A. younger B. better C. worse D. older 查看更多



You are about to say something to your younger brother when he gestures that he’s got a phone message.

    “But I didn’t hear the ring,”you say.

    “Because you are too old,”your brother answers.

     Don’t get mad.He’s just telling you the truth.

     Teenagers in Britain and the US have a weapon against the older generation,especially parents and teachers.It’s a ring tone that many adults cannot hear.

     According to a recent report from the New York Times,in some Manhattan schools,students have begun using the technology.Cellphone use is usually forbidden in class.But using the high-pitched (频率) ring tone,students can successfully exchange phone messages without being found by their teachers.

      The technology relies on the fact that most adults gradually lose the ability to hear high-pitched sounds, It was developed in Britain but has recently spread to America by the Internet.

      However,the technology was originally aimed at annoying teenagers,not the other way around.

     Called the Mosquito,it was marketed last year by a Welsh security company.It is an ear-splitting 17-kilohertz buzzer (蜂鸣器) designed to help shopkeepers get rid of young people hanging around in front of their stores.Humans can hear sounds taking place in a frequency range between 200 and 20,000 hertz,as the research shows.But our hearing gradually becomes worse when we grow up.

1.Students in some Manhattan schools have begun using the technology,so they can_________.

A.talk in class without being heard by their teachers

B.use cellphones to send messages in class

C.hear better in class than their teachers

D.improve their hearing ability

2.The underlined phrase “the other way around” implies the ________.

A.adults are annoyed now

B.teenagers are annoyed now

C.adults are not annoyed now

D.both adults and teenagers are annoyed now

3.According to this passage,what will happen to a person when he is over twenty?

A.He can hear sounds with frequencies between 200 and 20,000 hertz.

B.He can hear sounds with a frequency of 17-kilohertz.

C.He cannot hear sounds with frequencies between 200 and 20,000 hertz.

D.He cannot hear sounds with a frequency of 17-kilohertz.

4.It can be concluded from the passage that _________.

A.older people hear no better than teenagers

B.older people had better not use cellphones

C.teenagers hear better than old people 

D.teenagers had better not use cellphones



  You are about to say something to your younger brother when he gestures that he’s got a phone message.

  “But I didn’t hear the ring,” you say.

  “Because you are too old.” your brother answers.

  Don’t get mad.He’s just telling you the truth.

  Teenagers in Britain and the US have a weapon against the older generation, especially parents and teachers.It’s a ring tone that many adults cannot hear.

  According to a recent report from the New York Times,in some Manhattan schools,students have begun using the technology.Cellphone use is usually forbidden in class.But using the high-pitched(频率)ring tone,students can successfully exchange phone messages without being found by their teachers.

  The technology relies on the fact that most adults gradually lose the ability to hear high-pitched sounds, It was developed in Britain but has recently spread to America by the Internet.

  However,the technology was originally aimed at annoying teenagers, not the other way around

  Called the Mosquito, it was marketed last year by a Welsh security company.It is an ear-splitting 17-kilohertz buzzer(蜂鸣器)designed to help shopkeepers get rid of young people hanging around in front of their stores.Humans can hear sounds taking place in a frequency range between 200 and 20,000 hertz, as the research shows.But our hearing gradually becomes worse when we grow up.


Students in some Manhattan schools have begun using the technology, so they can.

[  ]


talk in class without being heard by their teachers


use cell phones to send messages in class


hear better in class than their teachers


improve their hearing ability


The underlined phrase “the other way around” implies the _________.

[  ]


adults are annoyed now


teenagers are annoyed now


adults are not annoyed now


both adults and teenagers are annoyed now


According to this passage, what will happen to a person when he is over twenty?

[  ]


He can hear sounds with frequencies between 200 and 20,000 hertz.


He can hear sounds with a frequency of 17-kilohertz.


He cannot hear sounds with frequencies between 200 and 20,000 hertz.


He cannot hear sounds with a frequency of 17-kilohertz.


It can be concluded from the passage that _________.

[  ]


older people hear no better than teenagers


older people had better not use cell phones


teenagers hear better than old people


teenagers had better not use cell phones



  “Sleep-disordered breathing” is a term for a group of conditions that can interfere with nornlal breathing while people sleep.These include snoring, mouth-breathing and sleep apnea(窒息).Sleep-disordered breathing can do more than just leave people feeling tired the next day.It can also affect people's health.In children the effects can include behavioral and emotional problems.

  In a new study.1ed by Karen Bonuck at the Einstein College of Medicine.researchers asked parents about their children's breathing from when they were babies up to about age seven.The study finds sleep-disordered breathing is associated with a fifty percent increase in outcomes including hyperactivity(多动症), aggressiveness and problems relating to other children.

  Ms.Bonuck says the more serious the breathing problems, the more serious the behavioral issues were likely to be.Other studies have:linked sleep with children's behavior, but this study was extensive enough to:reject other possible causes.

  How well do you sleep? A popular belief is that sleep gets worse with age.But.in another new study, those who reported the fewest problems with the quality of their sleep were people in their eighties.

  Researchers did a telephone survey of American aduhs.Michael Grandner at the University of Pennsylvania medical school says the original goal was to confirm that aging is connected with increased sleep problems.The survey did find an increase during middle age, worse in women than men.But except for that, people reported that their sleep quality improved as they got older.At least they felt it did.

  Mr.Grandner says.“Even if sleep among older Americans is actually worse than in younger adults, feelings about it still improve with age.”

