A. failed B. finished C. tried D. changed 查看更多



I’d been 16 for six days and was already prepared to deal with failure. I remember when my mum   36  me up that morning, her voice wasn’t as   37  as it usually was.
I stayed in bed for a few minutes. I was   38  to leave its warmth and comfort, and didn’t want to face the problem that I’d let myself   39  for the past six months. Finally, I dragged myself out of    40 .
I finished getting ready and tried to   41 . It didn’t work, so I decided that my   42  should go with me. We had a little time, so I thought we could practice parking. I   43 , with the wheel hitting the fence. After that, the little bit of confidence I’d had was   44 . I tried two more times, but didn’t   45  much. Then we headed to the test site.
I went into a room for some paperwork. And I waited for 20 minutes—just   46  time to make myself believe that I was going to fail. Then, finally, it was my   47 . I just wanted to get it over and make sure that I had to come back next Thursday.
I stepped outside and the sky was the light blue I love. It offered me some   48  and I realized something: something between when I pulled myself off the seat and when I got outside. I had become   49  and confident.
The first thing I had to do was parking, which I did quite   50 . The confidence that came with it hit me like a wave. The rest of the test went well too and I   51  it all. As I drove back, the instructor told me I would not be coming back for a second   52  next Thursday.
Back in the building I didn’t have to say a word. My mum knew just by looking at me. Her    53  made her face softer. And I’m sure it was at least as big as the smile on my face. Her eyes, 54 , looked kind of teary. I knew she was   55  for me.

A.set down 
B.take down     
C.calm down
D.put down


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)


My first job was at a local diner, where I worked for seven years and learned so many lessons, especially from a fellow waitress.

Helen was in her 60s and had extraordinary self-respect, something I was really lacking. I   36  to Helen because she was doing what she loved—  37 people--and nobody did it better.  She always made everyone, customers and co-workers,   38  and feel good.

Being a waitress changed my life. One of my  39  customers was Fred Hasbrook. He always ate an omelet, and when I saw him coming, I tried to   40  it on his table as soon as he sat down.

Thanks to the newfound confidence I  41  from Helen, I  42   having my own restaurant. But when I called my parents to ask for a loan (贷款), they said, "We just don't have the  43  ."

The next day, Fred saw me and asked,  "What's up? You're not smiling today”. I  44  my dream with him and said, "Fred, I know I can do more   45   somebody would just have faith in me."

  46   he handed me checks totaling $ 50,000--along with a 47 that read, "The only collateral(抵押) on this loan is my trust in your   48  as a person. Good people with a dream should have the chance to realize that dream."

I took the checks to Merrill Lynch, where the money was provided for me. I 49 working at the diner, making  50  for the restaurant I would open during the break. My plans failed,  51  ,and I lost the money.

Later I decided to apply for a job at Merrill Lynch.  52  I had no experience, I was  53 and ended up becoming a pretty good agent. 54 I paid back Fred the $ 50,000, plus 14 percent annual interest. Five years later, I was able to 55 my own firm.

36. A. looked on           B. looked forward    C. looked up     D. looked back

37. A. helping             B. respecting       C. serving       D. praising

38. A. smile               B. comfort         C. drink      D. sing

39. A. regular             B. average      C. common      D. fresh

40. A. have               B. offer           C. leave      D. do

41. A. found out           B. picked up    C. got back       D. took away

42. A. set about            B. dreamt of      C. tried on      D. went about

43. A. courage             B. way         C. idea         D. money

44. A. shared              B. told        C. exchanged     D. spared

45. A. while               B. until        C. if            D. unless

46. A. Long ago            B. Long before     C. Before long   D. Long after

47. A. letter                B. sign         C. word         D. note

48. devotion               B. responsibility     C. honesty      D. effort

49. A. finished             B. practiced       C. continued     D. enjoyed

50. A. wishes              B. suggestions     C.  decisions    D. plans

51. A. instead              B. therefore    C. though           D. meanwhile

52. A. Even though          B. As long as      C. Because     D. As

53. A. hired                B. refused     C. encouraged    D. discouraged

54. A. Fortunately           B. Eventually      C. Personally      D. Excitedly

55. A. design               B. open        C. set            D. expand


  I was about six when I started doing gymnastice.I 36 going into the school's gymnasium full of equipment,with the other kids rushing in ,anxious to 37 ,and the scent in the air.
  I realized I wanted to get 38 with gymnastics when I watched the Olympics.When I saw those 39 use their bodies to gracefully throw 40 up in the air ,I was filled with admiration:It seemed that they could fly and I 41 myself flying like them.And when I finally tried,the 42 I got for that one 43 in the air was freedom,freedom from everything.It was a 44 ,and it was addicting.
  I was crazy when I was little.I was the boy parents didn't want their kids 45 for fear that they would 46 what I did and get hurt.Parents thought I was 47 because I would try tricks that others of my 48 wouldn't.Some of my coaches said kids as old as me don't have the courage and ability to achieve the tricks I could. What most people didn't 49 were the hours I put into learning those tricks.I practiced every step 50 until I put them together and my hard work would 51 something great.
  This hard work once stopped when I 52 ,and started at a new school.Everything there was 53 ,but the giggeset change was a lack of a gymnastics gym.
  Now I've restarted training in a team I can learn from.As a little kid I could only 54 wide-eyed as the gymnast flew high in the air. 55 I'm older,it's my time to fly.
  36.A.regret      B.remember      C.considered     D.avoided
  37.A.enter       B.leave         C.meet          D.learn
  38.A.serious     B.careful        C.busy          D.interested
  39.A.dancers     B.fans          C.athletes       D.winners
  40.A.others      B.themselves     C.everything     D.each other
  41.A.enjoyed     B.found         C.set           D.imagined
  42.A.feeling      B.lesson        C.courage       D.instruction
  43.A.second      B.effort         C.circle        D.stop
  44.A.bore        B.panic         C.high         D.trouble
  45.A.around      B.among        C.above        D.away from
  46.A.study       B.envy          C.notice        D.copy
  47.A.bad        B.crazy          C.excellent      D.dangerous
  48.A.place      B.age            C.time          D.size
  49.A.explain     B.understand     C.realize        D.experience
  50.A.now and then B.all theh time    C.over and over   D.little by little
  51.A.go through   B.belong to      C.turn into       D.give way to
  52.A.moved      B.changed       C.failed         D.finished
  53.A.all right     B.the same      C.terrible         D.different
  54.A.practice      B.watch       C.sigh            D.sit
  55.A.Simply because B.Even though  C.As soon as     D.Now that




