27.She thought we were laughing at her. .in fact.we were laughing because of a joke. A.unless B.when C.although D.while 查看更多



One day my 5-year-old daughter, Mini, ran to the window crying: “A Cabuliwallah! A Cabuliwallah(从喀布尔来的水果商贩)!” In the street below was a Cbuliwallah,1 slowly along. Mini called him loudly but when he looked at her,she ran away,  2 . Shortly after this, the two became friends. They started to 3  together, laughing and talking. Mini’s new friend would give her sweets and nuts, 4 the little money he had on her.The Cabuliwallah, called Rahmum, would joke: “Well, little one, when are you going to the father-in-law’s house?” Mini did not understand this and was .
One morning, I heard noise in the street, and saw Rahmum being led 6 by the police. There were bloodstains on his clothes. I gathered that a neighbor had 7 Rahmum money for a shawl (披肩)but had falsely 8 having bought it, and that in the course of the quarrel Rahmum had struck him. On a charge of murderous attack, Rahmum was 9 to jail.
Time passed, and he was not remembered. Mini grew up and we were making  10  for her wedding. I was sitting in my study when someone entered. It was Rahmum, 11 from prison.12  recognizable now, he asked to see Mini and said that all those years ago she had 13 him of his own daughter in Kabul. It was his belief that Mini was still the same. He had 14 her running to him calling “Cabuliwallah!”. He had imagined that they would laugh and talk together. In fact, he had brought her,15 in paper, a few nuts and grapes. The two were 16 but Mini had grown up. She now understood the meaning of the word “father-in-law,” and when he made this joke once more she was 17 in the face at the question. He could not revive(还原) their old friendship.
When Rahmum left, I gave him a bank note, saying:“Go back to your own daughter, and 18 the happiness of your meeting bring good fortune to my child! ”
Having made this present, I had to 19 the electric lights and the military band I had 20  for the wedding and the ladies in the house were disappointed. But to me the wedding feast was all the brighter for the thought that in a distant land a long-lost father met again with his child.

A.put out B.set out C.take out D.hang out
A.abused B.takenC.sentencedD.accused
A.observed B.seenC.spottedD.pictured
A.picked upB.wrapped upC.brought upD.held up
A.give upB.give offC.give inD.give out


One day my 5-year-old daughter, Mini, ran to the window crying: “A Cabuliwallah! A Cabuliwallah(从喀布尔来的水果商贩)!” In the street below was a Cbuliwallah,1 slowly along. Mini called him loudly but when he looked at her,she ran away,  2 . Shortly after this, the two became friends. They started to 3  together, laughing and talking. Mini’s new friend would give her sweets and nuts, 4 the little money he had on her.The Cabuliwallah, called Rahmum, would joke: “Well, little one, when are you going to the father-in-law’s house?” Mini did not understand this and was .

One morning, I heard noise in the street, and saw Rahmum being led 6 by the police. There were bloodstains on his clothes. I gathered that a neighbor had 7 Rahmum money for a shawl (披肩)but had falsely 8 having bought it, and that in the course of the quarrel Rahmum had struck him. On a charge of murderous attack, Rahmum was 9 to jail.

Time passed, and he was not remembered. Mini grew up and we were making  10  for her wedding. I was sitting in my study when someone entered. It was Rahmum, 11 from prison.12  recognizable now, he asked to see Mini and said that all those years ago she had 13 him of his own daughter in Kabul. It was his belief that Mini was still the same. He had 14 her running to him calling “Cabuliwallah!”. He had imagined that they would laugh and talk together. In fact, he had brought her,15 in paper, a few nuts and grapes. The two were 16 but Mini had grown up. She now understood the meaning of the word “father-in-law,” and when he made this joke once more she was 17 in the face at the question. He could not revive(还原) their old friendship.

When Rahmum left, I gave him a bank note, saying:“Go back to your own daughter, and 18 the happiness of your meeting bring good fortune to my child! ”

Having made this present, I had to 19 the electric lights and the military band I had 20  for the wedding and the ladies in the house were disappointed. But to me the wedding feast was all the brighter for the thought that in a distant land a long-lost father met again with his child.