  In the study, health problems and depression were linked with poor sleep.But, based on the study.Mr.Grandner says older people who are not sick or depressed should be reporting better sleep.“If they're not.they need to talk to their doctor.”he says.He says heahtlh care providers generally dismiss sleep complaints from older adults as a normal part of aging.


Sleep-disordered breathing makes it hard for people to have ________ while sleeping.

[  ]






sleep apnea


normal breathing


Karen Bonuck thinks sleep-disordered breathing is likely to impact children's ________.

[  ]










The telephone survey showed that ________.

[  ]


older Americans' sleep quality improved with age


older Americans hatl better sleep than younger adults


people in their eighties had the most sleep problems


men had more sleep problems than women


From Mr.GraMner's words in the last paragraph we call learn ________.

[  ]


older adults with poor sleep needn't see doctors


we shouht not ignore sleep complaints from older adults


most doctors place great emphasis on older adults' poor sleep


sleep complaints from older adults are a normal part of aging


The text is mainly about ________.

[  ]


new findings on sleep in children, older adults


people's health problems


children's breathing problems


older adults' sleep complaints




  You are about to say something to your younger brother when he gestures that he’s got a phone message.

  “But I didn’t hear the ring, ”you say.

  “Because you are too old, ”your brother answers.

  Don’t get mad.He’s just telling you the truth.

  Teenagers in Britain and the US have a weapon against the older generation, especially parents and teachers.It’s a ring tone that many adults cannot hear.

  According to a recent report from the New York Times, in some Manhattan schools, students have begun using the technology.Cellphone use is usually forbidden in class.But using the high-pitched(频率)ring tone, students can successfully exchange phone messages without being found by their teachers.

  The technology relies on the fact that most adults gradually lose the ability to hear high-pitched sounds, It was developed in Britain but has recently spread to America by the Internet.

  However, the technology was originally aimed at annoying teenagers, not the other way around.

  Called the Mosquito, it was marketed last year by a Welsh security company.It is an ear-splitting 17-kilohertz buzzer(蜂鸣器)designed to help shopkeepers get rid of young people hanging around in front of their stores.Humans can hear sounds taking place in a frequency range between 200 and 20,000 hertz, as the research shows.But our hearing gradually becomes worse when we grow up.


Students in some Manhattan schools have begun using the technology, so they can ________.

[  ]


talk in class without being heard by their teachers


use cellphones to send messages in class


hear better in class than their teachers


improve their hearing ability


The underlined phrase“the other way around”implies the ________.

[  ]


adults are annoyed now


teenagers are annoyed now


adults are not annoyed now


both adults and teenagers are annoyed now


According to this passage, what will happen to a person when he is over twenty?

[  ]


He can hear sounds with frequencies between 200 and 20,000 hertz.


He can hear sounds with a frequency of 17-kilohertz.


He cannot hear sounds with frequencies between 200 and 20,000 hertz.


He cannot hear sounds with a frequency of 17-kilohertz.


It can be concluded from the passage that ________.

[  ]


older people hear no better than teenagers


older people had better not use cellphones


teenagers hear better than old people


teenagers had better not use cellphones



  Although gifts play an important role in business around the world, you run the risk of offending(冒犯)a colleague if you present an inappropriate gift.In many eyes, a poor gift choice is worse than not offering a gift at all.

  Every culture has specific items that are considered taboo(忌讳)or bad luck.Many of these traditions aren't followed as much these days by the younger generations or within more modem and global companies.However, it's a good idea to be careful when you're deciding on a gift, particularly if the recipient is an older person.

  Here are some gifts that you should avoid in certain parts of the world:

  Europe:Red roses symbolize a romantic relationship in many parts of Europe.An arrangement containing 13 flowers is considered bad luck in Germany and Switzerland.In addition, the preference is for flower arrangements to have an even number of flowers.

  China:Sharp objects symbolize the cutting off of the relationship.Clocks are not appropriate because the Chinese phrase to give a clock sounds the same as to attend a dying parent.Handkerchiefs imply sadness.Never give an odd(奇数)number of an item; odd numbers symbolize separation, loneliness, and death.Do not bring food when you're invited to a meal because that implies your host cannot provide enough food.

  The Middle East:Buying alcohol is forbidden in the Islamic faith, so don't present wine to your host.Pigs are banned because they're considered scavengers, so you shouldn't bring pork products, either.

  India:Cows are sacred in India, so items made from cowhide are very offensive.

  Latin America:Since some of the world's finest leather goods are made in Latin America, it would be insulting to bring leather from another country.Also, chrysanthemums(菊花), white asters, carnations(康乃馨), and yellow and purple flowers are sent only for funerals(葬礼).

  Korea and Japan:Don't give items in groups of four or nine.The words in Korean and Japanese that sound the same as the words for four and nine are related to death.In Japan, individual flowers are only for courting, death, or an illness.

  Germany, Switzerland, and Scandinavia:Keep your gifts simple.Large and expensive gifts are considered tasteless.


What does the author want to tell us in this passage?

[  ]


Not all the people like gifts.


You shouldn't send gifts to people in some countries.


You should make the right choice when sending gifts to people.


It's better not to send gifts when you are in a foreign country.


The choice of flowers is important in ________ while the number of flowers is important in ________.

[  ]






Scandinavia…Latin America


Latin America…Germany


An expensive painting would not be a good choice of gift in ________.

[  ]








The Middle East


From the passage we can infer that ________.

[  ]


some taboos are connected with everyday behaviors


every culture has its gift taboos


you needn't care about taboos when sending gifts to young people


all the gift taboos are similar in western countries

