42.A.go on B.go off C.go in D.go along 查看更多



A farmer had some puppies(小狗)to  36 . He painted a sign advertising the puppies and  37__ nailing (钉)it to a post on the edge of his yard. As he was driving the last nail into the post, a little boy came to him.

“Mister,” he said, “I want to buy one of your puppies.”

“Well,” said the farmer, as he  38 the sweat off his face, “these puppies come from fine parents and cost  39 money. Do you have enough money?”

The boy   40  his head for a moment. Then reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a handful of  41 and held it up to the farmer. “I’ve got thirty-nine cents. Is that enough to take a look?” “Sure,” said the farmer. And with that he  42 a whistle (口哨声), “Here, Dolly!” he called.  43 from the doghouse and down the ramp ran Dolly   44 by four little balls of fur. The little boy’ eyes danced with delight. As the dogs made their  45 to the fence, the little boy noticed something else stirring inside the doghouse.  46  another little ball appeared; this one noticeably smaller. Then in a somewhat   47  manner the little pup began hobbling(蹒跚) toward the others, doing its best to   48  .

“I want that one,” the little boy said,  49  to the smallest one. The farmer said, “Son, you don’t want that puppy. He will never be able to run and play with you  50 these other dogs would.”

With that the little boy  51 back from the fence, and began   52  up one leg of his trousers. In doing so he exposed a steel support running down both sides of his leg  53 itself to a specially made  54  . Looking back up at the farmer, he said, “You see sir, I don't  55  too well myself, and he will need someone who understands.”

36.A. sell        B. buy             C. raise            D. drive

37. A. set off        B. set out           C. set about         D. set up

38. A. wiped        B. removed          C. settled           D. drove

39. A. a number of    B. quite a few        C. a great deal of    D. only a little

40. A. raised        B. buried            C. dropped          D. shook

41. A. change       B. price            C. treasure          D. wallet

42. A. made out      B. put away         C. gave away        D. let out

43.  A. In           B. Away            C. Out             D. Up

44. A. equipped      B. protected         C. attacked          D. followed

45. A. way          B. direction          C. path             D. struggle

46. A. Rapidly       B. Slowly           C. Suddenly         D. Simply

47. A. curious       B. foolish           C. ordinary          D. active

48. A. catch up      B. keep up          C. put up           D. make up

49. A. staring        B. pointing          C. greeting          D. devoting

50. A. while        B. as              C. that             D. what

51. A. stepped       B. escaped          C. went            D. kept

52. A. pushing       B. forcing           C. rolling           D. tearing

53. A. attaching      B.attached          C. being attached      D.to attach

54. A. leg          B. stick            C. shoe            D. foot

55. A. walk         B. run             C. live             D. go


In Renee Smith's classroom, attendance is up, trips to the headmaster's office are down and students are handing in assignments on time. The Springfield High School teacher says she has seen great    1    since adding a few new students to her class —five Labrador puppies and their father.

    The seven    2    students in Smith's class have a history of discipline    3   . But since they've started teaching the dogs obedience (顺从), their own    4    has improved. A dog trainer Chuck Reynolds    5    the students a new trick each week that they then work on with the puppies. At night, the dogs go home with the staff members who have raised them. They get dropped off in the morning,    6    a parent would take a child to day care.

    Smith said she came up with the idea when her dog had puppies and she saw how    7    her own children responded to them. She consulted with school psychologist Kristin Edinger,   8 they took the idea—along with letters from students    9    the programme—to the school board. A pet therapist said. “What you are trying to teach is    10    and that there are consequences for the decisions you make.”


A. promotion           B. progress

C. disturbance         D. disappointment


A. human              B. dog

C. new               D. Labrador


A. problems            B. questions

C. issues             D. troubles


A. habit               B. attitude

C. action             D. behavior


A. guides              B. teaches

C. permits             D. aids


A. such as             B. much as

C. so that              D. even if


A. well                B. quickly

C. poorly              D. carelessly I


A. but               B. so

C. and                D. because


A. revising            B. describing

C. opposing           D. supporting


A. self-criticism         B. self-respect

C. self-control         D. self-importance



In Renee Smith's classroom, attendance is up, trips to the headmaster's office are down and students are handing in assignments on time. The Springfield High School teacher says she has seen great    1    since adding a few new students to her class —five Labrador puppies and their father.

    The seven    2    students in Smith's class have a history of discipline    3   . But since they've started teaching the dogs obedience (顺从), their own    4    has improved. A dog trainer Chuck Reynolds    5    the students a new trick each week that they then work on with the puppies. At night, the dogs go home with the staff members who have raised them. They get dropped off in the morning,    6    a parent would take a child to day care.

    Smith said she came up with the idea when her dog had puppies and she saw how    7    her own children responded to them. She consulted with school psychologist Kristin Edinger,   8 they took the idea—along with letters from students    9    the programme—to the school board. A pet therapist said. “What you are trying to teach is    10    and that there are consequences for the decisions you make.”


