A. loved B. practiced C. continued D. enjoyed 查看更多






About 10 years ago I taught a group of children to sail.They were bright, enthusiastic and as eager to    36    life as any other children.All, however, had a serious    37   .Three were in wheelchairs.One was nearly blind and two walked with difficulty, and another two    38   a lot from Cerebral palsy(脑瘫).

Matthew was among them.His hands, arms, legs, and even his voice were all distorted(扭曲) from the disease.To speak, Matthew had the help of a    39   .Slowly, and with determination, he would      40   with distorted hands, letter by letter, what he wanted to say.Yet he was always bright and cheerful and loved to   41    everything his classmates were doing, both in the boat and in the classroom.

They learnt fast and enjoyed every minute of the   42    .But I think that 1 was the one who learned the greatest lesson.One day the sailing centre was    43    by a storm.Rather than   44   the session we decided to work in a classroom.All the children   45    .Just like other children they all wanted to answer the questions I asked.

Often they would loudly    46    each other, trying to get an answer in before one of the others.But when Matthew wanted to answer a question it was   47    .All of a sudden they all   48    .Matthew whispered and gestured at his letter board.They    49     with great patience. Matthew  50   with dogged persistence(坚持) until the answer was  51   .When Matthew had answered his question the children were, almost magically, transformed back into a group of_52   and enthusiastic children.

All of these children were heroes in their own way.But the   53   they afforded to Matthew with his most severe disabilities was   54   .If only the rest of the world were able to learn to afford care, respect and help to someone less  55    than themselves, violence and intolerance would possibly be gone.

36.A.enjoy              B.start                 C.experience          D.lead

37.A.shortcoming        B.disability              C.injury              D.habit

38.A.learned             B.changed             C.suffered              D.spent

39.A.letter-board         B.tape-recorder          C.computer                                    D.microphone

40.A.show off          B.point out             C.give away          D.take in

41.A.understand         B.criticize             C.remember          D.try

42.A.days                       B.classes                    C.treatment                D.life

43.A.blocked                  B.hit                          C.occupied                 D.flown

44.A.complete                 B.check                     C.escape                    D.cancel

45.A.ran away                B.got tired                  C.joined in                  D.fell asleep

46.A.fight                       B.limit                        C.interrupt                 D.stop

47.A.hopeless                 B.funny                     C.difficult                  D.different

48.A.whispered               B.smiled                     C.quieted                   D.left

49.A.laughed                   B.waited                    C.continued                D.recorded

50.A.struggled                B.thought                   C.practiced                D.waved

51.A.cried out                 B.typed out                C.spelled out              D.signed out

52.A.noisy                      B.polite                      C.diligent                   D.clumsy

53.A.thank                      B.praise                     C.pleasure                 D.patience

54.A.attractive                B.angry                      C.considerate             D.inspiring

55.A.fortunate                 B.exciting                   C.responsible              D.careful


My first job was at a local restaurant, where I worked for seven years and learned so many lessons, especially from a fellow   36 . Helen was in her 30s and had extraordinary self-confidence, something I was really   37 .  I looked up to Helen   38   she was doing what she loved—  39  people better. She always made everyone—customers and co-workers—  40   and feel good.

Being a waitress changed my life. One of my   41  customers was Fred Hasbrook. He always ate an omelet(煎蛋卷), and when I saw him   42   , I tried to have it on his table as soon as he sat down.

Thanks to the new found confidence I   43   from Helen, I dreamed of having my own  __44 . But when I called my parents to ask for a loan, they said, “We just don’t have the money.” The next day, Fred saw me and asked, “What’s   45  ? You’re not smiling today.” I  46__ my dream with him and said, “Fred, I know I can do more if somebody   47  just have faith in me.”

Before long he handed me checks   48   $50,000—along with a note that I have to this day. It reads, “The only collateral(抵押品)on this loan is my trust in your   49   as a person. Good people with a dream should have the   50  to make that dream come true.”  I took the checks to Merrill Lynch, where the money was provided for me. I   51  working at the restaurant, making  52   for the restaurant I would open. My plans soured(破灭), and I lost the   53  .

Later I decided to apply for a job at Merill Lynch. Even though I had no experience, I was

 54   and ended up becoming a pretty good agent.   55  , I paid back Fred the $50,000, plus 14-percent annual interest. Five years later, I was able to open my own firm.

