3.send up发射 A number of man-made satellites have been sent up into space in the past few years. 查看更多




send down使降低  send for派人去请  send in交上去

send off送行  send out发出(光亮等)  send up发射

(1)We’ve ________ another man-made satellite this month.

(2)Applications must be ________ by 25th this month.

(3)Xiao Li is ill.Have you ________ the doctor?

(4)The sun ________ lights and heat.

(5)There was a large crowd to ________ Xiao Wang at the station.

(6)We should manage to ________ the prices.


On Saturday August 12, 2000, during Northern Fleet training exercises in the Barents Sea, the Russian nuclear submarine(潜水艇) Kursk sank in about 100 meters of water with some 118 sailors aboard. It's known later that several officers were also aboard, observing the training exercises. The Kursk is lying on the ocean floor in the Barents Sea. The Russian Navy said that it was listing 30 degrees to port. Other sources reported it was listing as much 60 as degrees. According to a Russian newspaper, when the submarine Kursk failed to make contact with the naval command at the right time later that day, Northern Fleet Commander Admiral Vyachesav Popov ordered rescue ships into the area. It took hours to find the submarine, as it didn't launch(发射) a marking buoy(浮) before sinking.

Russian Navy Chief insisted that the submarine Kursk had been involved(卷入) in a major collision(碰撞), but a great deal of information shows that this is not true. Up till now, it's believed that an explosion in the torpedo compartment(鱼雷舱) in the nose of the Kursk was the likely cause. Now Russian government officially asked Norway for help in recovering of sailors' bodies first of all, and Norway has agreed to offer all help. But Russian insisted that only Russians work inside the submarine Kursk and that the work last for about 10~18 working days. It is expected to recover only 25~35 bodies from the Kursk.

It was not until October 25, when a team of Russian divers entered the submarine Kursk, some 350 feet below the surface, that truth became clear. On November 7, in the morning, owing to(由于)  the icy and the cold weather, a special rescue meeting held on Murmansk decided to stop the whole bodies recovering operation.

1. From the text we can infer that _______ led to the sinking of the submarine Kursk.

A. a small fighting with another foreign submarine

B. an explosion inside the submarine Kursk

C. a great collision inside the submarine Kursk

D. an attack from another foreign submarine

2. After Kursk accident occurred, Northern Fleet Commander Popov _______.

A. decided to recover all the sailors' bodies immediately

B. went to apply to Norway for help at once

C. decided to find out the real cause of sinking at once

D. sent several rescue ships into the Barents Sea

3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?

A. The Norwegians were willing to offer all help.

A. If the rescue work did within 10~18 days, there would be about 30 sailors to be recovered.

B. It was not believed that there were many unclear weapons inside the Kursk.

C. A team of divers from Norway entered the submarine Kursk successfully on Oct. 25

D. It's reported that a major collision was unlikely to cause the sinking of the Kursk.

4. Why did Russia insist that only Russian divers can work inside the submarine Kursk?

A. Because the Barents Sea is very icy and the weather is too cold.

B. Because Russia feared that the top secrets inside the Kursk will be let out.

C. Because Russian divers are much more skilled than those from Norway.

D. Because Russian government wants to bring the cost down to the lowest degree.

5. The underlined words “make contact with” in the first paragraph refers to the idea that the submarine Kursk can't_______.

A. get in touch after much effort with the naval command

B. send up the nuclear weapons in the training exercises

C. get the naval officers to return to the Northern Fleet

D. get in touch after much effort with Russian government


On Saturday August 12, 2000, during Northern Fleet training exercises in the Barents Sea, the Russian nuclear submarine(潜水艇) Kursk sank in about 100 meters of water with some 118 sailors aboard. It's known later that several officers were also aboard, observing the training exercises. The Kursk is lying on the ocean floor in the Barents Sea. The Russian Navy said that it was listing 30 degrees to port. Other sources reported it was listing as much 60 as degrees. According to a Russian newspaper, when the submarine Kursk failed to make contact with the naval command at the right time later that day, Northern Fleet Commander Admiral Vyachesav Popov ordered rescue ships into the area. It took hours to find the submarine, as it didn't launch(发射) a marking buoy(浮) before sinking.

Russian Navy Chief insisted that the submarine Kursk had been involved(卷入) in a major collision(碰撞), but a great deal of information shows that this is not true. Up till now, it's believed that an explosion in the torpedo compartment(鱼雷舱) in the nose of the Kursk was the likely cause. Now Russian government officially asked Norway for help in recovering of sailors' bodies first of all, and Norway has agreed to offer all help. But Russian insisted that only Russians work inside the submarine Kursk and that the work last for about 10~18 working days. It is expected to recover only 25~35 bodies from the Kursk.

It was not until October 25, when a team of Russian divers entered the submarine Kursk, some 350 feet below the surface, that truth became clear. On November 7, in the morning, owing to(由于)  the icy and the cold weather, a special rescue meeting held on Murmansk decided to stop the whole bodies recovering operation.

From the text we can infer that _______ led to the sinking of the submarine Kursk.

A. a small fighting with another foreign submarine

B. an explosion inside the submarine Kursk

C. a great collision inside the submarine Kursk

D. an attack from another foreign submarine

After Kursk accident occurred, Northern Fleet Commander Popov _______.