1.                A.running        B.passing         C.driving   D.taking


2.                A.scared         B.excited         C.interested D.disappointed


3.                A.put out         B.set out          C.take out D.hang out


4.                A.paying         B.spending        C.offering  D.wasting


5.                A.angry          B.joyful          C.puzzled   D.upset


6.                A.away           B.down          C.in   D.out


7.                A.lent           B.stolen          C.borrowed D.owed


8.                A.admitted        B.denied         C.declined  D.refused


9.                A.abused         B.taken          C.sentenced D.accused


10.               A.appointments    B.jokes          C.plans D.arrangements


11.               A.released        B.escaped        C.come D.removed


12.               A.Immediately     B.Hardly         C.Directly   D.Instantly


13.               A.thought        B.approved       C.reminded  D.informed


14.               A.observed       B.seen           C.spotted   D.pictured


15.               A.picked up       B.wrapped up     C.brought up D.held up


16.               A.reunited        B.connected      C.joined D.combined


17.               A.blue           B.pink           C.red   D.pale


18.               A.must           B.should         C.can   D.may


19.               A.give up         B.give off         C.give in D.give out


20.               A.designed       B.made          C.intended  D.expected





A Tight Situation

  Sometimes funny memories are the most special way to remember a beloved lover.It helps take away some of the feeling of loss.Before he passed away,my husband loved to share this story with our friends.Now,it makes a smile to share this story with you.

  Our neighbor's son was getting married in 1971 at a church,and we were invited.we immediately rushed out of the store,and I bought a nice pink dress with a jacket.The dress was a little tight,but I had a month before the June 30 wedding and I would lose a few pounds.

  June 29 came and,of course,I had not lost a single pound;in fact,I had gained two.But,I thought a new girdle(收腹健美裤)would solve my problem.So on our way to the wedding,we stopped once again at the store.I ran in and told the clerk I needed a size alarge girdle.

  The clerk round the box with the described girdle,marked“L”,and asked if I would like to try it on“Oh,no,alarge will fit just right.I won't need to try it on.

  The next morning was hot,so l waited to get dressed until about forty-five minutes before time to go.I opened the girdle box only to find a new $49.95 girdle in a size small.Since it was too late to find another one and the dress wouldn't't fit right without a girdle,a fight broke out between me and the girdle Have you ever tried to shake twenty pounds of potatoes into a five-pound bag?Finally,my husband, laughing like crazy,got hold of each side and shook me down into it,and I was ready to go.

  As we walked into the church,he asked if could make it.Now,he was getting worried because I was breathing funny.I told him that it would last one hour,twenty-two minutes and eight-and-on-half seconds-the minister blessed everything except my girdle!

  My knees were blue and my legs lost all the feeling.My husband was asking questions and trying to comfort me.

  As soon as the minister pronounced them married,l rushed out with my husband.“Please,just get me out of here!”I said.

  We ran out to our car,and once there he opened the front and back passenger doors against the next car.Right there,before God,human and the wedding party,l took off that girdle.When the girdle flew out of my hand and landed under the car next to ours,my husband was laughing so hard and we drove away.

Over the years,he and l had often wondered what the people of that church thought the next morning when they found $49.95,size girdle in their Parking lot.

1.When she was telling the story,she________.

[  ]

A.was sorry for her husband's death

B.was happy to share her funny memories

C.was wondering who had picked up the girdle

D.still couldn't't forget the trouble on that day

2.She still bought the tight pink dress,because she thought________

[  ]

A.she would save same money

B.she would gain a few pounds

C.she would lose some weight

D.she looked thinner in the dress

3.Which statement is true according to the story?

[  ]

A.she changed the girdle for a larger size.

B.They tried hard to pour lots of potatoes into a small bag.

C.She put on the dress without the girdle in the end.

D.She managed to put on the girdle with her husband's help.

4.The title“A Tight Situation” really means________.

[  ]

A.she was dressed in a tight girdle

B.she dressed herself in a limited time

C.she got herself embarrassed

D.the wedding lasted longer than she expected

5.The writer's purpose of writing this story is________.

[  ]

A.to tell an interesting experience

B.to prove her husband's love

C.to describe her tight girdle

D.to describe her unspeakable feeling



One day my 5-year-old daughter, Mini, ran to the window crying: “A Cabuliwallah! A Cabuliwallah(从喀布尔来的水果商贩)!” In the street below was a Cbuliwallah, 31 slowly along. Mini called him loudly but when he looked at her,she ran away, 32 . Shortly after this, the two became friends. They started to 33 together, laughing and talking. Mini’s new friend would give her sweets and nuts, 34 the little money he had on her.The Cabuliwallah, called Rahmum, would joke: “Well, little one, when are you going to the father-in-law’s house?” Mini did not understand this and was 35 .

One morning, I heard noise in the street, and saw Rahmum being led 36 by the police. There were bloodstains on his clothes. I gathered that a neighbor had 37 Rahmum money for a shawl (披肩)but had falsely 38 having bought it, and that in the course of the quarrel Rahmum had struck him. On a charge of murderous attack, Rahmum was 39 to jail.

Time passed, and he was not remembered. Mini grew up and we were making 40 for her wedding. I was sitting in my study when someone entered. It was Rahmum, 41 from prison.42 recognizable now, he asked to see Mini and said that all those years ago she had 43 him of his own daughter in Kabul. It was his belief that Mini was still the same. He had 44 her running to him calling “Cabuliwallah!”. He had imagined that they would laugh and talk together. In fact, he had brought her, 45 in paper, a few nuts and grapes. The two were 46 but Mini had grown up. She now understood the meaning of the word “father-in-law,” and when he made this joke once more she was 47 in the face at the question. He could not revive(还原) their old friendship.

