A. cloth B. blanket C. rope D. dress 查看更多



Being poor, she had to borrow a new ______ so as to attend the party.

A. cloth       B. clothes      C. clothing      D. dress



Bad teeth can be painful -- and worse. They can even be 36 . They can 37 bacteria(细菌) into the blood system. Those bacteria can increase the  38 of a heart attack and worsen the effects of other diseases. And 39 are not the only ones at risk. 40 , in two thousand seven, doctors in the Washington area said a boy died when a tooth infection(感染) spread to his brain. They said it might have been 41 had he 42 the dental care he needed. He was twelve years old. Experts say good dental care starts 43 . Breast milk, they say, is the best food for the healthy 44 of teeth, which can help turn bacterial growth 45 in the mouth. But dentists say a baby's gums and early teeth should be cleaned 46 each feeding. Use a 47 with a little warm water. Do the same if a baby is 48 with a bottle. Experts say if you decide to get your baby to sleep with a bottle, only give the child water. When baby teeth begin to 49 , you can clean them with a wet toothbrush. Dentists say it is important to find 50 toothbrushes 51 specially for babies and to use them very gently. The use of fluoride(氟化物)to protect teeth is 52 in many parts of the world. For instance, it is often 53 to drinking water supplies and toothpaste. 54 young children often swallow toothpaste when they brush, which can cause problems. So only a small amount of fluoridated toothpaste, the 55 of a pea, should be used.

36. A.awfully       B. deadly        C. terribly       D. badly

37. A. release        B. rewind           C. realize        D. reform

38. A. changes           B. choices       C. chances      D. charges

39. A. adults         B. teenagers      C. boys         D. babies

40. A. For example    B. Above all      C. Such as       D. To some extent

41. A. protected      B. preserved     C. promoted     D. prevented

42. A. accepted       B. received      C. given         D. admitted

43. A. at school       B. when young    C. when old      D. at birth

44. A. commitment    B. movement     C. development   D. improvement

45. A. swiftly        B. slowly        C. instantly      D. leisurely

46. A. for              B. during        C. after         D. before

47. A. cloth          B. brush        C. bottle            D. soap

48. A. filled          B. fed          C. fitted         D. full

49. A. change        B. appear        C. exist         D. see

50 .A. beautiful    B. expensive   C. soft      D.safe

51. A. attended       B. intended      C. tended        D. pretended

52. A. rare          B. good         C. normal           D. common

53. A. added         B. used         C. offered       D. attached

54. A. However       B. But          C. Though       D. Also

55. A. shape         B. color         C. size          D. type


The night was dark, though sometimes the moving clouds allowed a star or two to be seen in the sky. The poor men held on to any bit of     1     they could find. They called to the Marie for     2   , but she was far    3    the reach of the human voice. At one o'clock in the    4 the water was getting    5   , and even worse a strong    6    had begun to blow. Suddenly 7    were seen in the distance: another ship! The shouts of the    8    were heard on board, and willing hearts pulled them out of the water. The    9    of the ship that had so    10 arrived on the scene in time to save their lives was Ellen. What had brought her to the exact spot through the darkness and the pathless sea? Her captain had known    11    of the wreck (沉船) and had, indeed, attempted to sail away from it. But let him speak for himself.

    “I was forced by the wind,” he said long after wards, to    12    my course (航道). Just as I did it, a small    13    flew across the ship once or twice and then    14    at my face. I took    15    of this until exactly the same thing happened a    16    time, which caused me to think it rather    17   , while I was thus    18    it, the same bird, for the third time, made its appearance and flew about in the same way as before. I was then    19    to change my course back to the original one. It had not gone far    20    I heard strange noises; and when I tried to make sure where they came from, I found I was in the middle of people who had been shipwrecked. I immediately did my best to save them.


A. cloth              B. flower

C. paper              D. wood


A. food               B. help

C. rest                D. stop


A. between            B. out

C. beyond             D. in


A. afternoon            B. noon

C. morning            D. midnight


A. colder             B. deeper

C. saltier             D. warmer


A. smoke              B. wave

C. sand               D. wind


A. people              B. lights

C. ships              D. houses


A. sailors              B. captains

C. birds              D. swimmers


A. name              B. owner

C. captain             D. designer


A. slowly              B. early

C. immediately         D. fortunately


A. everything           B. nothing

C. something           D. anything


A. continue           B. turn

C. change             D. sail


A. fish                B. fly

C. plane              D. bird


A. flew               B. stopped

C. stayed              D. looked


A. no care             B. good care

C. no notice            D. some notice


A. good              B. second

C. third               D. long


A. interesting           B. funny

C. common           D. unusual


A. searching            B. expecting

C. considering         D. studying


A. decided             B. advised

C. persuaded           D. invited


A. when              B. while

C. as                D. after



Being poor, she had to borrow a new so as to attend the party.

A. cloth  B. clothes  C. clothing  D. dress


________ is needed in cold countries.

A. A lot of clothes      B. Much clothing       C. Many a cloth       D. Lots of clothes


