渥太华是人们定居的好地方. 答案:[句子翻译] 1. Canada is the second largest country in the world. 查看更多



请以"Why are Bicycles so Popular in China?"为题,根据下列要点用英语写一篇100词左右的短文。
1. 大多数中国人居住的地方离上班或上学的地点不远,骑自行车很方便。而且,骑自行车是锻炼身体的好方法。
2. 自行车是一种很方便的交通工具(means of transportation),骑自行车做短途旅行,想到哪都可以。
3. 骑自行车可以节省能源,减少空气污染。


Dear Helpful,
I’m a middle school student and I’m in trouble. I used to like English, but now I have some difficulty in English, especially in English writing. Though I know English is a very important subject, I think now it is too difficult for me. You know I have got poor results in English tests many times because my writing is poor. I wonder why so many students like English and can get good results in English tests. I do want to be one of the best students and go to a famous university after graduation. But my English is not good enough. What should I do?
1. 要有自信心;
2. 多记一些惯用词组 (set phrases) 和句型结构 (sentence structures),多造句;
3. 大量阅读可以提高写作水平;          4. 多背诵一些好的短文;
5. 写日记是提高写作的好方法;          6. 要经常练习。
1.至少写出五项内容;               2.开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数;
Dear Worried,
I have received your letter and I’m glad to give you some suggestions.
Follow your dream and you’ll find success is just around the corner!Good luck to you in your writing.                                    


请以"Why are Bicycles so Popular in China?"为题,根据下列要点用英语写一篇100词左右的短文。

1. 大多数中国人居住的地方离上班或上学的地点不远,骑自行车很方便。而且,骑自行车是锻炼身体的好方法。

2. 自行车是一种很方便的交通工具(means of transportation),骑自行车做短途旅行,想到哪都可以。

3. 骑自行车可以节省能源,减少空气污染。






