A. instead B. therefore C. though D. meanwhile 查看更多



Moths are very ugly creatures.At least that is what I always thought until a reliable source told me otherwise.My brother Joseph and I once stayed overnight at our Aunt Linda’s house, our favorite relative.She spoke to us like adults, and she always had the best 21 .Joseph was only four and still afraid of the dark.Just as I dozed off to sleep, he woke me up and asked, “Jennie, what are those ugly things near the light?” He was pointing to the moths fluttering around the hall light.“They’re just moths, go to sleep,” I told him.

He wasn’t 22 with that answer, so the next time my Aunt walked by the door he asked her to make the ugly moths go away.When she asked why, he said 23 , “Because they’re ugly and scary!” She laughed, rubbing his head, and asked, “Do you know why moths are brown?” Joe just shook his head.

24 , moths were the most beautiful animals in the animal kingdom.They have always been helpful, kind, and 25 creatures.One day the angels up in heaven were crying.They were sad because it was cloudy and they couldn’t 26 the people on earth.Their tears fell down to the earth as 27 raindrops.Now that the sweet little moths 28 to see everyone so sad, they decided to make a rainbow.The moths 29 that if they asked their cousins, the butterflies, to help, they could all give up just a little bit of their colors and 30 , make a beautiful rainbow.

One of the littlest moths flew to ask the queen of the butterflies for help.31 , the butterflies were too vain and selfish to give up any of their colors for neither the people nor the angels.So, the moths decided to make the rainbow themselves.They 32 their wings very hard and the powder on them formed little clouds.They kept giving a little more and more 33 the rainbow stretched all the way across the sky.They had given away all their colors except brown, which didn’t 34 their beautiful rainbow.

Now the once colorful moths were 35 and brown.At the rainbow, the angels up in heaven became joyous.They smiled and the 36 of their smiles shone down on the earth as sunshine.It made the people on earth cheerful and they smiled, too.Now every time it rains the baby moths, who still have their colors, spread them 37 the sky to make more rainbows.”

My brother sank into deep 38 with that story and hasn’t feared moths 39 .The story my aunt told us had been gathering 40 in the back corners of my brain for years.

