A. Therefore B. Anyhow C. Otherwise D. However 查看更多



My husband and I arrived in a new country just a month ago.We were sort of  36  about what was waiting for us.However,when we 37 at the airport,a tall man with smiling eyes greeted us.The days and months were 38  made easy for us by this kind man.

He greeted us every day with his smiling face.He 39 us in going to the bank,in buying our groceries,in telling us  40  to buy almost everything.He told us he is our big brother.

  41  ,We watched the match in a coffee shop.During the first get-together,he  42 us that we're lucky—my husband and I are  43 in this foreign land.He said he has been 44 for eight years now because he rarely sees his family, 45  they are in his home country.

During the second get-together, he  46  told us that we are his family.He said that he loves us and that he will 47 us because he has been given a 48 of 45 days to go back to his home country.That night,he spoke these words which 49 a great impact in my life:“You changed my life…”

That night deep in our hearts we were 50 by our friend's words.We texted him upon reaching home, 51 him for being a Big Brother to us in the foreign land.We told him 52 that we feel safe in going out when we are with him,to which he 53 ,“You are my family here.”

On the first week of October,we're going to 54 him back from his vacation.We'll watch the football match again in that 55 shop that holds dear memories.

36.A.curious     B.worried     C.certain          D.crazy

37.A.cheeked    B.dropped    C.landed           D.settled

38.A.therefore    B.instead     C.anyhow         D.otherwise

39.A.expected    B.troubled    C.comforted        D.accompanied

40.A.when      B.where      C.why               D.whether

41.A.Once      B.Besides     C.Twice           D.Finally

42.A.informed    B.warned     C.blamed          D.convinced

43.A.together    B.nearby     C.around          D.apart

44.A.sick       B.lonely      C.cheerful         D.seared

45.A.since      B.unless      C.as              D.although

46.A.secretly    B.jokingly     C.proudly          D.sincerely

47.A.remember  B.miss       C.forget           D.respect

48.A.delay      B.right       C.vacation         D.date

49.A.created     B.designed    C.solved           D.received

50.A.puzzled     B.touched    C.astonished        D.flattered

51.A.thanking    B.forgiving    C.repaying         D.punishing

52.A.after all     B.as well     C.in return      D.in advance

53.A.agreed     B.objected    C.added           D.replied

54.A.see        B.pick       C.call             D.force

55.A.book      B.grocery     C.coffee           D.sports


While traveling in Ssesse Island, Uganda, I came across a basket weaver. Weaving basket designs is a complex craft that ____1____ much skill and cleverness. To see an expert at work is so ____2____ that I had watched this particular lady for hours. What was astonishing, ____3____, was that a young African man had also become ____4____ as the basket weaver performed her craft.

____5____ whether the young man was more interested in the basket weaving or the weaver, I ____6____ the unexpected couple. On being asked about his ____7____ in weaving, the wise young man looked at me with complete puzzle and ____8____ that he didn’t know how to weave so he was watching because people can always ____9____ something from one another.

Of all the lessons I’ve learned during my travels, one of the finest is that ____10____ has nothing to do with wealth and little to do with ____11____ education! Wisdom can be ____12____ in every village, every town, every city, country, and continent in every ____13____ of the earth. Moreover, the wisest are often not those who are the most outspoken but, ____14____, those who are quiet and modest.

The young man on Ssesse Island is a perfect ____15____. His high status in the village was such that he was not ____16____ to study the lowly task of basket weaving; yet, there he was. And to top it off, this modest young man threw out a pearl of wisdom so ____17____.

As I watch what is ____18____ in our world today, I find myself wishing that more people had the wisdom of my young African friend. Much time has ____19____ since I met the young man but I have carried his wisdom in my heart ____20____. And I believe that it doesn’t matter who we are, we can always learn something from one another.

1.A.asks                  B.takes                      C.costs               D.deserves

2.A.encouraging       B.moving                   C.fascinating       D.touching

3.A.however            B.otherwise                C.anyhow           D.therefore

4.A.inspired             B.excited                    C.delighted          D.engaged

5.A.Thinking            B.Finding                   C.Wondering       D.Accepting

6.A.walked              B.approached             C.reached           D.met

7.A.hobby            B.doubt                      C.advantage        D.interest

8.A.replied            B.told                        C.spoken            D.remarked

9.A.borrow              B.learn                       C.understand       D.think

10.A.thought            B.knowledge              C.wisdom           D.opinion

11.A.private             B.special                    C.usual               D.formal

12.A.found              B.invented                  C.discovered              D.created

13.A.side                 B.space                      C.corner             D.district

14.A.though             B.instead                    C.however          D.therefore

15.A.example           B.figure                     C.model              D.symbol

16.A.meant              B.predicated               C.planned            D.expected

17.A.certainly          B.naturally                  C.surely              D.definitely

18.A.appearing         B.turning                    C.happening        D.showing

19.A.passed             B.disappeared             C.lost                 D.missed

20.A.ever after         B.before long              C.long since        D.ever since


32.He was very busy, and________he didn’t go to the party that night.







32.He was very busy, and________he didn’t go to the party that night.

       A.however   B.otherwise    C.therefore      D.Anyhow


He was very busy, and________he didn’t go to the party that night.

       A.however   B.otherwise    C.therefore      D.anyhow