36. A. friend             B. customer               C. citizen                  D. waitress

37. A. lacking            B. earning                 C. sharing                 D. losing

38. A. while              B. because                 C. though                 D. unless

39. A. serving            B. respecting              C. helping                  D. praising

40. A. work              B. eat                    C. smile                   D. speak

41. A. favorite            B. regular                 C. respected               D. fresh

42. A. eating              B. greeting                C. coming                 D. smiling

43. A. found out          B. got back                C. picked up               D. took away

44. A. money             B. work                  C. house                  D. restaurant

45. A. up                 B. that                   C. there                  D. ahead

46. A. exchanged                B. discussed              C. explained                D. shared

47. A. should            B. would                 C. might               D. must

48. A. counting          B. adding                 C. totaling              D. valuing

49. A. honesty           B. ability                  C. responsibility         D. identity

50. A. patience           B. confidence             C. choice              D. chance

51. A. continued         B. practiced              C. loved                D. enjoyed

52 A. tables             B. suggestions            C. decisions             D. preparations

53. A. faith              B. honesty              C. money               D. friend

54A. rejected            B. hired                 C. encouraged           D. determined

55A. fortunately         B. eventually             C. personally            D. excitedly


     My first job was at a local restaurant, where I worked for seven years and learned so many lessons,
especially from a fellow   1  .
     Helen was in her 30s and had extraordinary self-confidence, something I was really   2  . I looked up
to Helen   3   she was doing what she loved-  4   people better. She always made everyone, customers and
co-workers,   5   and feel good.
     Being a waitress changed my life. One of my   6   customers was Fred. He always ate an omelet, and
when I saw him   7  , I tried to have it on his table as soon as he sat down.
     Thanks to the newfound confidence I   8   from Helen, I dreamed of having my own   9  . But when I
called my parents to ask for a loan (贷款), they said, "We just don't have the money."
     The next day, Fred saw me and asked, "What's  10 ? You're not smiling today."
     I  11  my dream with him and said, "Fred, I know I can do more if somebody  12  just have faith in me."
     Before long he handed me checks  13  $50,000-along with a note that I have to this day. It reads, "The
only collateral (抵押品) on this loan is my trust in your  14  as a person. Good people with a dream should
have the  15  to make that dream come true."
     I took the checks to Merrill Lynch, where the money was provided for me. I  16  working at the restaurant,
making  17  for the restaurant I would open. My plans soured, though, and I lost the  18 . Later I decided to
apply for a job at Merrill Lynch. Even though I had no experience, I was  19  and ended up becoming a pretty
good agent.  20  I paid back Fred the $50,000 plus 14% annual interest. Five years later, I was able to open
my own firm.
(     )1. A. friend     
(     )2. A. losing     
(     )3. A. while      
(     )4. A. helping    
(     )5. A. work       
(     )6. A. regular    
(     )7. A. eating     
(     )8. A. found out  
(     )9. A. restaurant 
(     )10. A. ahead     
(     )11. A. exchanged 
(     )12. A. shall     
(     )13. A. counting  
(     )14. A. ability   
(     )15. A. patience  
(     )16. A. loved    
(     )17. A. tables   
(     )18. A. faith     
(     )19. A. hired     
(     )20. A. Fortunately
B. waitress      
B. earning       
B. though        
B. respecting    
B. eat           
B. favorite      
B. greeting      
B. picked up     
B. work          
B. that        
B. discussed   
B. will          
B. totaling    
B. honesty     
B. confidence    
B. practiced     
B. plans         
B. honesty       
B. rejected      
B. Excitedly   
C. citizen       
C. sharing       
C. because       
C. serving       
C. smile         
C. respected     
C. smiling       
C. got back      
C. house         
C. there         
C. shared        
C. might         
C. adding        
C. responsibility
C. choice        
C. continued     
C. decisions     
C. money         
C. encouraged    
C. Personally    
D. customer    
D. lacking     
D. unless      
D. praising    
D. speak       
D. fresh       
D. coming      
D. took away   
D. money       
D. up          
D. explained                     
D. must        
D. valuing     
D. identity    
D. chance      
D. enjoyed     
D. suggestions 
D. friend      
D. determined  
D. Eventually  


