A. real B. true C. proper D. right 查看更多




Here's a scene:a village where the sun always shines,crops always grow and your friends drop by to sweep your yard to the sound of guitar music.Animals do what they are told,there is no disease,and lendin’ folks a helpin’hand makes you richer and wiser.Welcome to FarmVille—

Current population 69m and rising fast.

 “It reminds me of my childhood,”says one player, Lia Curran,37,a nurse from London.“Right now I'm growing wheat and flowers. I've got a small garden, and I'm raising some chickens and some cows. I like having the animals. It's relaxing.” Curran's animals, however, is nothing more than a collection of cartoons. FarmVille is an online computer game built into the social networking site Facebook and is described by its players as “addictive”. Launched last June by Zynga Game Network, FarmVille now has many players—more than the population of the UK. The players are largely women over the age of 35.

FarmVille unites the worlds of social networking and gaming.Players are given a ground with six fields,“cash”,a few seeds and a plough and have to build up wealth,skills and neighbors to create bigger,better,richer farms.Inviting your online friends to play means you earn more and get flee gifts;you rise rapidly through the first levels but,once hooked,have to work harder and harder with no final level or goal in sight.

“Games like this draw people into a fantasy world that's separate from real life where there are no issues,and where things are simple and controllable,” Brian Dudley says.In November,he opened the UK's first computer games addiction clinic,treating online gamers who stayed at the keyboard for up to eight hours a day—“the tip of the iceberg”,he says.Two weeks ago,a group of US players launched a class action against Zynga and Facebook.“Most,if not all,of the online advertisements presented through Zynga are scams(骗局),”the lawsuit states.“The advertisements are highly misleading and often result in users ordering goods or services that they do not want or need.”

According to Nick O'neill from the social media site All Facebook,Zynga is making $500,000(£304,000)a day,from its Facebook games,in turn spending some $50m(£30m)a year on Facebook ads.

If all that weren't enough,FarmVille doesn't even function like a proper farm:in FarmVille,wheat grows in two days—in real life,it takes months.But play continues nevertheless.

68.If you want to create a better and richer farm,you should do the following EXCEPT that   ____.

A.you have to work harder and harder

B.you should pay real—world money to advance in the game

C.you should invite your online friends and neighbors to play

D.you should develop your skills and befriend FarmVille neighbors

69.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Most young girls are fascinated by the farming game.

B.Money Zynga has made is mostly spent on advertising campaign.

C.There is potential threat to the players and some players are misled by the advertisements.

D.The UK's first computer games addiction clinic was opened to help treat online players.

70.The purpose of the class action against Zynga and Facebook was to_____.

A.show that Zynga has an extremely tight relationship with Facebook

B.try to stop Zynga and Facebook from putting advertisements

C.attract more people to FarmVille game to plant crops

D.appeal to the public to order more goods or services


Here's a scene:a village where the sun always shines,crops always grow and your friends drop by to sweep your yard to the sound of guitar music.Animals do what they are told,there is no disease,and lendin’ folks a helpin’hand makes you richer and wiser.Welcome to FarmVille—
Current population 69m and rising fast.
“It reminds me of my childhood,”says one player, Lia Curran,37,a nurse from London.“Right now I'm growing wheat and flowers. I've got a small garden, and I'm raising some chickens and some cows. I like having the animals. It's relaxing.” Curran's animals, however, is nothing more than a collection of cartoons. FarmVille is an online computer game built into the social networking site Facebook and is described by its players as “addictive”. Launched last June by Zynga Game Network, FarmVille now has many players—more than the population of the UK. The players are largely women over the age of 35.
FarmVille unites the worlds of social networking and gaming.Players are given a ground with six fields,“cash”,a few seeds and a plough and have to build up wealth,skills and neighbors to create bigger,better,richer farms.Inviting your online friends to play means you earn more and get flee gifts;you rise rapidly through the first levels but,once hooked,have to work harder and harder with no final level or goal in sight.
“Games like this draw people into a fantasy world that's separate from real life where there are no issues,and where things are simple and controllable,” Brian Dudley says.In November,he opened the UK's first computer games addiction clinic,treating online gamers who stayed at the keyboard for up to eight hours a day—“the tip of the iceberg”,he says.Two weeks ago,a group of US players launched a class action against Zynga and Facebook.“Most,if not all,of the online advertisements presented through Zynga are scams(骗局),”the lawsuit states.“The advertisements are highly misleading and often result in users ordering goods or services that they do not want or need.”
According to Nick O'neill from the social media site All Facebook,Zynga is making $500,000(£304,000)a day,from its Facebook games,in turn spending some $50m(£30m)a year on Facebook ads.
If all that weren't enough,FarmVille doesn't even function like a proper farm:in FarmVille,wheat grows in two days—in real life,it takes months.But play continues nevertheless.
68.If you want to create a better and richer farm,you should do the following EXCEPT that   ____.
A.you have to work harder and harder
B.you should pay real—world money to advance in the game
C.you should invite your online friends and neighbors to play
D.you should develop your skills and befriend FarmVille neighbors
69.Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Most young girls are fascinated by the farming game.
B.Money Zynga has made is mostly spent on advertising campaign.
C.There is potential threat to the players and some players are misled by the advertisements.
D.The UK's first computer games addiction clinic was opened to help treat online players.
70.The purpose of the class action against Zynga and Facebook was to_____.
A.show that Zynga has an extremely tight relationship with Facebook
B.try to stop Zynga and Facebook from putting advertisements
C.attract more people to FarmVille game to plant crops
D.appeal to the public to order more goods or services



