Our head-teacher’s d to her work makes us love her more. 查看更多



There is very simple way of measuring the height of a water-tower, which we cannot measure by climbing.

Suppose, for example, that we wish to find out the height of the water-tower, AB, in a factory. We first of all go to where the water-tower is standing and measure a distance of, say, 25 feet from it. Then we take a stick, and stand it in the ground at the spot we have just marked.

Let us suppose the stick we are using is 4 feet in height. We now walk farther away from the water –tower in the same straight line as when we measured off the distance of 25 feet. We go from the water-tower until we come to point E, where with our head on the ground, we see the top of the stick and the top of the water-tower in the same height line---that is, the top of the stick just covers the highest part of the water-tower. Every schoolboy can work out the height of the water-tower now.

Suppose that the line CE is five feet. We know that the stick is 4 feet high and the distance BE is 30 feet. Thus, 5 is to 4 as 30 is to AB.

1.If we want to know how high a tall tree is,_______.

A. we have to climb up the tree

B. we have no way out

C. we must cut down the tree

D we needn’t climb up the tree

2. According to the passage, which of the following is correct?



3.It is clear from this that the problem can be settled by _________.

A. a child

B. the boy who has little schooling

C. everyone

D. a girl at middle school

4.To measure a water-tower in this way, _________.

A. no tool is needed

B. Besides a stick, tape-measure (卷尺) or at least a ruler is necessary.

C. we have to use nothing but a stick

D. we have to prepare a set of expensive tools




apart from; take up; devote… to…; head for; take on; have affection for; make room for ; participate in; come up with
【小题1】My daughter ________ dolls when young, but she never does .
【小题2】Instead of _______ his time and energy ______ his studies, he wasted a lot of his time playing games.
【小题3】Some people believe that the world is sure _________disaster if we go on destroying the environment like this.
【小题4】Our head teacher often encourages us ___________ in class discussions and share opinions with our classmates.
【小题5】Opening the door, the man was shocked to find that ________ some old books, there was almost nothing left.
【小题6】Many high buildings have sprung up in our city in recent years, making it _______ a new look.


Making an advertisement for television often costs more than a movie. For example, a two-hour movie costs $6 million to make. A TV commercial can cost more than $ 600 a second. 54  Which is more valuable, the program or the ad? In terms of money---and making money is what television is all about—the commercial is by far the most important.

Research, market testing, talent, and money—all come together to make us want to buy a product.  55  The sales of charm went up once the ads began. TV commercials actually buy their way into our head.  56 

And the ads work because so much time and attention are given to them.  57 If you want to get a lower-middle-class buyer, make sure the announcer has a tough, manly voice. Put some people in the ad who work with their hands. If you want to sell the products to an upper-class audience, make sure that the house, the furniture, and the hairstyles are the types that the group agree with . if you want the buyer to feel superior to the character selling the product, then make that person so stupid or silly that everyone will feel great about himself or herself.

We laugh at commercials. We don’t think we pay much attention to them.  58 The making of a TV commercial that costs so much money is not a kid stuff. It’s a big,big business. And it’s telling us what to think, what we need, and what to buy. To put it simple, the TV commercial is a form of brainwashing.

A.No matter how bad we think a commercial is, it works.

B.And this does not include the cost of paying for air time.

C.We, in return, buy the product.

D.The purpose of all the efforts made in producing TV commercials is to show how valuable the product is.

E. Here are some rules of commercial ad making.

F. TV commercials are a good guide to buyers.

G. But evidence shows we are kidding ourselves.



Making an advertisement for television often costs more than a movie. For example, a two – hour movie costs $6 million to make. A TV commercial can cost more than $6 000 a second. And that does not include cost of paying for air time. Which is more valuable, the program or the ad? In terms of money – and making money is what television is all about – the commercial is by far the more important.
Research, market testing, talent, time and money —— all come together to make us want to buy a product.
No matter how bad we think a commercial is, it works. The sales of Charm went up once the ads began. TV commercials actually buy their way into our head. We, in turn, buy the product.
And the ads work because so much time and attention are given to them. Here are some rules of commercial ad making. If you want to get the low middle – class buyer, make sure the announcer has a though, manly voice. Put some people in the ad who work with their hands. If you want to sell to upper – class audience, make sure that the house,  the furniture, and the hair style are the types that the group identifies  with. If you want the buyer feel superior to the character selling the product, then make that person so stupid or silly that everyone will feel great about himself or herself.
We laugh at commercials. We don’t think we pay that much attention to them. But evidence shows we are kidding ourselves. The making of a commercial that costs so much money is not kid stuff. It’s big, big business. And it’s telling us what to think , what we need, and what to buy. To put simply, the TV commercial is a form of brainwashing.
【小题1】TV commercials are more important than other programs to television because      .

A.they bring in great profitsB.they require a lot of money to make
C.they are not difficult to produceD.they attract more viewers than other programs
【小题2】The purpose of all the efforts made in turning out TV commercials is         .`
A.to persuade people to buy the product
B.to show how valuable the product is
C.to test the market value of the product
D.to make them as interesting as TV movies
【小题3】From the rules set for making commercial ads, we can see that         .
A.the lower – middle – class buyer likes to work with his hand
B.the more stupid the characters, the more buyers of the product
C.ad designers attract different people with different skills
D.an upper – class buyer is only interested in houses and furniture
【小题4】It is believed by the writer that         .
A.few people like to watch TV commercials
B.TV commercials are a good guide to buyers
C.TV commercials often make people laugh
D.people do not think highly of TV commercials
【小题5】What does the author actually mean in the last paragraph?
A.He asks TV viewers never to laugh at the TV commercial ads.
B.Commercials are used to show the true value of a product to be sold.
C.TV commercials cost much and they do influence us in one way or another.
D.Brainwashing must be introduced to sell something on TV.


You have heard of Webster Toys.Websters have made good,safe and interesting toys for more than a hundred years.Now we sell them,and children play with them,in countries from New Zealand to Norway,and from Japan to Brazil.We are looking for someone to sell our toys in the Far East.He (or she) will be between the age of thirty and forty.He will already have some years of selling in world markets behind him.He will speak good English,and at least one other language of the Far East.

The person we are looking for will live in Singapore,and work in our office there,but he will travel for up to six months in other countries in one year.He will know the Far East quite well already.He will know how to sell in old markets and where to find new ones.He will understand money and more than ever before,for himself,and for Webster Toys.

Websters want someone who can stand on his own feet.If you think you are the person we are looking for,write to Mr J Sloman at our head office.

Webster Toys Company

Church Mill,Watford

Hert,WD 36 HE

36.What are Webster Toys?

A.A kind of old toys.

B.Factories where good,safe and interesting toys are made.

C.People who are famous for making toys for children.

D.A company that has been making and selling toys.

37.The passage is written because________.

A.they need a right person to work for them

B.they are trying to find the man they have lost

C.they want to have a choice between a man and a woman

D.they are looking for a man living in Singapore

38.The person must be good at speaking________.

A.English and any other language

B.English or any other language

C.English and any other Far Eastern language

D.English or any other Far Eastern language

39.“Someone who can stand on his own feet” means________.

A.someone who can deal with all the business all by himself

B.someone who doesn’t stand on other people’s feet

C.someone who has nothing wrong with his feet

D.someone who can understand and can earn a lot of money

40.Where can you probably read above passage?

A.In a book.                                          B.In a dictionary.

C.In a magazine.                                    D.In a newspaper.

