who was busy in the kitchen at the time,hurried out,wiping her hands.The young man raised his hat.
“Excuse me,”he said.“I’m looking for my uncle,Mr.White.I believe he is staying here.”
“He was staying here.”Mrs.Crump corrected him.“But I’m afraid that he went back to London yesterday.”
“Oh,dear,”said the young man,looking disappointed.“I understood that he was going to stay here until the end of the month.At least that is what his servant told me when I rang up his house.”
“Quite right,”said Mrs,Cramp.“He planned to stay here the whole of July,as he always does. But yesterday he got a telegram to say that his relative was ill.So he caught the train back to London immediately.”
“I wish he had let me know, ”The young man said.“I wrote him a letter saying that I was coming.I’ve had all this trouble for nothing.Well,since he isn’t here,there’s no point in waiting.”
He thanked Mrs.Grump and went out.Mrs.Grump went to the window and watched him drive off.When his car was out of sight,she called out:“You can come out now, Mr.White. He’s gone.”
Mr.White came out of the kitchen,where he had been waiting.
“Many thanks,Mrs.Grump,”he said,laughing,“you did that very well.These nephews of mine never gave me any peace.That young man is the worst of them all.As you see,when he needs money, he even follows me into the country.Well,perhaps next time he won’t warn me by writing a letter!”
【小题1】This story is about a man         

A.who was very much loved by his nephews
B.whose nephew went to visit him at the hotel
C.who was not willing to meet his nephew
D.whose nephew is always asking him for help
【小题2】When his nephew came to the hotel,Mr.White            
A.took the train back to London
B.left to visit a sick relative
C.went to pick up a telegram
D.hid himself in the kitchen
【小题3】Mr. White didn’t like his nephews because         
A.they always follow him around
B.they frequently disturb their relatives
C.they won’t write to him often
D.they usually visit him in hotels


A car drew up outside the Swan Hotel and a young man got out.Pausing only for a moment to see that he had come to the right place,he went into the hotel and rang the bell on the counter of the bar.
Mrs.Crump,the landlady,who was busy in the kitchen at the time,hurried out,wiping her hands.The young man raised his hat.
“Excuse me,”he said.“I’m looking for my uncle,Mr.White.I believe he is staying here.”
“He was staying here.”Mrs.Crump corrected him.“But I’m afraid that he went back to London yesterday.”
“Oh,dear,”said the young man,looking disappointed.“I understood that he was going to stay here until the end of the month.At least that is what his servant told me when I rang up his house.”
“Quite right,”said Mrs,Cramp.“He planned to stay here the whole of July,as he always does. But yesterday he got a telegram to say that his relative was ill.So he caught the train back to London immediately.”
“I wish he had let me know, ”The young man said.“I wrote him a letter saying that I was coming.I’ve had all this trouble for nothing.Well,since he isn’t here,there’s no point in waiting.”
He thanked Mrs.Grump and went out.Mrs.Grump went to the window and watched him drive off.When his car was out of sight,she called out:“You can come out now, Mr.White. He’s gone.”
Mr.White came out of the kitchen,where he had been waiting.
“Many thanks,Mrs.Grump,”he said,laughing,“you did that very well.These nephews of mine never gave me any peace.That young man is the worst of them all.As you see,when he needs money, he even follows me into the country.Well,perhaps next time he won’t warn me by writing a letter!”
【小题1】This story is about a man         

A.who was very much loved by his nephews
B.whose nephew went to visit him at the hotel
C.who was not willing to meet his nephew
D.whose nephew is always asking him for help
【小题2】When his nephew came to the hotel,Mr.White            
A.took the train back to London
B.left to visit a sick relative
C.went to pick up a telegram
D.hid himself in the kitchen
【小题3】Mr. White didn’t like his nephews because         
A.they always follow him around
B.they frequently disturb their relatives
C.they won’t write to him often
D.they usually visit him in hotels

