It covers an area of 9,976,000 square kilometres. 查看更多



Malls are popular places for Americans to go. Some people spend so much time at malls that they are called "mall rats". Mall rats shop until they drop in the hundreds of stores.

    People like malls for many reasons. They feel safe because malls have police stations. Parking is usually free, and the weather inside is always fine. The newest malls have beautiful rest places with waterfalls and large green trees.

    The largest mall in the United States is the mall of America in Minnesota. It covers 4.2 million square feet. It has 350 stores, eight nightclubs, and a large park! there are parking spaces for 12.750 cars. about 750,000 people shop there every week.

    The first indoor mall in the United States was built in 1965 in Edina Minnesota. People love doing all their shopping in one place. More malls are built around the country. Now malls are like town centers where people ____________________. They shop, of course, they also eat in food courts(广场) that have food from all over the world. They see films at theaters. Some people even get their exercise by doing the new sport of "mall walking". Others go to malls to meet friends.

    In some malls, people can see a doctor and even go to the church. In other words, people can do just about everything in malls. Now people can live in their favorite shopping center in fact.

1.Why do people like malls? (please answer within 10 words)


2.What does “mall” mean here?


3.Except shopping, what else can people do in the mall? (please answer within 30 words)


4.Please fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (please answer within 10 words)


5.What is the best title of this passage?




American Girl

It's packed with the things that matter most to girls: party plans, games, crafts and girl-to-girl advice.

American Girl is an appealing, age-appropriate teen magazine that allows young girls to be themselves.

The magazine features fun contests, puzzles, giggles, and more! Stories, creative games, cool contests and great sports tips for girls aged 7-11 are available in each issue of American Girl magazine.

Issues per year: 6     Cover price: $ 27.95     Sale price: $22.95


Beautiful, colorful, and delightful to read, each issue is filled with charming read-aloud stories, games for memory and skill building, songs, poems, and activities for beginning readers. Parents can visit our online Parents Companion that recommends additional activities, crafts, and books.

Issues per year: 9     Cover price: $44.50      Sale price: $33.95


A monthly magazine for teenagers and young adults aged 14 and up. It offers high-quality fiction and poetry dealing with the issue of growing up, leaving the joys and pains of childhood behind, and becoming an adult. Cicada magazine also encourages its teen readers to submit their own writing for publication. It’s so inspiring and humorous that you will not be able to put it down.

Issues per year: 6   Cover price: $51.00   Sale price: $33.95

Sorts Illustrated for Kids

It covers sports kids like. Featuring interviews with sports heroes, entertaining comics, breathtaking action photos, tips from the pros (职业运动员), news items of recent notes, games, puzzles, cartoons, fiction, advice from athletes, etc. Sports Illustrated for Kids is a magazine for children aged 8 and up.

Issues per year: 12      Cover price: $47.88      Sale price: $ 24.95

1.Which of the four magazines is the most suitable for a 4-year-old child?

A.American Girl.      B.Ladybug.          C.Cicada.            D.Sports Illustrated for Kids.

2.American Girl is a magazine different from the others because_______. features fun stories and great sports tips’s written specially for girls offers high-quality fiction and poetry comes out six times per year

3.If you order a magazine with interviews with sports heroes for one year, how much can you save?

A.$5.00            B.$10.55            C.$17.05           D.$22.93



Almost everyone suffers from a headache sometimes.But some people suffer from repeated, frequent headaches.
What is headache? What causes it? What can be done about a headache? What research is being done on headaches?
The dictionary defines(下定义) headache simply as “a pain in the head.” What most people mean by headache is a pain which lasts several minutes or hours.It covers the whole head, or one side of it, or perhaps the front or the back of the head.To add to the confusion(困惑) about a definition, some people call tight feeling in the head a headache.
A headache is important because it can be the first warning of a serious condition which probably could be controlled if discovered early.If a person removes the warning, day after day, with a pain-killer, he may pass the point of easy control.
The professional name for covering up a symptom(症状) is “masking” (遮蔽).A headache specialist once said, “Masking symptoms is not the best way of treatment.” He compared taking a pain-killer for a headache before a cause is known with taking iron pills for anemia(贫血症) while bleeding continues undiscovered.He added, “Sometimes it is wiser to stand still than to advance in darkness.
A headache is important also because it affects normal, happy living.The employee with a headache does less work.In a flash of temper he may upset his fellow workers or customers, causing a direct or indirect loss to his organization.The mother with a headache suffers and disturbs the family.She upsets her husband and children.
【小题1】Which is true according to the passage?

