4.定语从句中as的用法 1)as引导的限制性定语从句: 当先行词前有as, the same, such, so修饰时.关系代词常用as.例如: As many members as were present agreed to the plan. I’d like to have the same books as are used in your school. He is not such a person as I expected. 2)as引导的非限制性定语从句与which引导的非限制性定语从句的异同 which和as都可以指代主句中的一部分或整个句子的内容.有时可以互换: Our team lost the game, as/which was reported in the newspaper. She was terrified, as/which I could see from her eyes. 区别:as引导的非限制性定语从句可以放在主句前面.插在主句中间或放在主句末尾,而which引导的非限制性定语从句只能放在先行词后面或主句后面.例如: As anybody can see, the elephant is like a snake. =The elephant, as anybody can see, is like a snake. =The elephant is like a snake, as anybody can see. Mary was late again, which made the teacher angry. as引导的从句有“正如 .“正像 之意.而which则无此意.常用句型有: as we all know, as is known to all, as everybody can see, as is expected等.如: As we all know, paper was first made in China. as 引导的从句在意义上不能与主句相抵触.而which不受此限制.试比较: He did the experiment successfully, as had been expected. He failed in the experiment, which was unexpected. 查看更多



基础写作 (共1题,满分15分)

佛山一中英语协会上周举行了“My Dream House”的设计大赛,你们小组的作品获得了一等奖。现邀请你们在颁奖典礼上用英语介绍你们的作品。






a). 我的梦中房子是坐落在森林里的漂亮木屋(cabin),周围有五颜六色的花和各种各样的植物。(locate, with)

b). 小屋的中间有一个大厅,大厅的周围有厨房、卧室和洗手间。(there be)

c). 二楼有我最喜欢的书房。我可以在里边安静地看书,上网或放松自己。(定语从句)

d). 我的小屋很特别,因为遇到紧急情况(in emergency),它可以飞走,这样我们都会安全。(because, so that)

e). 我爱我的小屋。我会考虑更多的细节去使它完美。(in order to)




基础写作 (共1题,满分15分)

佛山一中英语协会上周举行了“My Dream House”的设计大赛,你们小组的作品获得了一等奖。现邀请你们在颁奖典礼上用英语介绍你们的作品。






a). 我的梦中房子是坐落在森林里的漂亮木屋(cabin),周围有五颜六色的花和各种各样的植物。(locate, with)

b). 小屋的中间有一个大厅,大厅的周围有厨房、卧室和洗手间。(there be)

c). 二楼有我最喜欢的书房。我可以在里边安静地看书,上网或放松自己。(定语从句)

d). 我的小屋很特别,因为遇到紧急情况(in emergency),它可以飞走,这样我们都会安全。(because, so that)

e). 我爱我的小屋。我会考虑更多的细节去使它完美。(in order to)


基础写作 (共1题,满分15分)
佛山一中英语协会上周举行了“My Dream House”的设计大赛,你们小组的作品获得了一等奖。现邀请你们在颁奖典礼上用英语介绍你们的作品。
a). 我的梦中房子是坐落在森林里的漂亮木屋(cabin),周围有五颜六色的花和各种各样的植物。(locate, with)
b). 小屋的中间有一个大厅,大厅的周围有厨房、卧室和洗手间。(there be)
c). 二楼有我最喜欢的书房。我可以在里边安静地看书,上网或放松自己。(定语从句)
d). 我的小屋很特别,因为遇到紧急情况(in emergency),它可以飞走,这样我们都会安全。(because, so that)
e). 我爱我的小屋。我会考虑更多的细节去使它完美。(in order to)


1. The pencil ______ which he wrote was broken.
2. He built a telescope ______ which he could study the skies.
3. The woman, ______ whom I learned the news, is a nurse.
4. The wolf ______ which the sheep was killed was shot.
5. She has three children, all ______ whom are at school.
6. There is a tall tree outside, ______ which stands our teacher.
7. My glasses, ______ which I was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke.
8. In the dark street, there wasn't a person ______ whom she could turn for help.
9. The age ______ which children can go to school is seven.
10. His bike ______ which he went to work was stolen last night.
11. Do you know the building ______ which is flying a red flag?
12. Ours is a beautiful school, ______ which we are proud.
13. The desk ______ which Jack is leaning is John's.
14. He bought a book yesterday, the author ______ which is a teacher.


1. The pencil ____ which he wrote was broken.
2. He built a telescope ____ which he could study the skies.
3. The woman, ____ whom I learned the news, is a nurse.
4. The wolf____ which the sheep was killed was shot.
5. She has three children, all ____ whom are at school.
6. There is a tall tree outside, ____which stands our teacher.
7. My glasses, ____ which I was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke.
8. In the dark street, there wasn't a person _____ whom she could turn for help.
9. I was surprised at the way ____ which he treated the old man.
10. The age ____ which children can go to school is seven.
11. His bike____ which he went to work was stolen last night.
12. Do you know the building ____ which is flying a red flag?
13. Ours is a beautiful school, ____ which we are proud.
14. The desk ____ which Jack is leaning is John's.
15. He bought a book yesterday, the author ____ which is a teacher.

