Canada is rich in natural resources. 查看更多



     Canada's wealth comes from the exploitation of its rich natural resources and from the work of its
citizens. Canadians are employed in a variety of jobs. All of these jobs can be grouped into one of three
categories: extractive industries, manufacturing industries and service industries.
     Industries that take raw materials from the natural environment are called extractive or primary
industries. Canada has a wealth of natural resources. The extractive industries that have been developed
to exploit these natural resources make an important contribution to the wealth of our economy. Without
these extractive industries and the money they bring from other countries, Canada's economy could not
exist in its present form. Yet only a small percentage of Canada's labour force work in extractive
industries. Extractive industries rely on laboursaving machines instead of human labour.
     Manufacturing industries process the products of extractive industries into finished products.
Manufacturing industries transform raw materials into many different forms to be used by consumers or
by other companies. This processing may be done in one or more stages. For example, iron ore is
transformed into steel in factories. This is called primary manufacturing. The steel is then sent to
companies for further processing into cars, mining equipment, machines, nails, and other products-such
as bicycle frames. This is called secondary manufacturing.
     Manufacturing industries are located in many towns and cities across Canada. Companies try to build
their factories in densely populated areas because they want to near the people who buy their products.
If they locate near their customers, then they save money on shipping costs. Manufacturing industries
provide more jobs to Canadians than do extractive industries. Yet the number of people employed in
manufacturing is still small in comparison to the third category, services. As with extractive industries,
manufacturing process use many machines that require relatively few workers.
     Service industries provide services needed by the extractive and manufacturing industries, and by
society in general. Without these services, society could not operate. The majority of Canadian workers
do not produce "goods" in their jobs. Instead, they provide "services" for others. The range of services
is very great and includes such things as retailing, office work, education, health care, communications,
government, transportation, and personal services.
     Service industries in one form or another are spread over the entire country. In every community
there are stores, banks, schools, police forces, and dozens of other services. The majority of service
industries are found in town and cities because services are provided for people and there are many
more people in urban areas.
     Canada's economy depends upon the creation of jobs in all three types of industry.

                          Introduction All 1.________can be divided into three
categories: extractive industries, manufacturing
industries and service industries.
                   Extractive industries Extractive industries are also called primary industries,
which are 2.________with the exploitation of raw
materials from the natural environment.
                       industries Manufacturing industries 4.________raw materials
into products, which can be used by people or
Manufacturing industries can be
grouped into primary manufacturing
and 5.________ manufacturing.
Primary manufacturing 6.________
steel from iron ore for further processing.
Secondary manufacturing will then use
the steel to make products like cars,
bikes, etc. for people to use.
                    Service industries Service industries provide services the other two industries
need. Without these services, our society cannot 7.________.
Service industries provide jobs for shop
assistants, office 8.________,  teachers,
doctors, and many others.
Service industries mainly provide services
for 9.________.
                        Closing Our society is 10.________on all three types of industry.



  People within a country do business together.They buy goods, or products, from one another and sell products to others.

  Different countries do business together, too.One country may buy and bring in things from another country.This is called importing products.The same country may also sell and send things to another country.This is called to export products.

  The Netherlands is a small country better known to us as Holland.It lies in the low country of Europe on the North Sea.

  Holland has a steel making industry that needs iron.This ore(矿,矿石)is found in some parts of the world, but Holland has none.The little country must import it.Ships carry the ore to the Netherlands from places like Canada and Africa.

  Holland grows millions of flower bulbs every year.The country is famous for the beautiful tulips(郁金香)grown from these bulbs.Large numbers of tulip bulbs are dug up, dried, and exported to many countries.

  Do you have tulips growing in your garden? Perhaps they are growing from bulbs brought from Holland.


This passage is about ________.

[  ]


the flower bulbs in Holland


how Holland buys ore from other countries


doing business between countries


business within the same country


What does the underlined word “export” mean?

[  ]


To send goods out of a country for sale.


To bring in goods from abroad.


To make things according to certain rules.


To buy useful things from other countries.


Why does Holland import some things?

[  ]


The people there like foreign things better.


Holland has a steel making industry.


There are not enough people in Holland who like tulips.


The people there do not like the things they import.


Which of the following statements is NOT true?

[  ]


Holland is a small country on the North Sea.


Holland depends on other countries to keep its industry going.


Holland is a country with rich natural resources.


The tulips grown in Holland are well-known all over the world.


  Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories in five main regions:the Atlantic region, Central Canada, the Prairies, the West Coast and the North.The culture and population are different in each region.

  The Atlantic region consists of the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador.Activities such as fishing, farming, forestry, tourism and mining are important to the Atlantic economy.Central Canada consists of the provinces of Ontario and QuebeC.This is the most populated region of the country.Together, Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods.

  The Prairies include the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.Much of the land is flat and fertile, excellent for farming and rich in energy resources.In western Alberta, the Prairies end and the Rocky Mountains begin.The Canadian Rockies include some of the largest peaks in North America.

  On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia is famous for its mountain ranges and forests.Natural resources such as lumber and fish are important to the economy.Fruit farming is also a major industry, as is tourism.

  The North consists of Canada's three territories:Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.Together, they make up over one third of Canada's land mass.Northern resources include oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc.

问题导入:What do you know about Canada?Make a wall newspaper to introduce Canada to your classmate on the blackboard in your classroom.You can do as the following:

1.Divide your members into three groups.

The first and second groups try to get more knowledge about Canada by surfing the internet or looking through some related books.Each group finishes half of the diagram.Make a competition and see which group does better or more quickly.

2.Then combine two parts to make a complete information diagram about Canada.

3.The third group put the information on the blackboard in an artistic way.

