If I (be) in your position, I (ask) for teacher’s help. 查看更多



If you don't get along well with your teachers, you can try to do this. Before you try to get out of a class to escape a teacher you don't like, here are a few things you can try to make a difficult relationship work:

◆Ask yourself, "What can I learn from this teacher?" Even if you don't worship his or her personality or lectures, dig deep until you find a subject in which he or she is very knowledgeable. Focus on that part of the teacher's personality, and use him or her as a tool for learning. Not only will you gain more knowledge in that subject, but a closer relationship with your teacher may help you understand one another better.

◆Talk to students who are doing well in the class and ask them for tips, tools, and a plan of action to get along with the teacher better. If you're too shy to talk to another student, study his or her actions and behavior in the classroom and try to follow that lead.

◆If you still can't get along, make an appointment with the school guidance counselor (辅导员). He or she will offer many tips and suggestions for you to get out of difficult teacher relationships. Sometimes a guidance counselor can act as a mediator (调解员) between you and the teacher. That means they can help you and your teachers get rid of the bad impression on each other.

◆If your relationship problems can't be solved in school, then it's time to tell your parents or guardians. Let them meet with your teacher and try to work it out.

Teachers are there for more than just homework, and they know about more than just their subject matter. They can help you learn how to function as an adult and a lifelong learner.

Undoubtedly, there will be a few teachers along the way who you will always remember and who might change your life forever.'"

68. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. Advice for Students on Solving Problems in Everyday Life

B. Advice on Making a Good Excuse for Your Absence from Class

C. Advice on Developing Friendship with You Classmate

D. Advice on Getting Good Relationship with Your Teachers

69. According to the second paragraph, we can infer that _____.

A. there must be something good in every teacher for you to learn from

B. good relationship with your teachers must need your interest in the subject they teach

C. finding what the teachers are good at can't help you solve the problems

D. understanding each other is the only way to solve every problem

70. Which one is NOT the reason why we could ask help from guidance counselors?

A. Guidance counselors have the right to blame teachers.

B. Guidance counselors can give good advice to solve problems.

C. Guidance counselors can speak good things for you before your teachers.

D. Guidance counselors can help analyze the situation in the teacher's position.

71. What's the writer's attitude towards teachers?

A. He thinks that a teacher can only teach knowledge in his major.

B. He doesn't think teachers are very useful for a student's development.

C. He respects the teachers very much and thinks highly of their functions.

D. He thinks that every teacher has a great effect on his students.


Nick sat in my classroom after school, five years ago, wanting help on a research paper that stood between him and graduation. An  1 student at the school, he felt much worried about his assignment.
Many  2 find themselves in the same position: A child feels lost with  3 and turns to you for help . Not wanting the child to   4  , some parents step in and take over. I could easily tell the  5  between a parent’s writing style and the sudent’s style on homework.
Parents often have purposes, but the result can be harmful. They’re cheating their kids out of the very   6   they want them to get Allowing children to master a skilllifelong gains.
Some ways to help without hurting:
Be a model learner. If your child sees you _8_ papers, magazines or literature, he’ll be _9 motivated to learn.
Ask _10_ needs to be done, and look over completed assignments. This shows that you  __11 them to do the work and consider it important enough to review.
If you’re  _12 that he or she is falling behind , talk with the teacher about it  ___13 doing the work yourself.
Nick made it through fine. I didn’t write her paper. Nor did his mother, instead, we guided him together. At_ 14_ , we are very happy to see him collect his diploma. But _15__ was prouder than Nick. He knew what he had done.
1.A.average      B. excellent    C. open-minded    D. absent-minded
2.A.children     B. teachers     C. parents        D. researchers
3.A.school       B. homework     C. research       D. classroom
4.A.study        B. graduate     C. succeed        D. fail
5.A.difference   B. similarity   C. comparison     D. distance
6.A.homework     B. purpose      C. education      D. school
7.A.results in   B. comes from   C. makes up       D. takes over
8.A.writing      B. reading      C. collecting     D. making
9.A.not          B. more         C. no longer      D. much
10.A.who          B. what         C. why            D. how
11.A.teach        B. allow        C. expect         D. force
12.A.sure         B anxious       C. worried        D. happy
13.A.rather than  B. instead of   C. except for     D. as well as
14.A.classroom    B. home         C. graduation     D. presentation
15.A.everyone     B. someone      C. anyone         D. no one




Nick sat in my classroom after school, five years ago, wanting help on a research paper that stood between him and graduation. An  1  student at the school, he felt much worried about his assignment.

Many  2  find themselves in the same position: A child feels lost with  3  and turns to you for help . Not wanting the child to   4   , some parents step in and take over. I could easily tell the  5  between a parent’s writing style and the sudent’s style on homework.

Parents often have purposes, but the result can be harmful. They’re cheating their kids out of the very   6    they want them to get Allowing children to master a skilllifelong gains.

Some ways to help without hurting:

Be a model learner. If your child sees you _8_ papers, magazines or literature, he’ll be _9  motivated to learn.

Ask _10_ needs to be done, and look over completed assignments. This shows that you  __11 them to do the work and consider it important enough to review.

If you’re  _12  that he or she is falling behind , talk with the teacher about it  ___13  doing the work yourself.

Nick made it through fine. I didn’t write her paper. Nor did his mother, instead, we guided him together. At_ 14_ , we are very happy to see him collect his diploma. But _15__ was prouder than Nick. He knew what he had done.

1.A.average      B. excellent    C. open-minded    D. absent-minded

2.A.children     B. teachers     C. parents        D. researchers

3.A.school       B. homework     C. research       D. classroom

4.A.study        B. graduate     C. succeed        D. fail

5.A.difference   B. similarity   C. comparison     D. distance

6.A.homework     B. purpose      C. education      D. school

7.A.results in   B. comes from   C. makes up       D. takes over

8.A.writing      B. reading      C. collecting     D. making

9.A.not          B. more         C. no longer      D. much

10.A.who          B. what         C. why            D. how

11.A.teach        B. allow        C. expect         D. force

12.A.sure         B anxious       C. worried        D. happy

13.A.rather than  B. instead of   C. except for     D. as well as

14.A.classroom    B. home         C. graduation     D. presentation

15.A.everyone     B. someone      C. anyone         D. no one