When Rahmum left, I gave him a bank note, saying:“Go back to your own daughter, and 48 the happiness of your meeting bring good fortune to my child! ”

Having made this present, I had to 49 the electric lights and the military band I had 50 for the wedding and the ladies in the house were disappointed. But to me the wedding feast was all the brighter for the thought that in a distant land a long-lost father met again with his child.

31. A. running        B. passing          C. driving          D. taking

32. A. scared        B. excited          C. interested        D. disappointed

33. A. put out          B. set out        C. take out           D. hang out

34. A. paying        B. spending         C. offering             D. wasting

35. A. angry         B. joyful           C. puzzled          D. upset

36. A. away         B. down           C. in              D. out

37. A. lent           B. stolen           C. borrowed            D. owed

38. A. admitted       B. denied           C. declined         D. refused

39. A. abused          B. taken           C. sentenced        D. accused

40. A. appointments  B. jokes            C. plans           D. arrangements

41. A.released       B. escaped          C. come           D. removed

42. A. Immediately    B. Hardly           C. Directly             D. Instantly

43. A. thought       B. approved         C. reminded         D. informed

44. A. observed       B. seen            C. spotted          D. pictured

45. A. picked up      B. wrapped up       C. brought up       D. held up

46. A. reunited       B. connected        C. joined           D. combined

47. A. blue         B. pink            C. red                D. pale

48. A. must         B. should           C. can             D. may

49. A. give up       B. give off        C. give in          D. give out

50. A. designed      B. made           C. intended         D. expected



One day my 5-year-old daughter, Mini, ran to the window crying: “A Cabuliwallah! A Cabuliwallah(从喀布尔来的水果商贩)!” In the street below was a Cbuliwallah, 31 slowly along. Mini called him loudly but when he looked at her,she ran away, 32 . Shortly after this, the two became friends. They started to 33 together, laughing and talking. Mini’s new friend would give her sweets and nuts, 34 the little money he had on her.The Cabuliwallah, called Rahmum, would joke: “Well, little one, when are you going to the father-in-law’s house?” Mini did not understand this and was 35 .

One morning, I heard noise in the street, and saw Rahmum being led 36 by the police. There were bloodstains on his clothes. I gathered that a neighbor had 37 Rahmum money for a shawl (披肩)but had falsely 38 having bought it, and that in the course of the quarrel Rahmum had struck him. On a charge of murderous attack, Rahmum was 39 to jail.

Time passed, and he was not remembered. Mini grew up and we were making 40 for her wedding. I was sitting in my study when someone entered. It was Rahmum, 41 from prison.42 recognizable now, he asked to see Mini and said that all those years ago she had 43 him of his own daughter in Kabul. It was his belief that Mini was still the same. He had 44 her running to him calling “Cabuliwallah!”. He had imagined that they would laugh and talk together. In fact, he had brought her, 45 in paper, a few nuts and grapes. The two were 46 but Mini had grown up. She now understood the meaning of the word “father-in-law,” and when he made this joke once more she was 47 in the face at the question. He could not revive(还原) their old friendship.

When Rahmum left, I gave him a bank note, saying:“Go back to your own daughter, and 48 the happiness of your meeting bring good fortune to my child! ”

Having made this present, I had to 49 the electric lights and the military band I had 50 for the wedding and the ladies in the house were disappointed. But to me the wedding feast was all the brighter for the thought that in a distant land a long-lost father met again with his child.

31. A. running        B. passing          C. driving          D. taking

32. A. scared        B. excited          C. interested        D. disappointed

33. A. put out          B. set out        C. take out           D. hang out

34. A. paying        B. spending         C. offering             D. wasting

35. A. angry         B. joyful           C. puzzled          D. upset

36. A. away         B. down           C. in              D. out

37. A. lent           B. stolen           C. borrowed            D. owed

38. A. admitted       B. denied           C. declined         D. refused

39. A. abused          B. taken           C. sentenced        D. accused

40. A. appointments  B. jokes            C. plans           D. arrangements

41. A.released       B. escaped          C. come           D. removed

42. A. Immediately    B. Hardly           C. Directly             D. Instantly

43. A. thought       B. approved         C. reminded         D. informed

44. A. observed       B. seen            C. spotted          D. pictured

45. A. picked up      B. wrapped up       C. brought up       D. held up

46. A. reunited       B. connected        C. joined           D. combined

47. A. blue         B. pink            C. red                D. pale

48. A. must         B. should           C. can             D. may

49. A. give up       B. give off        C. give in          D. give out

50. A. designed      B. made           C. intended         D. expected

