go down one's knees 跪下 查看更多




go against违反


go all out全力以赴

go down下降,减弱

go off爆炸

go in for从事(某种事业或活动)

go out熄灭

go round够用,够分配

go on继续下去,发生,进行

go over审阅,检查

go down on one’s knees屈膝下跪

(1)His actions ________ the will of the people.

(2)We shall have to ________ if we are to make a success of it.

(3)The prices are expected to ________ in two months.

(4)If you think that you can solve the problem, ________.

(5)He ________ and begged for mercy.

(6)A lot of students ________ playing basketball, football, and volleyball.

(7)The bomb ________ and killed ten people.

(8)What’s ________ outside?

(9)How did you ________in your examination?

(10)Suddenly all the light ________ and the room became dark.

(11)He ________ our written material word for word to correct and improve it.

