in the eyes of 在--看来 查看更多




在我们看来,那个士兵没有一丝软弱的表现. (in the eyes of, a sign of weakness)


1. — Lily, is everyone in the classroom?
    — Not yet, Sir. Look, _________________________the rest of my classmates. (come)
    — Lily, 所有人都在教室里吗?
    — 还没有, 老师. 看! 其他的同学来了.
2. The result is not _________________________, which is rather disappointing. (expect)
    结果不像预料的那样让人满意, 这让人很失望.
3. I was struck by its beauty and romance the first time I _________________________France.(foot)
   我初次踏上法国的国土, 就被它的美丽和浪漫所陶醉.
4.With my eyes_________________________ the dark, I was lucky to manage to find my way to
    the exit of the cave. (accustom)
   随着我的眼睛渐渐适应了黑暗, 我幸运地找到了岩洞的出口.
5. My husband ______________. The sweater that used to fit him well is now too tight for him. (gain)
   我丈夫一定是长胖了. 这件过去适合他的运动衫现在太紧了.
6. No one can tell the reason___________________ the invitation to your wedding ceremony. (refuse)
7. We are completely lost in the forest, so at the moment we ___________________ be rescued. (help)
    我们在森林里完全迷路了, 因此, 此时我们只能等待救援.
8. The girl under the tall tree was seen _________________________ all the afternoon. (sit)
9. An umbrella was lying at the access to the hall, but I had no idea_________________________, so
    I picked it up and handed it to the girl at the accepting desk. (be)
    一把伞躺在大厅门口, 但我不知道是谁的,所以我把它捡了起来给了接待处的那个女孩.
10. I'm amazed why it is ___________________ your precious time playing computer games.  (waste)



71. If my grandpa lived today, he would be surprised by ______________________ (所发生的一切) in the village. (take)

72. Though her husband passed away several years ago, she keeps their wedding picture _____________

   __________ (她能看到的地方) every day, as it always reminds her of their past happy days. (see)

73. The more exercise you take, ____________________ (越不可能) you’ll catch a cold. (likely)

74. It was three o’clock in the afternoon ___________________________ (他们到达) the railway station. (arrive)

75. On average, it is said, visitors spend only ________________________ (一半的钱) in a day in Leeds as in London. (much)

76. The father, rather than the brothers, _____________________ (应受责备) for what has happened. (blame)

77. When I entered the room, I noticed that on the desk _______________________ (放着他的包), fully occupied, and I wondered if he was going traveling again. (stand)

78. She insisted that someone had broken into the house and that ________________ (叫警察来). (call)

79. _____________________ (能参加) the conference is a great honor for me. (able)

80. With all eyes __________________________ (注视着他), Jack felt so embarrassed that he was at a loss for words. (fix)



71. If my grandpa lived today, he would be surprised by ______________________ (所发生的一切) in the village. (take)

72. Though her husband passed away several years ago, she keeps their wedding picture _____________

__________ (她能看到的地方) every day, as it always reminds her of their past happy days. (see)

73. The more exercise you take, ____________________ (越不可能) you’ll catch a cold. (likely)

74. It was three o’clock in the afternoon ___________________________ (他们到达) the railway station. (arrive)

75. On average, it is said, visitors spend only ________________________ (一半的钱) in a day in Leeds as in London. (much)

76. The father, rather than the brothers, _____________________ (应受责备) for what has happened. (blame)

77. When I entered the room, I noticed that on the desk _______________________ (放着他的包), fully occupied, and I wondered if he was going traveling again. (stand)

78. She insisted that someone had broken into the house and that ________________ (叫警察来). (call)

79. _____________________ (能参加) the conference is a great honor for me. (able)

80. With all eyes __________________________ (注视着他), Jack felt so embarrassed that he was at a loss for words. (fix)





Whenever I am in trouble, my friends always come to help me ______ ______.


All eyes were _______ _______ him when he came in, which made him embarrassed.


We must ____ ____ on the cost so that the price of our product can be brought down.


He was so absorbed ______ a newspaper ______he didn’t notice anyone enter the classroom.


Sometimes we need help to ______ ______ with others.


We weren’t going to be friends any more because she couldn’t ______ her ______.


His pocket money has been ______ ______.


The world’s population has grown by six times what______ ______ in 1800.


200 students ______ ______ to the school every year.


_______ _______, you’d better not refer to the dictionary.