Liu Qian, a magician from Taiwan, cast his spell(魔法)over an audience of thousands on the CCTV Spring Festival Show. Die-hard fans are still trying to work out the secrets behind many of the tricks he performed.

But Liu, 32, when asked, laughed off the idea that there might be an “answer” to his magic. “The most fascinating things about magic is the puzzling process. People enjoy how magicians make the impossible come true,” said Liu.

Few people today believe in the possibility of real magic. They also often fail to consider magicians’ devotion to their art. It can take a magician years’ of practice to perfect a trick before he performs it on stage.

Part of Liu’s star appeal is his astonishing skill. However, when he began in the industry, he was embarrassingly clumsy. “I could practice thousands of times for one single act. It wasn’t much fun,” he said.

No magician’s supernatural powers on stage extend to their life off stage. Liu says his life was no easier or funnier because he was a magician.

He developed an interest in magic at a young age, but didn’t consider making a living out of it until he graduated from university. He had studied Japanese language and found himself unable to find a job. “My parents never considered being a magician as a proper job. To begin with, I had little confidence I would be doing this in the long term,” he said.

Yet Liu felt a powerful calling to become a magician. “For many people, magic somehow means a miracle, which is something we all secretly wish for no matter how hard-bitten or cynical (愤世嫉俗的)we become,” he said.

Liu may be right. A popular modern dream is of the fairy godmother, who waves her magic wand (棒) and makes our dreams come true. But according to Liu, we all have the power to create magic in our lives. As Liu puts it: it’s not the magic that makes it work;it’s the way we work that makes it magic.

1. According to the passage, we can tell that ________.

A. being a famous magician, Liu Qian leads a comfortable life

B. it is a hard job for magicians to perform magic tricks well

C. Liu Qian’s parents supported his wish of earning a living by being a magician

D. Liu Qian showed great talents in performing magic tricks when he first took it up

2. As to whether there’s real magic, Liu Qian believes ________.

A. there is no real magic and what counts in our life is the way we work

B. if we secretly wish for something, magic will turn out to be a miracle

C. the puzzling process of performing magic tricks is the answer to magic

D. there exists a fairy godmother waving her magic wand to make our dreams come true

3. Which of the following sayings is similar to the underlined sentence in meaning?

A. All roads lead to Rome.                B. Easier said than done.

C. Actions speak louder than words.       D. Where there is a will, there is a way.

4. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Magic in our lives                     B. The answer to magic

C. A popular magician from Taiwan         D. The way to become a successful magician





Here's a scene:a village where the sun always shines,crops always grow and your friends drop by to sweep your yard to the sound of guitar music.Animals do what they are told,there is no disease,and lendin’ folks a helpin’hand makes you richer and wiser.Welcome to FarmVille—

Current population 69m and rising fast.

 “It reminds me of my childhood,”says one player, Lia Curran,37,a nurse from London.“Right now I'm growing wheat and flowers. I've got a small garden, and I'm raising some chickens and some cows. I like having the animals. It's relaxing.” Curran's animals, however, is nothing more than a collection of cartoons. FarmVille is an online computer game built into the social networking site Facebook and is described by its players as “addictive”. Launched last June by Zynga Game Network, FarmVille now has many players—more than the population of the UK. The players are largely women over the age of 35.

