A. education B. experience C. relationship D. future 查看更多




  So you're thinking about studying at university?Taking a higher education course is a big investment in your future, and you'll want to be sure that you're choosing not only the right course, but also the right university.

  Birmingham City University is one of the major universities in the UK.Of its 25,000 students, over 2;000 students enroll from around 70 different countries, making the university truly mid-national.Located in Birmingham, the UK's second largest city, we have a long history of close relationship with this promising region.As a university we provide practical solutions for business and use our excellent industry links to influence the teaching of our courses, giving our students the skills and experience employers want so that when you complete your course you'll be ready to take off in your chosen career.Our students are among the most employable in the UK-83 percent of our 2010 graduates gained employment within six months of graduation.

  Each year we provide a number of scholarships to international students to cover a part of the tuition fee for the first year of study.Fees for non-European Union international students are charged at a higher rate because the university does not receive any funding from the British Government.There are also a number of alternative sources of funding for which international students may apply.We offer a range of housing options, from independent flats, adapted accommodation for students with special requirements to renting a room from a local family, to learn the local lifestyle better as well as improve your language ability.

  If you decide to come to Birmingham City University, you can be confident that you'll receive a first-class education with a focus on practical skills and professional relevance, giving you excellent future for employment and career development.


While teaching, teachers of Birmingham City University mainly focus on students' ________

[  ]


characters and personalities


grades and degrees


teamwork and competition


practical skills and experience


One disadvantage for Chinese students to study in the university is that they may ________

[  ]


experience culture shocks


have trouble in communication


have to pay a higher fee


not be used to the weather there


In order to learn more about Britain, it's better to live in ________

[  ]


a local hotel


a local family


a student dormitory


an independent flat


The purpose of writing this passage is to ________.

[  ]


introduce British universities to readers


attract students to study in the university


tell readers the development of the university


talk about how to apply for the university


     I am a senior in college, and my major is elementary education. But the thing is, even though I am
going to become a teacher I have a horrible fear of giving presentations. My main problem is that I shake, which causes my paper to move when I hold it. Also I feel my heart beating so fast that I almost cannot
hear myself or pay attention to anything else. In my other semesters I only had one presentation which
only lasted for a few minutes. This, however, is my professional semester and there are about three
presentations per class and some of them have to be 30 minutes long! Now I feel like I'm in the wrong
field because of how nervous I become. But the thing is, I have already had students taught and have a lot of experience with children, and when I am around children I am completely comfortable. Children don't
judge people and I just don't get nervous around them. That is why I don't understand why they make us
do so many presentations in front of our peers (同龄人) as if they were children!
     I am just so nervous about getting up in front of my class this semester! I can't stop fearing it and I'm
set for failure. It's strange. I have a good friend in my class and I seem to be more nervous with her being
there than when she is not there! Maybe that's because I don't know or don't really care about the rest of
the students in the class. 
1. The author will have to ____ in his / her future job.
A. deal with freshmen in college
B. deal with students in elementary school
C. make many public presentations in front of his / her peers 
D. work with his / her good friends
2. Which of the following words can best describe the author's feeling when he / she is giving
A. Worried.    
B. Tense.    
C. Exciting.    
D. Disappointed.
3. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ____.
A. the author only feels nervous when his / her friend is present
B. the author performs better when his / her friend is not there
C. the author is disliked by most of his / her classmates
D. the author is eager to get help and support from his / her friend
4. The text is mainly about ____.
A. how to get rid of the fear of giving presentations
B. an interesting experience of the author in the professional semester
C. stories about the relationship between the author and his / her friend
D. the author's problem of giving presentations


     I was successful at my job. I worked very hard, but it   1   me and my family a fabulous (极好的) lifestyle.
I'd worked for the same company for twenty years and had worked my way up to department director.   2  ,
one afternoon last May, I was called to the office, and it was   3   explained to me that they were letting me go.
I just sat there   4   they talked on and all I could think was, "I've   5  ." I'd been so well respected;   6   I was
of no value.
     For six weeks, I was in a very   7   place. I wandered around my house like a zombie (僵尸). I could   8   
things needed doing, but would not do anything. My beliefs in looking forward and seeing the positive (积极的)
in everything   9   me.
     Then in late June, my youngest son's football team made the city cup final. The year before, he'd been very
sad when I  10  the same final, so he was  11  when I told him I'd go. Not only did they win, but the look on his
face as he saw me  12   him on was unbelievable. From then on, I spent the summer enjoying my sons and their
passions (激情). I attended match after match and performances of my elder son's ban-I  13  went to another
city to watch him play. These moments were so  14 . My life had been so much devoted to  15  for so long and
I felt  16  that my sons were happy to welcome me into their world. 
      17 , being unemployed gave me back a sense of purpose-I was someone's mum! I felt a sense of being  18  
again. Now I feel more positive about my professional  19  and I'm getting on better with my family than I ever
have. Losing my job made me realize just how  20  it is to achieve real balance in life.
(     )1. A. Promised   
(     )2. A. Therefore  
(     )3. A. quickly   
(     )4. A. until   
(     )5. A. failed   
(     )6. A. suddenly   
(     )7. A. secret   
(     )8. A. see     
(     )9. A. defended   
(     )10. A. watched   
(     )11. A. disappointed 
(     )12. A. cheering   
(     )13. A. just     
(     )14. A. hopeful   
(     )15. A. work       
(     )16. A. successful 
(     )17. A. Naturally  
(     )18. A. employed   
(     )19. A. education  
(     )20. A important   
B. afforded  
B. Anyhow   
B. gently   
B. after   
B. finished 
B. finally   
B. quiet   
B. get     
B. directed  
B. missed   
B. worried   
B. taking   
B. even    
B. meaningful 
B. family     
B. thoughtful 
B. Doubtfully 
B. comforted  
B. experience      
B. interesting
C. showed       
C. Otherwise     
C. partly     
C. as          
C. tried     
C. immediately    
C. lonely     
C. suggest      
C. deserted     
C. lost       
C. honoured     
C. leading     
C. still      
C. difficult   
C. matches       
C. thankful      
C. Disagreeably  
C. valued        
C. relationship  
C. simple      
D. left        
D. However     
D. easily      
D. so          
D. changed     
D. shortly     
D. dark        
D. understand  
D. disturbed   
D. won         
D. delighted   
D. passing     
D. almost      
D. strange     
D. performances               
D. peaceful    
D. Unexpectedly
D. encouraged  
D. future      
D. surprising  



