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1. 乔治叔叔一直到快50岁时才安顿下来。
    Uncle George didn't ______ ______ until he was nearly fifty.
2. 安妮现在与罗杰形影不离,尽管他还没有同他的合法妻子离婚。
    Anne now ______ ______ ______ Roger, although he is not yet divorced from his legal wife.
3. 你讲讲价,他们可能会把价钱降低。
    If you ______ ______ them they might reduce the price.
4. 他的诚实是毫无疑问的。
    His honesty is ______ ______ ______.
5. 美洲大陆的河流和森林里有大量的鱼类和兽禽。
    The rivers and forests of America were ______ ______ fish and game.
6. 在这件事情上,我的经验和你的类似。
    My experience in this matter is ______ ______ yours.

























  D.工蜂一生从事的是利他的事业,而不是优化自己的结构来繁衍后代,从这一点来看,    达尔文的进化论“适者生存”不科学。



1.我今天不方便去逛街.(convenient)  ________________to go shopping.

2.可能会下雨,把伞带上以防万一.(in case)  It may rain. You’d better ________________

3.微笑能帮助我们渡过难关。(get)   A smile can help us __________________________

4.他们正和另一家公司联合建造这座大坝。(association) They __________ with another firm.

5.学好英语不容易,但只要坚持你最后会成功的.(hang on)

It’s not easy to learn English well, _____, you will succeed in the end.

6.你所说的的确是做白日梦.( truth)   What you are saying____________


Although he is only an eight –year- old child, he can _______________


Not until my teacher pointed out my shortcoming_________________


I was just about to answer the phone when it _________  


She ate a light lunch _________a good dinner.




Table Manners in America



    When eating at home with guests or eating outthere are several table manners that are generally observed

    Most meals served in American homes are served “family style” this means that food is placed on platters or in large bowlsand passed around to each person at the tableEach person takes a little food and puts it on his or her plateand then passes the food to the next personIt is OK to ask for second helpings

If you are treating your lady friend to a meal at a nice restaurantit is polite to hold the chair for her while she sits downEach person orders their own food and drinksand it is polite to order items that are similar in price to the host’s orderBefore beginning your mealplace your napkin over your lapand remove it when the meal is completely finished

It is polite to wait until everyone at your table is served before you begin eatingin some instancesit is best to wait until the host begin eatingIt is not polite to rest your elbows on the tableOnly one hand should be on the table for most of the mealunless you need to cut meat or pass somethingAmericans do not chew with their mouths openor speak when their mouths are full of foodWhen drinking alcoholit is impolite to drink too much or get drunkIf you do not drinkyou will usually not be pressured to do soand you should likewise not pressure others to drink with you


    platter n.大浅盘         napkin n.餐巾

instance  n.例子          lap n.膝上

elbow  n.肘部          alcohol  n.酒;含酒精的饮料

likewise  adv.同样;也

Comprehension questions

1In Americait is good manners _______when eating in a nice restaurant.

Ato order items that are similar in price to the host's order

Bto eat as much as you can

Cto put your elbows on the table

Dto eat and eat until only a little food remains on the table

2When eating outit is polite _______

Afor you to order food and drinks for everyone

Bto put your napkin on the table

Cto speak with your mouth full of food

Dfor everyone to order his or her own food and drinks

3When drinking alcohol_______

Ayou can put both your hands on the table

Byou can chew with your mouths open

Cyou should not drink too much or get drunk

Dyou are welcome to drink much or get drunk




Table Manners in America



    When eating at home with guests or eating outthere are several table manners that are generally observed

    Most meals served in American homes are served “family style” this means that food is placed on platters or in large bowlsand passed around to each person at the tableEach person takes a little food and puts it on his or her plateand then passes the food to the next personIt is OK to ask for second helpings

If you are treating your lady friend to a meal at a nice restaurantit is polite to hold the chair for her while she sits downEach person orders their own food and drinksand it is polite to order items that are similar in price to the host’s orderBefore beginning your mealplace your napkin over your lapand remove it when the meal is completely finished

It is polite to wait until everyone at your table is served before you begin eatingin some instancesit is best to wait until the host begin eatingIt is not polite to rest your elbows on the tableOnly one hand should be on the table for most of the mealunless you need to cut meat or pass somethingAmericans do not chew with their mouths openor speak when their mouths are full of foodWhen drinking alcoholit is impolite to drink too much or get drunkIf you do not drinkyou will usually not be pressured to do soand you should likewise not pressure others to drink with you


    platter n.大浅盘         napkin n.餐巾

instance  n.例子          lap n.膝上

elbow  n.肘部          alcohol  n.酒;含酒精的饮料

likewise  adv.同样;也

Comprehension questions

1In Americait is good manners _______when eating in a nice restaurant.

Ato order items that are similar in price to the host's order

Bto eat as much as you can

Cto put your elbows on the table

Dto eat and eat until only a little food remains on the table

2When eating outit is polite _______

Afor you to order food and drinks for everyone

Bto put your napkin on the table

Cto speak with your mouth full of food

Dfor everyone to order his or her own food and drinks

3When drinking alcohol_______

Ayou can put both your hands on the table

Byou can chew with your mouths open

Cyou should not drink too much or get drunk

Dyou are welcome to drink much or get drunk