FarmVille unites the worlds of social networking and gaming.Players are given a ground with six fields,“cash”,a few seeds and a plough and have to build up wealth,skills and neighbors to create bigger,better,richer farms.Inviting your online friends to play means you earn more and get flee gifts;you rise rapidly through the first levels but,once hooked,have to work harder and harder with no final level or goal in sight.

“Games like this draw people into a fantasy world that's separate from real life where there are no issues,and where things are simple and controllable,” Brian Dudley says.In November,he opened the UK's first computer games addiction clinic,treating online gamers who stayed at the keyboard for up to eight hours a day—“the tip of the iceberg”,he says.Two weeks ago,a group of US players launched a class action against Zynga and Facebook.“Most,if not all,of the online advertisements presented through Zynga are scams(骗局),”the lawsuit states.“The advertisements are highly misleading and often result in users ordering goods or services that they do not want or need.”

According to Nick O'neill from the social media site All Facebook,Zynga is making $500,000(£304,000)a day,from its Facebook games,in turn spending some $50m(£30m)a year on Facebook ads.

If all that weren't enough,FarmVille doesn't even function like a proper farm:in FarmVille,wheat grows in two days—in real life,it takes months.But play continues nevertheless.

68.If you want to create a better and richer farm,you should do the following EXCEPT that   ____.

A.you have to work harder and harder

B.you should pay real—world money to advance in the game

C.you should invite your online friends and neighbors to play

D.you should develop your skills and befriend FarmVille neighbors

69.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Most young girls are fascinated by the farming game.

B.Money Zynga has made is mostly spent on advertising campaign.

C.There is potential threat to the players and some players are misled by the advertisements.

D.The UK's first computer games addiction clinic was opened to help treat online players.

70.The purpose of the class action against Zynga and Facebook was to_____.

A.show that Zynga has an extremely tight relationship with Facebook

B.try to stop Zynga and Facebook from putting advertisements

C.attract more people to FarmVille game to plant crops

D.appeal to the public to order more goods or services



Liu Qian, a magician from Taiwan, cast his spell(魔法)over an audience of thousands on the CCTV Spring Festival Show. Die-hard fans are still trying to work out the secrets behind many of the tricks he performed.

But Liu, 32, when asked, laughed off the idea that there might be an “answer” to his magic. “The most fascinating things about magic is the puzzling process. People enjoy how magicians make the impossible come true,” said Liu.

Few people today believe in the possibility of real magic. They also often fail to consider magicians’ devotion to their art. It can take a magician years’ of practice to perfect a trick before he performs it on stage.

Part of Liu’s star appeal is his astonishing skill. However, when he began in the industry, he was embarrassingly clumsy. “I could practice thousands of times for one single act. It wasn’t much fun,” he said.

No magician’s supernatural powers on stage extend to their life off stage. Liu says his life was no easier or funnier because he was a magician.

He developed an interest in magic at a young age, but didn’t consider making a living out of it until he graduated from university. He had studied Japanese language and found himself unable to find a job. “My parents never considered being a magician as a proper job. To begin with, I had little confidence I would be doing this in the long term,” he said.

Yet Liu felt a powerful calling to become a magician. “For many people, magic somehow means a miracle, which is something we all secretly wish for no matter how hard-bitten or cynical (愤世嫉俗的)we become,” he said.

Liu may be right. A popular modern dream is of the fairy godmother, who waves her magic wand (棒) and makes our dreams come true. But according to Liu, we all have the power to create magic in our lives. As Liu puts it: it’s not the magic that makes it work;it’s the way we work that makes it magic.

1. According to the passage, we can tell that ________.

A. being a famous magician, Liu Qian leads a comfortable life

B. it is a hard job for magicians to perform magic tricks well

C. Liu Qian’s parents supported his wish of earning a living by being a magician

D. Liu Qian showed great talents in performing magic tricks when he first took it up

2. As to whether there’s real magic, Liu Qian believes ________.

A. there is no real magic and what counts in our life is the way we work

B. if we secretly wish for something, magic will turn out to be a miracle

C. the puzzling process of performing magic tricks is the answer to magic

D. there exists a fairy godmother waving her magic wand to make our dreams come true

3. Which of the following sayings is similar to the underlined sentence in meaning?

A. All roads lead to Rome.             B. Easier said than done.

C. Actions speak louder than words.     D. Where there is a will, there is a way.

4. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Magic in our lives                 B. The answer to magic

C. A popular magician from Taiwan     D. The way to become a successful magician