A.Headache has no effect on others.
B.Headache may cover the whole body.
C.Headache may last several minutes or hours.
D.Headache is just the tight feeling in the head.
【小题2】The sentence underlined in Paragraph 5 means ______. should not advance in darkness whatever happens’d better do nothing before you know how to deal with it’d better still stand there without moving when it is dark at night should take some pain-killers for your headache if you want to cover it up
【小题3】What may the writer talk about in the following paragraph?
A.Treatments of headachesB.The definition of headaches
C.Symptom of headachesD.Bad effects of a headache
【小题4】The passage mainly tells us______.
A.the reason of headache
B.headache and its effect
C.everyone suffers from a headache
D.a headache is a symptom of something serious


Tree House

The Tree House program is for students with an English or bilingual preschool background. Foreign teachers further develop students’ natural English speaking skills from 1st through 6th grades in a total immersion environment. The program is theme-based with different units or themes per semester. Each unit includes a theme-related storybook, song, dialogue, writing and phonic exercises, grammar component, poem, and integrated activities.


Step Ahead

Step Ahead is a standalone course that takes children in 3rd grade with no prior English knowledge and by 6th grade, transforms them into confident, near-fluent English communicators. Our program has a strategic balance of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Regular lessons are broken into phonics, reading, grammar patterns, conversation, songs, and homework preview


Jump Into English, Kids World, Kids Club

Our Jump Into English, Kids World, and Kids Club courses are a great way to develop good English habits at younger ages. Jump Into English is for 4-, 5- and 6-year-olds and is a cost-effective alternative to English preschool. Kids Club and Kids World are for students in 1st and 2nd grades and are full of singing, dancing, games, and fun activities to help young children learn English more easily.


Theme-based and Honors Courses

We have theme-based courses to help learners prepare for specific areas of the General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) and to develop the performance skills they will need in some of our exciting activities. When learners graduate from our Tree House and Step Ahead programs, they can continue to excel in English through our Honors programs.

1.A child who hasn’t learned English before can choose _____ to develop confidence and fluency in English communication.

A. Tree House

B. Theme-based and Honors Courses

C. Step Ahead

D. Jump Into English, Kids World, Kids Club

2.One of the advantages of Jump Into English is _____.

A. saving money compared to English preschool     

B. helping learners to get prepared for English tests

C. helping young children to learn English easily

D. that it covers different language skills

3.The purpose of the passage is _____.

A. to introduce an English language school for children

B. to persuade more children to learn English in a fun way

C. to emphasize the importance of after-class activities

D. to introduce English classes of varying degrees for kids



The unknown world’s mystry

    The sea is the biggest unknown part of our world. It covers seventy-one percent of the earth. There is still much to be discovered about this vast blanket of water. If the waters of the ocean could be removed, the sea floor with its wide valleys, irregular mountains and rivers in the sea would be an unbelievable sight.

Tourism under the deep blue sea

    Tourists can now explore the world beneath the waves without ever getting wet. From tourist submarines (潜艇) to underwater dining, undersea tourism is making a big splash.

Tourist submarines

    The popularity of submarine tours has grown rapidly in the last decade. Now, tourist submarines operate in more than 20 locations worldwide, including the waters around Okinawa and Taiwan’s Green Island. The submarines carry nearly 2 million tourists each year. Large windows offer passengers spectacular views as the submarines explore colorful coral reefs and sunken ships. Most one-hour tours cost about US $80.

Under water dinning

    For a more upscale experience, tourists can enjoy fine dining under the sea. Last summer the Hilton Maldives Resort opened the world’s first underwater restaurant, Ithaa. Diners walk down a staircase into the restaurant, which rests 35 feet beneath the waves of the Indian Ocean. Transparent walls surround the dining area, and you can treat guests to a panoramic (全景) ocean view.

    But this excellent view doesn’t come cheap. The tasting menu costs US $200 per person. Be sure to make reservations early, too. The restaurant seats only 14 people.

What does the author want to tell us in Paragraph 1?

A. The sea is the biggest unknown part of our world.    B. The sea covers 71% of the earth.

C. Some information about the sea floor.   D. The reasons for researching undersea tourism.

What does the author really mean by saying “undersea tourism is making a big splash” in Para2 ?  

A. Undersea tourism is a new fashion in travelling. B. Your clothes will be made wet by the water splash. C. Undersea tourism is dangerous. D. There is still a long way for undersea tourism to go.

Which of the following statements about tourist submarines is RIGHT?

A. Tourist submarines only have a history of about 10 years.

B. There are tourist submarines in every part of the world now.

C. Tourist submarines have carried about 2 million tourists so far.

D. People can enjoy tourist submarines in the waters around Okinawa.

The walls of the restaurant Ithaa are most probably made of               .

A. stone         B. brick           C. glass          D. steel

