3. 最高级 1) This is the most interesting book I've ever read. 2) Of all his novels I like this one best. 4. the more-the more-结构 1) The harder you work, the greater progress you will make. 2) The more a man knows, the more he discovers his ignorance. 5. 选择比较 1) I prefer staying at home to going out. 2) They prefer to work rather than He prefers to work alone. 注意:这里的1)句用的是Prefer A to B结构.to为介词.后接名词或动名词,2)句是以不定式作 prefer的宾语,3)句用法同2).只是不把rather than部分表达出来. 6. 对比 1) Motion is absolute while stagnation is relative. 2) He is tired out, whereas she is full of vigour. 注意:while 和whereas均可用于连接两个意义对立的分句.相当于汉语的"而"字.许多考生能较好地运用这一句式.尤其在图表作文中. 三. 表达原因的结构 考生病句: 1. The real reason to our failure is not far to seek. 2. The reason for this is because some people want to earn plenty of money without working hard. 正确表达: 1. The real reason for our failure is not far to seek. 2. The reason for this is that some people want to earn plenty of money without working hard. 英语中用来表达原因这一概念的结构有多种.我们可用as , because, since, seeing that, considering that, now that, not that...等词组引出表示原因的从句. 英语中还有很多或易或难的表达原因的结构.我们在进行写作训练的时候.不能满足于一知半解.要讲究书面语言的正确性和准确性.比如.because是最常用的引导原因从句的连词.语气最强.表示直接的原因.若because置于句首.后面的主句不能再用so.用as引导的原因从句语气较弱.所说明的原因是附带的.而since表示的原因暗示着是稍加分析之后才能推断出来的原因. 四. 否定结构 考生病句 1. Some people think we needn't to worry about fresh water. 2. Nowadays many people don't like to go to the movies, too. 正确表达: 1. Some people think we needn't worry (或don't need to worry) about fresh water. 2. Nowadays many people don't like to go to the movies, either. (3)怎样才能突出句子的重点 有效的句子要有重点.并且要突出重点.句子的重点可以通过下列方法.加以突出: 1. 把重点摆在句首或句尾. 一般而论.最显眼的位置是在“句尾.其次是在句首.中间的位置最平淡.乏善可陈.例如: (1).Incorrect grammar and improper construction invariably distract readers' attention. (2) The history of vocabulary is, in many ways, the record of civilization. 把重点放在句尾是种“吊胃口 的方法.读者或听者非得读完或听完整句不可. 2. 在复杂句里.把主句放在从句之后.除了名词从句和形容词从句之外.因为它们位置较固定.副词从句中有几种的位置灵活.可以在主句之前出现.也可以跟在主句之后.通常我们就把这样的副词从句提前.重点则放在后头的主句.如(3b): (3a) I came upon an old classmate when I went to town yesterday. (3b) When I went to town yesterday, I came upon an old classmate. 副词短语更是如此.如 (4b): (4a) Steel is commonly used to make knives, razors and other useful tools because of its durability. (4b) Because of its durability, steel is commonly used to make knives, razors and other useful tools. 3. 把较重要或有分量的词语放在后头.如: (5a) I was delighted and amused by the classical opera (5b) I was amused and delighted by the classical opera. (6a) That singer's life was tragic and brief. (6b) That singer's life was brief and tragic. 4. 把句子中一系列的项目作逻辑性的排列.例如: (7) Tony ate his dinner, watched TV, and then went to bed. (8) Were you bored with years of study in elementary school, high school and institute of higher education? 5. 必要时.重复重要的语词或概念. 例如: (9) Jackie enjoys the company of ladies. He likes their beauty, he likes their delicacy, he likes their vivacity, and he likes their silence. (10) ...the land stretched out without names. Nameless headlands split the surf; nameless lakes reflected the nameless mountains and nameless rivers flowed through nameless valleys and nameless bays. 6. 尽量用主动说态.因此好: (11a) A pedestrian was struck on the head by a flying stone. (11b) A flying stone struck a pedestrian on the head. 7. 适当时候.可用倒装句和平行句.如: (12) Seven dwarfs lived here in the center of the dark forest. → Here, in the center of the dark forest lived seven dwarfs. (13) Severity breeds fear; roughness breeds hatred. (14) Honesty recommends that I speak; self-interest demands that I remain silent. (4)避免句子冗长的三种方法 根据国外学者的调查统计.一个以句号结尾的英语句子.单词的数量最好不要超过20个.否则的话.句子偏长.听话人的注意力有可能不集中.漏听一.两个单词.从而影响对整个句子的理解.为了避免句子冗长.通常采取两种办法.一种是将一个长句子.划分为几个短句子.每个短句子之间有语气上的停顿.让听话人有间歇的感觉.另外一种则是简化句子的单词构成.用一些简单的单词.代替一些复杂的单词.下面我就给各位介绍三种常用的简化方法. 第一种方法是用一个单词代替一组意义相同的单词.比如: ①用forget代替do not remember ②用ignore代替do not pay attention to ③用now代替at this point in time ④用because代替due to the fact that 第二种方法是省略同义词或近义词.比如在下面例句中.形容词important和significant.就是两个同义词.我们可以省略important.只保留significant. ①The government project is important and significant.(这项政府计划是重要的.有重要意义.) ②The government project is significant.(这项政府计划有重要意义.) 第三种方法是在不改变句子含义的前提下.省略所有可以省略的单词.比如在下面例句中.the cover of the book可以省略成the book cover.is red in color可以省略成is red. ①The cover of the book is red in color. ②The book cover is red. 最后我们把这三种方法结合起来.将一个冗长.绕嘴的句子.改写成一个简短.易懂的句子. ①University malls must be accessible and free from congestion in order that students, faculty and employees may have unobstructed passage through those areas of the campus.(校内道路必须是便于通行的.不拥堵的.以便让学生.教师和职员能够无阻碍地通过.到达校园的各处.) ②University malls must be free enough from congestion to allow people to walk through easily.(校内道路不应当拥堵.以便人们顺利通行.) (5)英语写作中句式的多样化 句式就是句子的结构方式.也就是句子的式样或格式.不同的思想内容要用不同的句式来表达,而同一思想内容也可以用不同的句式来表达.句式不同.表达效果也就不同.只有句式多样化.文章才会生动有趣.充满活力.可是.在实际写作中.初学写作的学生往往一篇文章都是千篇一律的简单句.文章单调乏味.毫无生气.笔者认为.恰当地使用某些方法或手段有助于实际表达形式的多样化.增强表达效果.兹将常用方法简单介绍如下. 查看更多


