关系代词who(m).which.that的选用和省略. 查看更多



1. This is the comrade _____ will go to the south with us tomorrow.
2. Who's the student _____ the teacher is talking with?
3. I like the present _____ you've sent to me.
4. The nurse _____ we talked about can speak English well.
5. This is the most difficult job _____ we've ever done.
6. This is the cleverest man _____ I've ever known.
7. I bought all _____ was necessary.
8. The old gentleman _____ you met just now is a famous writer.
9. The girl to _____ I lent my bike works in a hospital.
10. All _____ come are welcome.
11. This is the girl _____ songs you heard last night.
12. She was the brave girl _____ name is known to everybody here.
13. Thank you for the help _____ you've done for me.
14. This radio set _____ we have had for two years is a good one.
15. The next question _____ I found difficult to answer was put to me by Mary.


用适当的关系代词 (that; which; who; whom; whose) 填空。
1. This is the museum _______ we visited last Saturday.
2. Is this the very museum _______ you visited last Saturday?
3. I found some photos of interesting places _______ were not far away from our city.
4. The boy to _______ John spoke is my brother.
5. The girl _______ leg was broken in the earthquake was taken to hospital.
6. The building _______ wall is white is my uncle's house.
7. I know the boy _______ you are looking for.
8. They talked about the things and persons _______ they had met during their journey.
9. The student _______ the teacher praised at the class meeting is our monitor.
10. The season _______ comes after spring is summer.



1.She looked at Jeff, ________ was waving his arms.

2.There she saw a wall of water ________ was quickly advancing towards her.

3.Flora, ________ beautiful hair and dress were all cold and. wet, started crying.

4.Before she could move, she heard a loud noise, ________ grew to a terrible roar.

5.Tree after tree went down; cut down by the water, ________ must have been three metres deep.

6.This is the professor ________ taught me chemistry in 1980.

7.The hospital ________ was built five years ago has been modernized.

8.This is the boy ________ father died three years ago.

9.The film ________ we saw the day before yesterday is very interesting.

10.Do you know the student ________ was praised at the meeting?



1.The man ________ told me this refused to tell me his name.

2.This is the photo ________ I took.

3.She is the girl ________ bicycle was stolen.

4.Everyone ________ knows him likes him.

5.The man, ________ I bought the computer from doesn't own a shop.

6.I live in that house ________ door and windows face to the south.

7.1991 was the year ________ she was born.

8.That's the hotel ________ we were staying last summer.

9.This is the pan ________ Mother boils the milk.

10.I'll never forget the day ________ I first saw you.



Who's the student ________ the teacher is talking with?

