注意not ,so ,neither, nor的“替代性 省略. ●歼灭难点训练 查看更多







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Mum,

I’m considering work in Africa next year when I graduate. I will teach the English

in a village school in Zimbabwe, which is the southern part of Africa. There many adults

received few education when they were young but they want our kids to be well-educated.

There I won’t get paid very much and I don’t mind. I’m not interesting in being rich.

I just want to do something what will help people who are not so luckily as me. When I

come home again, I’m going to get a job as a teacher. Whatever I do, I wanted a job where

I can work with kids.



第二卷 (共35分)
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
When we talk about city life, we’ll think tall               76. _________
buildings, busy streets and comfortable live                 77. _________
conditions. Besides, there is much pollution in               78. _________
the city now. People have to put up with noisy               79. _________
and harmful smoke. How about country life? The            80. _________
first feelings come into our minds are peace and quiet.        81. _________
We can enjoy the blue sky, golden crop and fresh air.         82. _________
But life in the country is not so easy as it in the city.          83. _________
In my opinion, if we pay attention to protect the             84. _________
environment and developing the country, and we’ll enjoy      85. _________
a modern and peaceful life.






注意:  1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;  


As a high school student, I like to talk with foreigners to practise my oral English but learn more about other cultures. There were two foreign teachers in our school in this term. They often go to the English corner so that we can have a chance to practise a language. I seize every chance to talk them. However, I sometime find they are not so interesting in what I say, and it’s hard for I to choose a suitable topic. I would like some advices about how to communicate proper with foreigners, and what topics to pick.



注意:1. 每次错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
As the high school student, I like to talk with foreigners to practise my oral English but
learn more about other cultures. There were two foreign teachers in our school in this term.
They often go to the English corner so that we can have a chance to practise the language.I
seize every chance talk with them. However, I sometime find they are not so interesting in
what I say, and it’s hard for I to choose a suitable topic. I would like some advices about how
to communicate proper with foreigners, and what topics to pick.



[1]Everyone makes mistakes. How do you react when a family member, friend, or a classmate makes a mistake? Some of us may shout out , complain, or punish. Unfortunately, these reactions to mistakes sometimes greatly hurt both sides. In fact, there is a better way to deal with a mistake.

[2]Reframe(重组) "MISTAKE": Change "MISTAKE" into "MIS-TAKE." Doesn't that have a different feeling? Therefore, a mistake is not so bad as expected. We can learn from it and it is likely to lead to success in the end.

[3]Use mistakes as an opportunity for learning. Most of us want to hide our mistakes, but we may be more willing to share our "MIS-TAKES" and let others learn from them. Either an individual or a family can benefit by openly recognizing and correcting mistakes, rather than pretending that they didn't happen. In fact, a mistake, if corrected quickly and in a creative way, can become ___________for learning.

[4]Think of mistakes as opportunities to prove yourself. A mistake becomes an opportunity to create a close friend or customer. For example, in business, studies show that one of the things all customers want is recovery when the organization has made a mistake. They want us to apologize sincerely. With creative thinking, we can make them satisfied with the way we deal with a mistake.

[5] We have learned to allow people around us to make mistakes. Now give them “protection” when they make a mistake. If you give people both permission and protection, you will get along well with them. Show them how they can turn a mistake into learning something about themselves so they don’t make the same mistake again.

1.What is the passage mainly about? (no more than 10 words)

___________________________________________________________               _____                                              

2.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 probably refer to? (no more than 3 words)

___________________________________________________________                  _                                                

3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words.(no more than 4 words)


4.Complete the following statement with proper words.(no more than 3 words)

If we think creatively, we are able to make people feel pleased with the way in which a mistake is_________________.

5.Why should you show people how to turn a mistake into learning something about themselves ? (no more than 12 words)



