Will you please make a room for the lady outside? 查看更多




1.Don’t be ________(苛刻的)on her.After all, she is only ten years old.

2.My father ________(坚持)I make an apology to him for my rudeness.

3.________(既然)you’ve finished your work, why not go to play football now?

4.You cannot find Mr Turner; he is on ________(度假)with his family.

5.Old Sam’s sudden death ________(使吃惊)all of us greatly.

6.The match ________(熄灭)in the wind.

7.Don’t ________(相信)him - he’s telling the truth.

8.James was ________(心烦)because he had lost his plane ticket.

9.Will you please ________(解释)the third paragraph again to us?

10.Will you give me the ________(理由)that you wouldn’t like to attend our group?

11.Whose ________(过错)is it for the failure of the experiment?

12.Don’t ________(听任,让)her waiting outside in the rain.

13.The branches of the tree ________(接触)the water.

14.So you see I am right ________(毕竟)!

15.Don’t you think your ________(行为)is out of place in such a formal occasion?

16.What an exciting ________(景色)it is to see the sun rising on top of Mount Tai!

17.I can’t think of any fit person to do the job just ________(目前).

18.What’s wrong?You ________(应该)here half an hour earlier.

19.What have you ________(处理)your prize money?

20.Who is ________(负责)of this project?

21.There is still no reasonable ________(解释)for the UFO.

22.The couples had an ________(争论)over whether to buy a new flat last night.

23.Your room is in a ________(混乱).Please tidy it.

24.Don’t ________(弄混)Australia and Austria, and the former is in Oceania, the latter is in Europe.

25.If you have a ________(多余的)bed, may I stay tonight?

26.The two brothers look ________(好像)they had quarrelled.

27.-Do you know her ________(关系)to that girl?

-She’s her sister.

28.Smoking is ________(禁止)in the concert hall.

29.How ________(令人厌倦的)it is to stay indoors!

30.American football doesn’t ________(使……感兴趣)me at all.

31.The lady clearly goes ________(疯).

32.It is harmful to our physical and mental health to ________(熬夜)often.

