Has everything can be done ? A. what; done B. that; been done C. that; already done D. what; already been done 查看更多



Has everything _____ can be done ______?

A. what; done      B. that; been done

C. that; already done   D. what; already being done



Has everything _____ can be done ______?

  A. what; done       B. that; been done

  C. that; already done   D. what; already being done


Has everything _____ can be done ______?

  A. what; done    B. that; been done

  C. that; already done   D. what; already being done




  EVERYTHING has two sides.One side of SARS is already clear.It is a deadly disease, which causes fear.There were 2,601 cases recorded on the Chinese mainland on April 24, according to government figures.Some 115 people have died and numbers keep rising.

  But, there's another side.

  SARS is a reminder of how fragile life can be.Suddenly, it's not just the old people who are thinking about death.Everyone now realizes there might not always be a tomorrow.

  Wang Xinying, a Senior 3 student in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, came into contact with a suspected(怀疑的)SARS patient in mid-April.He was told to stay at home for at least two weeks.“Watching TV about more and more SARS patients dying, I never knew that death could be so close.Life is valuable and I'm going to treasure every single day,”he said.

  SARS teaches people to be grateful(感激的),not only for their own lives, but also for others.Doctors and nurses, for example, have to spend all their time with infected patients.As a result, more than 20 percent of SARS cases in China are medical workers.

  Xu Bing, a Senior 2 student of Beijing No.5 Middle School, wants to be a doctor when he grows up.“Although they certainly know of the dangers, doctors and nurses remain bravely dedicated(献身的)to saving people's lives.I'm deeply moved by what they have done.I think they are real heroes,”he said.

  SARS also teaches sympathy(同情).The past few weeks have been terrible for Chinese people.But there are far worse things than SARS in this world, such as wars, earthquakes and murders.Think of the Iraqis, who have been living terrible lives for 20 years.Think of how the Americans felt on September 11.

  And finally, SARS offers the chance to grow.All different types of people and government officials are joining together to cope in this difficult time.When this passes, China and its people will have learned great lessons.


According to the passage, how many medical workers have become SARS patients by April 24?

[  ]


About 520.


More than 2,601.


About 540.


Over 115.


Why does Xu Bing want to be a doctor in the future?

[  ]


He wants to make a lot of money.


He wants to be famous.


He is sure he can kill SARS.


He thinks medical workers are great.


Which can be the best title(标题)for the passage?

[  ]


SARS Is Terrible


Looking on The Bright Side of SARS


Keeping Away from SARS


The Way to Kill SARS


The writer tells us of the bright side of SARS in ________ ways.

[  ]










     I recently heard a story from Stephen Glenn about a famous research scientist who had made several very
important medical breakthroughs. He was being interviewed by a newspaper reporter who asked him why he
thought he was able to be so much more creative than the average person. What set him so far apart from
     He responded that, in his opinion, it all came from an experience with his mother that occurred when he
was about two years old. He had been trying to remove a bottle of milk from the refrigerator when he lost his
grip on the slippery bottle and it fell, spilling its contents all over the kitchen floor-a real sea of milk!
     When his mother came into the kitchen, instead of yelling at him, giving him a lecture or punishing him,
she said, "Robert, what a great and wonderful mess you have made! I have rarely seen such a huge puddle
of milk. Well, the damage has already been done. Would you like to get down and play in the milk for a few
minutes before we clean it up?"
     Indeed, he did. After a few minutes, his mother said, "You know, Robert, whenever you make a mess like
this, eventually you have to clean it up and restore everything to its proper order. So, how would you like to
do that? We could use a sponge, a towel or a mop. Which do you prefer?" He chose the sponge and together
they cleaned up the spilled milk.
     His mother then said, "You know, what we have here is a failed experiment in how to effectively carry a
big milk bottle with two tiny hands. Let's go out in the back yard and fill the bottle with water and see if you
can discover a way to carry it without dropping it." The little boy learned that if he grasped the bottle at the
top near the lip with both hands, he could carry it without dropping it. What a wonderful lesson!
     This famous renowned scientist then remarked that it was at that moment that he knew he didn't need to
be afraid to make mistakes. Instead, he learned that mistakes were just opportunities for learning something
new, which is, after all, what scientific experiments are all about. Even if the experiment "doesn't work," we
usually learn something valuable from it.
1. The passage is intended to _____.
A. introduce the life story of a famous scientist
B. compare the different ways of family education
C. reveal the secret of the scientist's success
D. inspire the parents to improve their teaching methods
2. From the passage, we can know that Robert _____.
A. was very naughty when he was two
B. was so working hard as to succeed
C. owes a lot to his education from his mother
D. has made some great contributions to physics research
3. On seeing the spoiled milk, what did the mother do firstly?
A. She comforted his son.
B. She cleaned the floor.
C. She taught how to grasp the bottle.
D. She gave the boy a lecture.
4. Which of the following is the best according to the text?
A. It would be great if all the scientists can know the importance of the failed experiment.
B. It would be great if the experiment doesn't work at all.
C. It would be great if all parents would respond the way Robert's mother responded to him.
D. It would be great if we are more creative than the average person.