  Whether you are just getting ready to start college or are considering a career change, you will want to choose a field that is showing long-term stability.If you know which careers are showing stable growth potential, you will choose a right job in your future.

  Nursing is a field which will grow extremely fast over the next several years.At present there are about 2.5 million nurses working in the field and a half million more are expected to be added soon.Nursing salaries average about $66,000 per year, but they can go up to over $140,000 with higher education and specialized field training.Nursing also provides the benefit of flexible(灵活的)time, allowing you to choose when you want to work.

  Engineering is one of the hottest and most stably growing careers in the country.There is plenty of opportunity for advancement and income growth in this field.Starting salaries for engineers is higher than most other jobs because a college degree is required.There are also many different fields of specialization to choose from as an engineer.Average salaries are around $72,000, but can quickly be more than $120,000 with experience and position.

  Online marketing is a field that is fairly new to the career market and there is exciting growth potential.It offers a lot of flexibility with many different specialized areas.The average salary for online marketers is $53,000 per year, but some who work in specialized areas make over $200,000.

  Although the job as financial advisor is an extremely competitive career field, the projected growth for this field leaves plenty of room for new job seekers.The salary potential for this career increases with experience and education level but on average financial advisors make $67,000 a year.


The similarity of the four careers is that all of them _________.

[  ]


especially emphasize work experience


must be in great need in the future


have stable growth potential


provide flexible working hours


In most of the four career fields, the workers’ salary is based on _________.

[  ]


their attitude toward work


their relationship with the boss


their past work experience


their education level


The job as financial advisor is different from other three careers because _________.

[  ]


it is a very competitive career field


it provides much room for advancement


it lacks different fields of specialization


it provides the largest number of positions


The text is probably from _________.

[  ]


an advertisement


a job guide


a social report


a book review


       I once studied at a major university in the Midwest United States. At the beginning of each term, I could see lots of undergraduates(大学生)accompanied by their parents gather around the dormitory buildings. Fathers often helped children with huge luggage; mothers took much concern over children’s necessities in university; while children were only absorbed in chatting with friends and getting to know each other, showing no sign of worrying about their future lives.

       In fact, compared with Chinese parents, American parents care equally about their children’s advanced education and make plans accordingly. It is true that some students begin to save money for their university education quite earlier ―― for example, Amy, the daughter of my workmate Stevenson, planned to continue her education after secondary school. However Stevenson earned little and could not afford the tuition. Amy had to find a part-time job, working from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. on holiday ――but for most American students, at least the majority of undergraduates, they are still financed by their parents.

       Some parents not only take the financial burden for their children’s advanced education but also try every possible way to help them. I could still remember that our teacher once said that American parents seldom offered help to their children, by which she meant to say that Chinese parents might be too caring. However every coin has two sides. For example, my academic advisor successfully got money from a major scientific grant(资助金)to continue his research project, and then he hired an undergraduate Sarah to work with us. The fact is that research assistantship is usually competitive, especially to undergraduate students, and it turned out that Sarah was the daughter of my advisor! “When I apply to the graduate school next year, the money I make and the research experience I build up will benefit me a lot,” Sarah said. I used to think that American people behave like businessmen, but this small incident proves that they still might compromise(妥协)the rules for the benefit of their children as loving parents.


  41. The main idea of the passage is _________.

       A. American children have some difficulty in getting enough money to go to college

       B. Chinese parents give their children too much love

       C. American parents also care for their children going to university

       D. Life in American universities

  42. What’s the writer’s attitude toward the academic advisor?

       A. Angry                      B. Understandable          C. Unfair                      D. Disappointed

  43. Which of the following has the same meaning as the underlined part in the second paragraph?

       A. They still use money from their parents.

       B. They are still controlled by their parents.

       C. They are still supported by their parents.

       D. They are still cared by their parents.

  44. What benefit will Sarah get because of her father’s care?

       A. Good grades.                                 B. The chance of finding a good job in the future.

       C. Money and experience.                   D. Good relationship.


