subject 77. like 78. favorite 79. is 80. Who’s 查看更多



Once a young man was traveling by train. It was a long and boring journey.

As the train was moving   31  a wilderness(荒野),the passengers looked out of the windows   32  .When the train reached a bend(转角处),it slowed down and then a simple house??????  33  .It was so easy to notice  34  everybody on the train turned to “enjoy” with eyes wide open. Some passengers even began a  35  about it. The young man was also attracted by the scenery. On his return he got off the train at the nearest station and found his  36  to the house. Its owner said that he was troubled by the  37  of the train. He wanted to  38  the house, but nobody would buy it.  39  the young man spent 300,000 dollars on the  40  .He thought it was a good place for_ 41  because it was facing the railway bend. When the train moved slowly past, the  42  passengers would be very interested in the house.

He  43  to connect with some big companies and told them that could be used for advertisement. At last the Coca-Cola Company took it to put up their  44  .To everyone’s surprise, the young man was offered much money for a three-year rent(租金).

This is a true story. It tells us that discovery is very important to  45  .Many people have got new ideas from it.

31. A. over       B. past        C. through      D. across

32. A. happily     B. quietly      C. safely       D. clearly

33. A. appeared     B. found       C. discovered     D. invented

34. A. when       B. that        C. why        D. how

35. A. discussion    B. meeting      C. subject      D. competition

36. A. address     B. way        C. key        D. trip

37. A. track      B. conductor     C. passenger     D. noise

38. A. change      B. paint       C. sell        D. mend

39. A. Soon       B. Yet        C. Instead      D. until

40. A. room       B. place       C. house       D. land

41. A. information   B. relaxing      C. traveling     D. advertisement

42. A. excited     B. tired        C. surprised     D. lucky

43. A. managed     B. had        C. agreed       D. stopped

44. A. messages     B. companies     C. notices      D. signs

45. A.success      B. confidence    C. activity     D. invention


Many students have some 41    . For example, some students do not learn their school subjects 42    . Some are good at 43    and do well in many exams, 44     they are doing very badly in sports and they do not have strong bodies. So their classmates always call 45     “bookworms”(书虫). So many students suffer from(遭受) stress. The good news 46     that there are some simple ways to deal with(处理) 47     .

Firstly, 48     a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and doing exercise are very important. How can we be happy if we are unhealthy!

As for schoolwork, making plans can be helpful. Making a list of the things they need to do and planning 49    to do them can help students organize(组织) their time. If you are 50   in one subject, studying hard and 51     a teacher for advice can help.

Students should not care about 52      laughing. They should think about the things that are good.

Then students should 53    make enough time for their hobbies. Playing sports, reading and watching movies help them relax.

Finally, 54      is useful and important for students to share(分享) their problem with their 55      and family members.

(  )41.A.friends     B.problems    C.happiness    D.homework

(  )42.A.good    B.well      C.great    D.bad

(  )43.A.learns   B.learn    C.learning learn

(  )     B.and     C.but     D.because

(  )45.A.them    B.they      C.him     D.her

(  )46.A.are    B.were

(  )47.A.hungry   B.illness    C.stress    D.tired

(  )48.A.eating       C.eatting eat

(  )49.A.when     B.where     C.what     D.why

(  )50.A.good   B.weak    C.strong    D.badly

(  )51.A.asking   B.ask     C.asks     D.asked

(  )52.A.other    B.others    C.others’     D.other’s

(  )53.A.too    B.either      D.also

(  )54.A.that    B.this      D.these

(  )55.A.brothers  B.friends   C.sisters    D.cousins


Once a young man was traveling by train. It was a long and boring journey.

As the train was moving   31  a wilderness(荒野),the passengers looked out of the windows   32  .When the train reached a bend(转角处),it slowed down and then a simple house??????  33  .It was so easy to notice  34  everybody on the train turned to “enjoy” with eyes wide open. Some passengers even began a  35  about it. The young man was also attracted by the scenery. On his return he got off the train at the nearest station and found his  36  to the house. Its owner said that he was troubled by the  37  of the train. He wanted to  38  the house, but nobody would buy it.  39  the young man spent 300,000 dollars on the  40  .He thought it was a good place for_ 41  because it was facing the railway bend. When the train moved slowly past, the  42  passengers would be very interested in the house.

He  43  to connect with some big companies and told them that could be used for advertisement. At last the Coca-Cola Company took it to put up their  44  .To everyone’s surprise, the young man was offered much money for a three-year rent(租金).

This is a true story. It tells us that discovery is very important to  45  .Many people have got new ideas from it.

31. A. over       B. past        C. through      D. across

32. A. happily     B. quietly      C. safely       D. clearly

33. A. appeared     B. found       C. discovered     D. invented

34. A. when       B. that        C. why        D. how

35. A. discussion    B. meeting      C. subject      D. competition

36. A. address     B. way        C. key        D. trip

37. A. track      B. conductor     C. passenger     D. noise

38. A. change      B. paint       C. sell        D. mend

39. A. Soon       B. Yet        C. Instead      D. until

40. A. room       B. place       C. house       D. land

41. A. information   B. relaxing      C. traveling     D. advertisement

42. A. excited     B. tired        C. surprised     D. lucky

43. A. managed     B. had        C. agreed       D. stopped

44. A. messages     B. companies     C. notices      D. signs

45. A.success      B. confidence    C. activity     D. invention



 A little boy comes to   1  new townHis name is PeterOf course he lives  2  his mother and fatherHis family is very  3  They have a cook(厨师), a gardener(园丁)and  4  other servants(仆人).Peter  5  a new school  6  the first day his mother says to him,Peter, be modest(谦虚)at your new schoolBe careful  7  say we are richBe careful.”And Peter saysYes, Mummy.”

 So Peter goes to schoolHe meets his new teacherAnd he sits  8  with the other childrenThe teacher says,Good morning, children.”The first exercise  9  is a composition (作文).The  10  of the composition is My Family, so all the children write a compositionThis is Perter's compostion :My name is PeterMy family is very poorMy father is very poorMy mother is very poorThe gardener is very poor and all the servants are poor.”





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[  ]

5Ashall    go

B.will go

C.goes to going to

[  ]





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[  ]



[  ]







[  ]



Dear friends,

   My name is Penny. I am a student in No. 11 Middle School. I live in Shanghai, a very beautiful city. I want to have a pen pal from Australia.

   Now I will tell you something about myself. I am thirteen years old. I can speak a little English. I have no brothers or sisters. But I have a lovely dog. His name is Dick. After school, I like playing with him. Sometimes, I go to the movies with my friends, Jack and Jane. I like math, science, and Chinese. But my favorite subject is English, so I want to learn it well. I think you may help me.

   Can you write to me soon?




(  ) 1. What is the writer’s dog’s name?

  A. Jack.     B. Dick.     C. Jane.       D. Penny.

(  ) 2. Where does she live?

  A. Beijing.   B. Wuhan.    C. Shanghai.    D. Hong Kong.

(  ) 3. Can she speak English?

  A. Yes, she can speak English very well.    B. No, she can’t.

  C. Yes, but only a little.                 D. We don’t know.

(  ) 4. What does she like doing after school?

A. She likes playing with her dog.        

  B. She likes playing with her parents.

C. She likes going to the movies with her parents.  

  D. She likes studying English.

(  ) 5. What is her favorite subject?

  A. Math.    B. Science.   C. Chinese.    D. English.