A. promotion           B. progress

C. disturbance         D. disappointment


A. human              B. dog

C. new               D. Labrador


A. problems            B. questions

C. issues             D. troubles


A. habit               B. attitude

C. action             D. behavior


A. guides              B. teaches

C. permits             D. aids


A. such as             B. much as

C. so that              D. even if


A. well                B. quickly

C. poorly              D. carelessly I


A. but               B. so

C. and                D. because


A. revising      ;        B. describing

C. opposing           D. supporting


A. self-criticism         B. self-respect

C. self-control         D. self-importance



When you go to St.Petersburg, the number of attractions can seem large.If you are short of time, or just want to make sure to hit the highlights, these are the top must-see sights in St. Petersburg.

1. The Hermitage Museum

       The Hermitage Museum is one of the most important sights to see for any visitor to St. Petersburg. There are lots of different paintings by the old masters in the Hermitage. Prepare to come face-to-face with classic Western artists.

2. Kizhi Island

       Kizhi Island is an open-air museum of wooden architecture from the Karelia Region of Russia. These impressive structures are made entirely without nails - the wood fits together with joints and grooves(沟槽).

3. Peterhof

       Peterhof is as beautiful as it is fun. You’ll be charged for admission, but go to Petethof when the foundations are working—during the day in the summer. They are shut off in winter evenings.

4. The Church of Our Savior on the Spilt Blood

       Love it or hate it, the Church of Our Savior on the Spilt Blood in St. Petersburg is an enthralling must-see sight. The beautiful look may make y our eyes brighten, and the painting inside the church will make you say “Wow!”

5. The Bronze Horseman Statue

The so-called Bronze Horseman is a part of Russian culture and a symbol of St. Petersburg. Made famous by Alexander Pushkin, this statue of Peter the Great sitting on his horse can truly show Peter the Great’s influence on the Russian idle of greatness.

1.If you are interested in partings, you’d better go to         .

       A.Peterhof and Kizhi Island

       B.the Hermitage Museum and Peterhof

       C.Kizhi Island and the Church of Our Savior on the Spilt Blood

       D.the hermitage Museum and the Church of Our Savior on the Spilt Blood

2.We can learn from the passage that           .

       A.visitors can visit Peterhof for free

       B.the buildings of Kizhi Island are made of wood

       C.the fountains in Peterhof can be seen all year round

       D.the largest collection of Russian arts is in the Hermitage Museum

3.The main purpose of the passage is to         .

       A.show the wonderful history of Russia

       B.persuade artists to study St. Petersburg

       C.recommend the famous buildings in Russia

       D.introduce the must-see sights in St. Petersburg

4.The underlined phrase (in Para 1) “hit the highlights” means         .

       A.to save more time                                B.to learn more knowledge

       C.to go to the high buildings                     D.to visit the most interesting sights


Erica David lives in Pinedale,Wyoming,USA,where winter can bring temperatures of below 35 degrees Fahrenheit,howling winds,and a lot of snow.So it was just natural that she chose to study snow for her school science fair in the sixth grade.
Now a junior in high school,Erica is in her sixth year of snow experiments,and is well on her way to becoming a snow expert.She started with a basic question:Could snow fences be built to work better?
Snow fences are used to keep snowdrifts(雪堆)from covering areas like roads of train tracks,or to help build up snow where it can help with water shortages in spring when it melts(融化).“Also,I wanted to protect my animals better from blowing snow,”says Erica,who raises goats,sheep,and pigs.
Before she could test fence designs,Erica had to figure out what would act like real snow in her experiments. “I tested flour, sugar, and salt before I settled on dishwasher powder , ”she explains.
Science fairs offer students the chance to test theories, present findings to judges, and meet other researchers. Erica’s many achievements include competing at the Discovery Channel Young Scientist Challenge for middle school students and the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, where students from around the world present their science research.
But perhaps the best reward is that her research is already being put to good use. She has come up with an improved snow fence design, and this year she’s helping think out how to provide water supply to native plants, which have been killed off by drilling at nearby natural gasfields.
“Science fairs are an amazing experience,”says Erica. “Just pick your true feeling and go for it. ”
72. What does the passage suggest to us?
A. Science fairs are held for high school students in America.
B. Erica is the youngest show expert well known in America.
C. The environment brought much convenience for Erica to study snow.
D. The hope to contribute to her hometown made Erica experiment on snow.
73. In Erica’s hometown, snow fences may play a part in ________.
a. reducing the harm blowing snow does to animals
b. supplying water resource to the nearby gas fields
c. making up for the lack of water resource.
d. keeping the traffic smooth
A. a,b,c          B. a,b,d             C. b,c,d            D. a,c,d
74. Science fairs are attractive to students because they ________.
A. can have their research put into practical use
B. can have their scientific ideas tested out
C. are allowed to help protect the local wildlife
D. can learn about the most advanced technology
75. Which of the following material can best replace snowing in Erica’s experiment?
A. Flour.         B. Sugar.           C. Salt.             D. Dishwasher powder.