  I was about six when I started doing gymnastice.I 36 going into the school's gymnasium full of equipment,with the other kids rushing in ,anxious to 37 ,and the scent in the air.

  I realized I wanted to get 38 with gymnastics when I watched the Olympics.When I saw those 39 use their bodies to gracefully throw 40 up in the air ,I was filled with admiration:It seemed that they could fly and I 41 myself flying like them.And when I finally tried,the 42 I got for that one 43 in the air was freedom,freedom from everything.It was a 44 ,and it was addicting.

  I was crazy when I was little.I was the boy parents didn't want their kids 45 for fear that they would 46 what I did and get hurt.Parents thought I was 47 because I would try tricks that others of my 48 wouldn't.Some of my coaches said kids as old as me don't have the courage and ability to achieve the tricks I could. What most people didn't 49 were the hours I put into learning those tricks.I practiced every step 50 until I put them together and my hard work would 51 something great.

  This hard work once stopped when I 52 ,and started at a new school.Everything there was 53 ,but the giggeset change was a lack of a gymnastics gym.

  Now I've restarted training in a team I can learn from.As a little kid I could only 54 wide-eyed as the gymnast flew high in the air. 55 I'm older,it's my time to fly.

  36.A.regret      B.remember      C.considered     D.avoided

  37.A.enter       B.leave         C.meet          D.learn

  38.A.serious     B.careful        C.busy          D.interested

  39.A.dancers     B.fans          C.athletes       D.winners

  40.A.others      B.themselves     C.everything     D.each other

  41.A.enjoyed     B.found         C.set           D.imagined

  42.A.feeling      B.lesson        C.courage       D.instruction

  43.A.second      B.effort         C.circle        D.stop

  44.A.bore        B.panic         C.high         D.trouble

  45.A.around      B.among        C.above        D.away from

  46.A.study       B.envy          C.notice        D.copy

  47.A.bad        B.crazy          C.excellent      D.dangerous

  48.A.place      B.age            C.time          D.size

  49.A.explain     B.understand     C.realize        D.experience

  50.A.now and then B.all theh time    C.over and over   D.little by little

  51.A.go through   B.belong to      C.turn into       D.give way to

  52.A.moved      B.changed       C.failed         D.finished

  53.A.all right     B.the same      C.terrible         D.different

  54.A.practice      B.watch       C.sigh            D.sit

  55.A.Simply because B.Even though  C.As soon as     D.Now that



第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  I was about six when I started doing gymnastice.I 36 going into the school's gymnasium full of equipment,with the other kids rushing in ,anxious to 37 ,and the scent in the air.

  I realized I wanted to get 38 with gymnastics when I watched the Olympics.When I saw those 39 use their bodies to gracefully throw 40 up in the air ,I was filled with admiration:It seemed that they could fly and I 41 myself flying like them.And when I finally tried,the 42 I got for that one 43 in the air was freedom,freedom from everything.It was a 44 ,and it was addicting.

  I was crazy when I was little.I was the boy parents didn't want their kids 45 for fear that they would 46 what I did and get hurt.Parents thought I was 47 because I would try tricks that others of my 48 wouldn't.Some of my coaches said kids as old as me don't have the courage and ability to achieve the tricks I could. What most people didn't 49 were the hours I put into learning those tricks.I practiced every step 50 until I put them together and my hard work would 51 something great.

  This hard work once stopped when I 52 ,and started at a new school.Everything there was 53 ,but the giggeset change was a lack of a gymnastics gym.

  Now I've restarted training in a team I can learn from.As a little kid I could only 54 wide-eyed as the gymnast flew high in the air. 55 I'm older,it's my time to fly.

  36.A.regret      B.remember      C.considered     D.avoided

  37.A.enter       B.leave         C.meet          D.learn

  38.A.serious     B.careful        C.busy          D.interested

  39.A.dancers     B.fans          C.athletes       D.winners

  40.A.others      B.themselves     C.everything     D.each other

  41.A.enjoyed     B.found         C.set           D.imagined

  42.A.feeling      B.lesson        C.courage       D.instruction

  43.A.second      B.effort         C.circle        D.stop

  44.A.bore        B.panic         C.high         D.trouble

  45.A.around      B.among        C.above        D.away from

  46.A.study       B.envy          C.notice        D.copy

  47.A.bad        B.crazy          C.excellent      D.dangerous

  48.A.place      B.age            C.time          D.size

  49.A.explain      B.understand     C.realize        D.experience

  50.A.now and then B.all theh time    C.over and over   D.little by little

  51.A.go through   B.belong to      C.turn into       D.give way to

  52.A.moved      B.changed       C.failed         D.finished

  53.A.all right     B.the same      C.terrible         D.different

  54.A.practice      B.watch       C.sigh            D.sit

  55.A.Simply because B.Even though  C.As soon as     D.Now that

