keep up (courage, English, spirits)保持. keep up with跟上 keep off 不接近.离开 keep away from避开.不接近.离-远远的 keep out of keep to 坚持.遵守 keep on继续.坚持下来 keep back阻止.留下.隐瞒.扣下 keep from克制.阻止 1) The angry lady told the strangers to keep from her. 2) I can hardly keep my tears after hearing his words. 3) Only pride kept her bursting into tears. 4) I can scarcely keep asking him what he has done. 5) "Don't touch me," screamed the woman, "Keep !" 6) Keep until you succeed. 7) Keep your courage, and you'll succeed in the end. 8) The thick coat can keep the cold . 9) Always try to keep the rules when you play a game. 10) I can't keep with everything you're doing. (away, back, from, from, off, on, up, out, to, up) 查看更多



She will have to find some other work,for she can't ______ this loud noise any more.

A.come up withB.keep up with C.make up withD.put up with


When I was a teenager, I volunteered to give out water at a marathon. Watching the different runners who passed by and grabbed a cup was 36 . The next year I signed up for the race. I did little preparation and my only goal was to finish. On the day of the race, it was 37  hot. I remember struggling at about the 5th mile, thinking, “I am never doing this again!”

Have you ever felt that way about something? You eagerly choose a goal 38     soon realize it is 39 to achieve than you imagined it would be. That first 10 km race was quite an experience. I jogged, I walked, I jogged and I walked. Then 40 a decisive moment. Near the end, a 70-year-old man ran past me. I felt 41  that I was younger than him but I couldn’t keep up with him. I felt defeated for a second but then I realized 42 . He was running his race and I was running mine. He had different experience, training and goals and I had mine. 43  in life do we 44  ourselves with others and feel disappointed in ourselves when we really shouldn’t? I decided, then, that one day I would be one of those 70-year-olds who were still running. 45  I crossed the finish line, I was proud of my achievement. Since then I have run several races and run purely for fun.

In life we all 46  compare ourselves with others, which is only natural. But don’t let them weaken you. 47 , you should use them to inspire you and show you what is possible. Then you are a true winner.

1.                A.pleasing        B.interesting      C.inspiring  D.amazing


2.                A.extremely       B.strangely        C.sadly D.certainly


3.                A.and            B.but            C.while D.or


4.                A.easier          B.harder         C.better    D.worse


5.                A.went           B.flew           C.happened D.came


6.                A.exhausted      B.disappointed     C.embarrassed   D.annoyed


7.                A.something      B.anything        C.everything D.nothing


8.                A.How many      B.How much       C.How often D.How old


9.                A.cooperate        C.combine  D.compromise


10.               A.When          B.Because        C.Since D.Until


11.               A.hardly         B.sometimes      C.always D.never


12.               A.Furthermore    B.Therefore       C.Meanwhile D.Instead




 In face of  ___________failure, we should keep up  ___________  good state of mind instead of being depressed.

A. 不填; a     B.a, the;          C. the; a     D . 不填; the   


I was a publishing director and was looking forward to embracing a new day of work, as always,that morning.

I would always turn to the crossword, but that day it didn't  31  I'd been doing it for 30 odd years, but trying to read this one was like treading through syrup(糖浆): 32  slow and hard. I thought I must be tired. I said to my assistant. The 33  colleague contacted my wife, Beth, and she drove me straight to hospital. There, confirmation came that I'd had a stroke in the part of my brain that 34 communication. I was now in a condition that means it's difficult or 35 to receive and produce language. It was the only time I 36 .

I was back at home a week later, and my goal was to get better and  37  Work in a couple of months. The way to  38  my language ability was rough. I'd look at simple pictures and try to describe them as my mind  39  round and round in the darkness, looking for words.

As the months passed it became  40  that I wasn't going to be able to go back to my old job. For 25 years, I had  41  myself as a publisher. I was used to a busy day of meetings. I enjoyed colleagues and the 42 I'd had. I didn’t feel ready to say goodbye to my old self. There were times when I felt incredibly  43 .

In the darkest months, I devoted myself to  44 . I couldn't manage novels or newspapers,  45  I tried reading poetry, and found the shorter lines less overwhelming. My speech came back, and I learned how to read again, though much more slowly. I also learned the  46  to keep up. I allowed myself to slow down, and started to enjoy it.

47  , I rid of my old skin. I grieved the past, its passing and its absence, and started to 48  it. Now,  10 years  later,  I look after my grandson a day a week, and my relationship with my family is deeper than ever. If you'd asked me 15 years ago to  49  the importance of the things in my life I might have said work, but now I'm no longer a high-achieving publisher. I'm a  50         man. 

1.                A.wear off        B.make any sense   C.count up off


2.                A.temporarily     B.scarcely        C.incredibly D.savagely


3.                A.curious         B.reserved        C.rigid D.concerned


4.                A.calls for with       C.suffers from   D.responds to


5.                A.practical        B.absurd         C.impossible D.innocent


6.                A.prayed         B.cried           C.failed D.withdrew


7.                A.contribute to    B.agree to        C.return to  D.appeal to


8.                A.obtaining       B.rebuilding       C.revealing D.improving


9.                A.slipped         B.doubted        C.wandered D.reckoned


10.               A.messy          B.flexible         C.straightforward D.self-evident


11.               A.informed       B.estimated       C.reflected  D.defined


12.               A.extinction       B.reward         C.agenda    D.status


13.               A.angry          B.acute          C.prejudiced D.merciless


14.               A.speaking        B.trying          C.writing    D.managing


15.               A.since          B.until           C.SO


16.               A.favor          B.patience        C.coincidence    D.comfort


17.               A.Gradually       B.Hopefully       C.Narrowly D.Annually


18.               A.keep up with    B.come to terms with    C.get around to up to


19.               A.arrange        C.rank  D.declare


20.               A.genius      C.dignity




It is sometimes difficult for a newly established corporation to ______ the changing demands of the market.

A. keep up with    B. catch up with    C. cope with      D. fight with