21.A.jokes           B.editions          C.stories          D.memories

22.A.familiar          B.content          C.impressed        D.confirmed

23.A.cautiously        B.casually          C.simply          D.anxiously

24.A.By all means      B.In any circumstance C.To be honest     D.At one time

25.A.generous         B.aggressive        C.considerate       D.faithful

26.A.hang out with     B.show concern for C.take control of     D.look down upon

27.A.constant         B.endless          C.occasional        D.permanent

28.A.hesitated         B.declined         C.intended         D.hated

29.A.clarified         B.figured          C.recommended     D.predicted

30.A.moreover        B.therefore         C.meanwhile       D.instead

31.A.Unexpectedly      B.Obviously        C.Eventually        D.Strangely

32.A.expanded        B.struck           C.beat            D.stretched

33.A.until            B.before           C.while           D.after

34.A.adapt to         B.bring out         C.make up         D.fit into

35.A.ordinary         B.common         C.plain            D.awful

36.A.warmth          B.strength         C.truth            D.wealth

37.A.beyond          B.through          C.under           D.across

38.A.thought          B.dream           C.sleep           D.curiosity

39.A.though          B.since            C.anyway         D.later

40.A.powder          B.rainbows         C.dust            D.shadows


     My first job was at a local diner, where I worked for seven years and learned so many lessons,
especially from a fellow waitress.
     Helen was in her 60s and had extraordinary self-respect, something I was really lacking. I      1     to
Helen because she was doing what she loved-      2      people--and nobody did it better.  She always
made everyone, customers and co-workers,       3     and feel good.
     Being a waitress changed my life. One of my      4      customers was Fred Hasbrook. He always ate
an omelet, and when I saw him coming, I tried to        5       it on his table as soon as he sat down.
     Thanks to the newfound confidence I      6      from Helen, I      7      having my own restaurant. But
when I called my parents to ask for a loan (贷款), they said, "We just don't have the       8     ."
     The next day, Fred saw me and asked,  "What's up? You're not smiling today". I      9       my dream
with him and said, "Fred, I know I can do more       10      somebody would just have faith in me."
          11       he handed me checks totaling $ 50,000--along with a     12     that read, "The only
collateral(抵押) on this loan is my trust in your      13     as a person. Good people with a dream should
have the chance to realize that dream."
     I took the checks to Merrill Lynch, where the money was provided for me. I     14    working at the
diner, making     15     for the restaurant I would open during the break. My plans failed,      16     ,and I
lost the money.
Later I decided to apply for a job at Merrill Lynch.    17     I had no experience, I was     18     and
ended up becoming a pretty good agent.    19    I paid back Fred the $ 50,000, plus 14 percent annual
interest. Five years later, I was able to     20     my own firm.
(     )1. A. looked on      
(     )2. A. helping        
(     )3. A. smile          
(     )4. A. regular        
(     )5. A. have          
(     )6. A. found out      
(     )7. A. set about      
(     )8. A. courage        
(     )9. A. shared        
(     )10. A. while        
(     )11. A. Long ago      
(     )12. A. letter        
(     )13. A. devotion      
(     )14. A. finished      
(     )15. A. wishes        
(     )16. A. instead      
(     )17. A. Even though  
(     )18. A. hired        
(     )19. A. Fortunately  
(     )20. A. design        
B. looked forward
B. respecting    
B. comfort        
B. average        
B. offer          
B. picked up      
B. dreamt of      
B. way            
B. told          
B. until          
B. Long before    
B. sign          
B. responsibility
B. practiced      
B. suggestions    
B. therefore      
B. As long as    
B. refused        
B. Eventually    
B. open          
C. looked up  
C. serving    
C. drink      
C. common      
C. leave      
C. got back    
C. tried on    
C. idea        
C. exchanged  
C. if          
C. Before long
C. word        
C. honesty    
C. continued  
C.  decisions  
C. though      
C. Because    
C. encouraged  
C. Personally  
C. set        
D. looked back    
D. praising      
D. sing          
D. fresh          
D. do            
D. took away      
D. went about    
D. money          
D. spared        
D. unless        
D. Long after    
D. note          
D. effort        
D. enjoyed        
D. plans          
D. meanwhile      
D. As            
D. discouraged    
D. Excitedly      
D. expand        


My first job was at a local diner, where I worked for seven years and learned so many lessons, especially from a fellow  1

Helen was in her 60s and had extraordinary self-respect, something I was really lacking.I looked up to Helen 2  she was doing what she loved  3  people--and nobody did it 4 .She always made everyone, customers and co-workers,   5  and feel good.

Being a waitress changed my life.One of my  6  customers was Fred Hasbrook.He always ate an omelet, and, when I saw him  7 , I tried to have it on his tame as soon as he sat down.

Thanks to the newfound confidence I 8  from Helen, I dreamed of having my own 9 .But

when I called my parents to ask for a loan(贷款), they said “we just don't have the  10 .”

The next day, Fred, saw me and asked, “What's up? You’re not smiling today.” I  11  my, dream with him and said, “Fred, I know I can do more if somebody would just have faith in me.”

Before long he handed me checks totaling $50,000--along with a  12  that read, “The only collateral(抵押品)on this loan is my trust in your  13  as a person.Good people with a dream should have the  14  to realize that dream.”

I took the checks to Merrill Lynch, where the money was provided for me.I  15  working at the diner, making  16  for the restaurant I would open.My plans failed,  17 , and I lost the money.

Later I decided to apply for a job at Merrill Lynch.Even though I had no experience, I was 18  and ended up becoming a pretty good agent. 19  I paid back Fred the $50,000, plus 14-percent annual interest.Five years later, I was able to  20  my own firm.

1.A.member                 B.waitress                  C.citizen                    D.student

2.A.because                 B.though                  C.while                    D.unless

3.A.helping                    B.respecting             C.serving                   D.praising

4.A.faster                    B.better                   C.harder                  D.later

5.A.drink                     B.digest                  C.smile                    D. sing

6.A.regular                    B.favorite                C.tough                            D.fresh

7.A.eating             B.greeting               C.ordering                 D.coming

8.A.found out              B.B picked up           C.got back              D.took away

9.A.restaurant                 B confidence                C.house                    D.work

10.A.choice                 B.way                     C.idea                       D.money

11.A.exchanged            B.discussed             C.shared                    D.analyze

12.A.letter                    B.sign                       C.notice                    D.note

13.A.honesty               B.responsibility        C.devotion                 D.motivation

14.A.patience                  B.luck                        C.time                       D.chance

15.A.loved                   B.practiced              C.continued             D.enjoyed

16.A.adjustments          B.plans                   C.decisions                D.suggestions

17.A.instead                 B.therefore              C.though                   D.meanwhile

18.A.hired                   B.rejected                C.encouraged          D.determined

19.A.Fortunately          B.Excitedly              C.Personally            D.Eventually

20.A.design                 B.open                    C.manage                  D.expand



My first job was at a local diner, where I worked for seven years and learned so many lessons, especially from a fellow waitress.

Helen was in her 60s and had extraordinary self-respect, something I was really lacking. I looked up to Helen 41  she was doing what she loved---  42  people--and nobody did it  43  . She always made everyone, customers and co-workers,   44   and feel good.

Being a waitress changed my life. One of my 45 customers was Fred Hasbrook. He always ate an omelet, and when I saw him 46 , I tried to have it on his table as soon as he sat down.