     My first job was at a local diner, where I worked for seven years and learned so many lessons,
especially from a fellow waitress.
     Helen was in her 60s and had extraordinary self-respect, something I was really lacking. I      1     to
Helen because she was doing what she loved-      2      people--and nobody did it better.  She always
made everyone, customers and co-workers,       3     and feel good.
     Being a waitress changed my life. One of my      4      customers was Fred Hasbrook. He always ate
an omelet, and when I saw him coming, I tried to        5       it on his table as soon as he sat down.
     Thanks to the newfound confidence I      6      from Helen, I      7      having my own restaurant. But
when I called my parents to ask for a loan (贷款), they said, "We just don't have the       8     ."
     The next day, Fred saw me and asked,  "What's up? You're not smiling today". I      9       my dream
with him and said, "Fred, I know I can do more       10      somebody would just have faith in me."
          11       he handed me checks totaling $ 50,000--along with a     12     that read, "The only
collateral(抵押) on this loan is my trust in your      13     as a person. Good people with a dream should
have the chance to realize that dream."
     I took the checks to Merrill Lynch, where the money was provided for me. I     14    working at the
diner, making     15     for the restaurant I would open during the break. My plans failed,      16     ,and I
lost the money.
Later I decided to apply for a job at Merrill Lynch.    17     I had no experience, I was     18     and
ended up becoming a pretty good agent.    19    I paid back Fred the $ 50,000, plus 14 percent annual
interest. Five years later, I was able to     20     my own firm.
(     )1. A. looked on      
(     )2. A. helping        
(     )3. A. smile          
(     )4. A. regular        
(     )5. A. have          
(     )6. A. found out      
(     )7. A. set about      
(     )8. A. courage        
(     )9. A. shared        
(     )10. A. while        
(     )11. A. Long ago      
(     )12. A. letter        
(     )13. A. devotion      
(     )14. A. finished      
(     )15. A. wishes        
(     )16. A. instead      
(     )17. A. Even though  
(     )18. A. hired        
(     )19. A. Fortunately  
(     )20. A. design        
B. looked forward
B. respecting    
B. comfort        
B. average        
B. offer          
B. picked up      
B. dreamt of      
B. way            
B. told          
B. until          
B. Long before    
B. sign          
B. responsibility
B. practiced      
B. suggestions    
B. therefore      
B. As long as    
B. refused        
B. Eventually    
B. open          
C. looked up  
C. serving    
C. drink      
C. common      
C. leave      
C. got back    
C. tried on    
C. idea        
C. exchanged  
C. if          
C. Before long
C. word        
C. honesty    
C. continued  
C.  decisions  
C. though      
C. Because    
C. encouraged  
C. Personally  
C. set        
D. looked back    
D. praising      
D. sing          
D. fresh          
D. do            
D. took away      
D. went about    
D. money          
D. spared        
D. unless        
D. Long after    
D. note          
D. effort        
D. enjoyed        
D. plans          
D. meanwhile      
D. As            
D. discouraged    
D. Excitedly      
D. expand        


      About 10 years ago I taught a group of children to sail. They were bright, enthusiastic and as eager
to   1   life as any other children. All, however, had a serious   2 . Three were in wheelchairs, one was
nearly blind and two walked with difficulty, and another two   3  a lot from Cerebral palsy (脑瘫).
     Matthew was among them. His hands, arms, legs, and even his voice were all distorted (扭曲) from
the disease. To speak, Matthew had the help of a   4  . Slowly, and with determination, he would   5   with
distorted hands, letter by letter, what he wanted to say. Yet he was always bright and cheerful and loved
to   6   everything his classmates were doing, both in the boat and in the classroom.
      They learnt fast and enjoyed every minute of the   7  . But I think that 1 was the one who learned the
greatest lesson. One day the sailing centre was   8   by a storm. Rather than   9   the activity we decided
to work in a classroom. All the children   10  . Just like other children they all wanted to answer the
questions I asked.
     Often they would loudly   11   each other, trying to give an answer before one of the others. But when
Matthew wanted to answer a question it was   12  . All of a sudden they all   13  . Matthew whispered and moved his hands at his letter-board. They   14   with great patience. Matthew   15   with dogged
persistence (坚持) until the answer was   16  . When Matthew had answered his question the children
were, almost magically, transformed back into a group of   17   and enthusiastic children.
     All of these children were heroes in their own way. But the   18   they afforded to Matthew with his
most severe disabilities was   19  . If only the rest of the world were able to learn to afford care, respect
and help to someone less   20   than themselves, violence and intolerance (不宽容) would possibly be gone.
(     )1. A. enjoy        
(     )2. A. shortcoming  
(     )3. A. learned      
(     )4. A. letter-board
(     )5. A. show off    
(     )6. A. understand  
(     )7. A. days        
(     )8. A. blocked      
(     )9. A. complete    
(     )10. A. ran away    
(     )11. A. fight      
(     )12. A. hopeless    
(     )13. A. whispered  
(     )14. A. laughed    
(     )15. A. struggled  
(     )16. A. cried out  
(     )17. A. noisy      
(     )18. A. thank      
(     )19. A. relevant    
(     )20. A. fortunate  
B. start          
B. disability    
B. changed        
B. tape-recorder  
B. point out      
B. criticize      
B. classes        
B. hit            
B. check          
B. got tired      
B. limit          
B. funny          
B. smiled        
B. waited        
B. thought        
B. typed out      
B. polite        
B. praise        
B. angry          
B. exciting      
C. acknowledge    
C. injury          
C. suffered        
C. computer        
C. give away      
C. remember        
C. treatment      
C. occupied        
C. escape          
C. joined in      
C. interrupt      
C. difficult      
C. quieted        
C. continued      
C. practiced      
C. spelled out    
C. hard-working    
C. pleasure        
C. accessible      
C. responsible    
D. lead        
D. habit        
D. spent        
D. microscope  
D. adapt to    
D. try          
D. life        
D. flown        
D. cancel      
D. fell asleep  
D. stop        
D. different    
D. left        
D. recorded    
D. waved        
D. tested out  
D. clumsy      
D. patience    
D. encouraging  
D. careful                  