A. decided to recover all the sailors' bodies immediately

B. went to apply to Norway for help at once

C. decided to find out the real cause of sinking at once

D. sent several rescue ships into the Barents Sea

Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?

A. The Norwegians were willing to offer all help.

A. If the rescue work did within 10~18 days, there would be about 30 sailors to be recovered.

B. It was not believed that there were many unclear weapons inside the Kursk.

C. A team of divers from Norway entered the submarine Kursk successfully on Oct. 25

D. It's reported that a major collision was unlikely to cause the sinking of the Kursk.

Why did Russia insist that only Russian divers can work inside the submarine Kursk?

A. Because the Barents Sea is very icy and the weather is too cold.

B. Because Russia feared that the top secrets inside the Kursk will be let out.

C. Because Russian divers are much more skilled than those from Norway.

D. Because Russian government wants to bring the cost down to the lowest degree.

The underlined words “make contact with” in the first paragraph refers to the idea that the submarine Kursk can't_______.

A. get in touch after much effort with the naval command

B. send up the nuclear weapons in the training exercises

C. get the naval officers to return to the Northern Fleet

D. get in touch after much effort with Russian government



Beijing plans to send up manned spaceship

  ZHUHAI-China will soon put a person into space and become the third nation in the world to own manned space flight, a top Chinese aerospace (航空航天) official said on November 5.

  A manned launch was not far off , Vice President Hu Hongfu of China Aerospace Science Technology Corp(CASTC) told a news conference at the third Zhuhai air show. “It will not be long before Chinese astronauts can ride locally-made spaceships into space,” Hu said. The official gave no timetable but said it would happen “at the beginning of the 21st century.”

  The former Soviet Union and the United States have been putting people into orbit since the early 1960s, but other nations have not considered the challenge worth following.

  China has already built and sent up its own satellites for communications and weather forecasting. The new communication satellites would help to encourage the country's broadcasting industry, he said.

  But the company, which includes over 130 aerospace agencies, said that the lifting ability and success rate of China's launch spaceships were almost equal in quality to those of other countries.

  China would gradually close the distance between its country's space industry and that of other nations. He added that they were willing to send up commercial satellites for Taiwan.

  On China's plan to send up manned space flights, Hu said China had made important development after the successful launch (发射) in November last year of the country's first experimental spaceship, Shenzhou.

  “The whole project is in the research stage and a lot of work needs to be done,” Hu said. “We need to have more tests of the unmanned spaceship.”

  China last year announced a four-step manned space flight plan, with the aim of setting up a space station served by spaceship traveling between the two places.

1.The underlined word “they” here probably refers to ______.

[  ]

A.the former Soviet Union and the USA

B.over 130 aerospace agencies

C.Russia and China

D.Russia and the USA

2.The main idea of the last paragraph but one is _____.

[  ]

A.we haven't done any test of the manned spaceship

B.before we send manned spaceship, we should carry out many tests

C.though we tried once, we need to do more tests of the unmanned spaceship

D.sending up manned spaceship can show its country's scientific level

3.Which of the following is close to the underlined word“close”?

[  ]





4.The writer wrote the passage to ______.

[  ]

A.tell us the present situation of Chinese aerospace technology

B.remind us what we should do compared to other countries

C.find out the reason why our homeland fall behind with America

D.make us know that Beijing will send up manned spaceship




  ZHUHAIChina will soon put a person into space and become the third nation in the world to have manned spaceflight, a tap Chinese aerospace(航空航天)official said on November 5.

  A manned launch(发射) was not far off, Vice President Hu Hongfu of China Aerospace Science Technology Corp(CASTC)told a news conference at the third Zhuhai Air Show.“It will not be long before Chinese astronauts can ride locally - made spaceships into space,”Hu said. The official gave no timetable but said it would happen“at beginning of the 21st century.”

  The former Soviet Union and the United States have been putting people into orbit since the early 1960s, but other nations have not considered the challenge worth following.

  China has already built and sent up its own satellites for communications and weather forecasting. The new communication satellites would help to encourage the country's broadcasting industry, Hu said.

  But the company, which includes over 130 aerospace agencies, said the lifting ability and success rate of China's space - launches were almost equal in quality to those of other countries.

  China would gradually close the distance between its country's space industry and that of other nations. He added that they were willing to send up commercial satellites for Taiwan.

  On China's plan to end up manned spaceflights, Hu said China had made important development after the successful launch in November last year of the country's first experimental spaceship, Shenzhou. “The whole project is in the research stage and a lot of work needs to be done,”Hu said.“We need to have more tests of the unmanned spaceship.”

  China last year announced a four-step manned spaceflight plan with the aim of setting up a spacestation served by a spaceship travelling between two places.

1.The underlined word“they”here probably refers to ________.

[  ]

A.the Soviet Union and the USA

B.over 130 aerospace agencies

C.Russia and China

D.Russia and the USA

2.The main idea of the 7th paragraph is ________.

[  ]

A.we haven't tested the manned spaceship

B.before we send a manned spaceship, we should carry out many tests

C.though we tried once, we need to do more tests of the unmanned spaceship

D.sending up a manned spaceship can show a country's scientific level

3.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word“close”?

[  ]


4.The writer wrote the passage to ________.

[  ]

A.tell us the present situation of China's aerospace technology

B.remind us what we should do compared to other countries

C.find out the reason why China falls behind

D.tell us that China will send up its manned spaceship soon

