我们该怎么办? These years, global warming is becoming a serious problem, endangering people’s life. Facing such a threat, we, as the only intelligent animals in the world, should join efforts to `cool’ the earth, for other members of the planet, as well as for ourselves. [参考范文] These years, global warming is becoming a serious problem, endangering people’s life. Several factors contribute to the rise of temperature. First of all, a lot of greenhouse gas is produced by cars and factories; furthermore, people burn a lot of coal and wood for their life; the loss of forests is another cause of global warming. Global warming will cause some disastrous effects. In the first place, some island will disappear because of the rise of sea level, and thus people of certain countries will have to look for new places to live. Extreme weather, will also result from global warming. When temperature rises, the production of crops will decrease, which directly endangers people’s lives. If the temperature keeps rising, some animals and plants will disappear from the planet, thus destroying the ecosystem. Facing such a threat, we, as the only intelligent animals in the world, should join efforts to `cool’ the earth, for other members of the planet, as well as for ourselves. Passage 2 (北京市东城区2008-2009 学年度综合练习 假设你是李华.常和英国笔友Harry通信.自从去年市委下发了“减免增效 的文件(不能早8点以前上课,不得加课.补课,每天1小时体育活动,--)之后.你们的生活发生了很大变化.请按下图顺序描述你们生活的变化. 注意:1. 信的开头已为你写好. 2. 词数不少于60. Dear Harry, How are things going with you? Today I’m writing to you about the changes that have taken place in our life since the policy “reduce unnecessary burden for more effective learning was carried out. Oh, it’s time for bed, so I have to stop here. Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours Li Hua [参考范文] Dear Harry, How are things going with you? Today I’m writing to you about the changes that have taken place in our life since the policy “reduce unnecessary burden for more effective learning was carried out. Classes used to begin very early in the morning so we had to go to school without breakfast, which more or less affected our health and studies in class. But now we get up at half past 6 and have enough time to have breakfast. Now we have tan hour for sports each day. We can take whatever exercise or sport we like. After that we feel released and very energetic in class. Apart from that, we also had a variety of out-of class activities such as going mountain climbing, or holding an art festival in which gifted students sing and dance or play a drama. Furthermore, as unnecessary burden is reduced, we have less homework to do in the evening; so as a result, we have time to do whatever we are interested in, such as surfing the Internet for useful information, playing some computer games for relaxation. No longer do we have to stay up late, and we can go to bed at 11. Oh, it’s time for bed, so I have to stop here. Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours Li Hua Passage 3 (北京海淀区2009年高三年级第二学期期中练习--情景作文) 假设你是红星中学高三一的学生李华.上周你们班组织了一次感谢恩师的活动.请根据下面图示.为学校网站写一篇英文稿件.叙述这次活动从准备到结束的完整过程. 注意:词数不少于60. [参考范文] Last week our class organized an activity to thank our teachers before graduation, On Thursday we had a class meeting to discuss what to do , We came up with many good ideas, Then we decided to send them gifts and do some good deeds, The next day we carried out our plan, Some of us cleaned the teachers’ office and decorated it with pots of flowers, making it more comfortable for the teachers to work in , Others helped wash the cars or bikes, And still others gave well-prepared gifts to the teachers, who were very pleased and expressed their best wishes to us . We all felt happy about what we had done for our teachers. Passage 4 (山东省济宁市2008-2009学年度高三第一阶段质量检测) 假设你是李华.在英国参加夏令营时成为下图中的交通事故的唯一目击者.警察要求你用英语填写下面表格.请根据图中信息加上合理想象陈述事故发生的时间.地点.原因.过程和结果.词数控制在120-150之间. Your name Li Hua Date of accident July 26 Time of accident 3:40 p. m. What happened Signature [参考范文] It was so frightening a sight.A car was going peacefully in its lane.Suddenly a fox rushed across the street quite close to the car.which surely brought a shock to the driver. Great screams of hard brake gave my ears a lot of suffer.It was apparent that the fox had a narrow escape. Even though the driver managed to stop his car to let the fox cross, unfortunately.he braked the car so sharply that it got out of control and ran into a tree nearby. Before I was able to collect myself.the fox was out of sight.As a result.the animal was all right.while the car will have its repairs. That’s the scene I witnessed at 3:40 pm.July 26. I don’t think it was the driver’s fault.but what he did proved that he is an animal-protector. Li Hua Passage 5 (四川省成都七中高2009级阶段考试第一次月考) 假设你是美国中学生Tom. 请根据下图提示. 给你的一个朋友写一封信. 讲述一次你在北京观看奥运赛事的经历及感受.注意: 1. 词数100左右.开头已给出. 不计入总词数. 2.参考词汇:水立方-- Water Cube [参考范文] Dear Eric, How’s everything going? I’m having an enjoyable time in Beijing now and I would like to share with you my experience of watching the Olympic Games. Yesterday, I, along with my friends went to the Water Cube to cheer for the American athletes in the diving competition. I waved the flag with efforts and took lots of photos of the wonderful moment. While watching them receiving the gold medal, I acclaimed excitedly without noticing my camera drop to the ground. On my way back to the hotel, I realized my camera was gone, so I immediately rushed to the Lost and Found in the Water Cube to try my luck. Fortunately, I saw my camera there as well as some other items that were returned by volunteers. With the help of the staff working there, I found the volunteer and offered him some cash in return. To my surprise, he turned me down, saying that it was his duty to do so. I was moved by their hospitality and sincerity. I felt grateful for their help. Yours, Tom Passage 6 (2009年石家庄市高中毕业班第一次模拟考试试卷) 请观察下图.请以“Where is my home? 为题.用英语写一篇100词左右的短文.内容包括: 查看更多



1. 请阐述温室效应所产生的原因。
2. 简述其后果,应尽可能涵盖图中所有信息(至少谈及三个方面)。
3. 我们该怎么办?
These years, global warming is becoming a serious problem, endangering people’s life.      




1. 请阐述温室效应所产生的原因。

2. 简述其后果,应尽可能涵盖图中所有信息(至少谈及三个方面)。

3. 我们该怎么办?

These years, global warming is becoming a serious problem, endangering people’s life.      












1. 请阐述温室效应所产生的原因。

2. 简述其后果,应尽可能涵盖图中所有信息(至少谈及二个方面)。

3. 我们该怎么办?

These years, global warming is becoming a serious problem, endangering people’s life.






1. 请阐述温室效应所产生的原因。

2. 简述其后果,应尽可能涵盖图中所有信息(至少谈及二个方面)。

3. 我们该怎么办?

These years, global warming is becoming a serious problem, endangering people’s life.


Facing such a threat, we, as the only intelligent animals in the world, should join efforts to ‘cool’ the earth, for other members of the planet, as well as for ourselves.