Thanks to the newfound confidence I 47 from Helen, I dreamed of having my own 48 .But when I called my parents to ask for a loan (贷款), they said, "We just don't have the  49 ."

The next day, Fred saw me and asked, "What's up? You're not smiling today”. I 50 my dream with him and said, "Fred, I know I can do more if somebody would just have 51  in me."

Before long he handed me checks totaling $ 50,000--along with a  52  that read, "The only collateral(抵押) on this loan is my trust in your  53  as a person. Good people with a dream should have the 54 to realize that dream."

I took the checks to Merrill Lynch, where the money was provided for me. I 55 working at the diner, making 56 for the restaurant I would open. My plans failed, 57 , and I lost the money.

Later I decided to apply for a job at Merrill Lynch. Even though I had no experience, I was  58 and ended up becoming a pretty good agent.  59 I paid back Fred the $ 50,000, plus 14 percent annual interest. Five years later, I was able to 60 my own firm.

41. A. because          B. though                C. while                  D. unless

42. A. helping          B. respecting             C. serving                  D. praising

43. A. faster           B. better                 C. harder                 D. later

44. A. drink            B. digest                C. smile                  D. sing

45. A. regular          B. favorite              C. tough                         D. fresh

46. A. eating           B. greeting              C. ordering                D coming

47. A. found out        B. picked up            C. got back                D. took away

48. A. restaurant        B. confidence            C. house                  D. work

49. A. choice           B. way                  C. idea                   D. money

50. A. exchanged               B. discussed               C. shared                 D. analyzed

51. A. patience           B. pride                     C. faith                        D. interest

52. A. letter            B. sign                  C. notice                  D. note

53. A. honesty          B. responsibility         C. devotion              D. motivation

54. A. ability            B. luck                       C. time                 D. chance

55. A. loved                   B. practiced             C. continued           D. enjoyed

56. A. adjustments      B. plans                C. decisions             D. suggestions

57. A. instead                  B. therefore             C. though               D. meanwhile

58. A. hired             B. rejected              C. encouraged           D. determined

59. A. Fortunately       B. Excitedly             C. Personally                  D. Eventually

60. A. design            B. open                C. restart                  D. expand



第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

My first job was at a local diner, where I worked for seven years and learned so many lessons, especially from a fellow waitress.

Helen was in her 60s and had extraordinary self-respect, something I was really lacking. I looked up to Helen 41   she was doing what she loved---  42   people--and nobody did it  43  . She always made everyone, customers and co-workers,   44   and feel good.

     Being a waitress changed my life. One of my 45 customers was Fred Hasbrook. He always ate an omelet, and when I saw him 46 , I tried to have it on his table as soon as he sat down.

    Thanks to the newfound confidence I 47 from Helen, I dreamed of having my own 48 .But when I called my parents to ask for a loan (贷款), they said, "We just don't have the  49 ."

    The next day, Fred saw me and asked, "What's up? You're not smiling today”. I 50 my dream with him and said, "Fred, I know I can do more if somebody would just have 51  in me."

   Before long he handed me checks totaling $ 50,000--along with a  52  that read, "The only collateral(抵押) on this loan is my trust in your  53  as a person. Good people with a dream should have the 54 to realize that dream."

I took the checks to Merrill Lynch, where the money was provided for me. I 55 working at the diner, making 56 for the restaurant I would open. My plans failed, 57 , and I lost the money.

Later I decided to apply for a job at Merrill Lynch. Even though I had no experience, I was  58 and ended up becoming a pretty good agent.  59 I paid back Fred the $ 50,000, plus 14 percent annual interest. Five years later, I was able to 60 my own firm.

41. A. because           B. though                 C. while                   D. unless

42. A. helping           B. respecting              C. serving                  D. praising

43. A. faster            B. better                  C. harder                  D. later

44. A. drink             B. digest                 C. smile                   D. sing

45. A. regular           B. favorite                C. tough                          D. fresh

46. A. eating            B. greeting               C. ordering                 D coming

47. A. found out         B. picked up             C. got back                 D. took away

48. A. restaurant         B. confidence             C. house                   D. work

49. A. choice            B. way                   C. idea                    D. money

50. A. exchanged                B. discussed                C. shared                  D. analyzed

51. A. patience            B. pride                       C. faith                        D. interest

52. A. letter             B. sign                   C. notice                   D. note

53. A. honesty           B. responsibility          C. devotion               D. motivation

54. A. ability             B. luck                        C. time                  D. chance

55. A. loved                    B. practiced              C. continued            D. enjoyed

56. A. adjustments       B. plans                 C. decisions              D. suggestions

57. A. instead                   B. therefore              C. though                D. meanwhile

58. A. hired              B. rejected               C. encouraged            D. determined

59. A. Fortunately        B. Excitedly              C. Personally                   D. Eventually

60. A. design             B. open                 C. restart                  D. expand

