of one’s own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地 ,主动地 查看更多



If you have a chance to go to Finland, you will probably be surprised to find how “foolish” the Finnish people are.
Take the taxi drivers for example. Taxis in Finland are mostly high-class Benz with a fare of two US dollars a kilometer. You can go anywhere in one, tell the driver to drop you at any place, say that you have some business to attend to, and then walk off without paying your fare. The driver would not show the least sign of anxiety.
The dining rooms in all big hotels not only serve their guests, but also serve outside diners. Hotel guests have their meals free, so they naturally go to the free dining rooms to have their meals. The most they would do to show their good faith is to wave their registration(登记)card to the waiter. With such a loose check, you can easily use any old registration card to take a couple of friends to dine free of charge.
The Finnish workers are paid by the hour. They are very much on their own as soon as they have agreed with the boss on the rate. From then on they just say how many hours they have worked and they will be paid accordingly.
With so many loopholes (漏洞) in everyday life, surely Finland must be a heaven to those who love to take “petty advantages”.  But the strange thing is, all the taxi passengers would always come back to pay their fare after they have attended to their business; not a single outsider has ever been found in the free hotel dining rooms. And workers always give an honest account of the exact hours they put in. As the Finns always act on good faith in everything they do, living in such a society has turned everyone into a real “gentleman”.
【小题1】 The underlined words in this passage means to “______”.

A.be ready to help othersB.make good use of one’s friends
C.be a little ahead of othersD.gain something at other’s expense
【小题2】 Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.While taking a taxi in Finland, you can get off without first paying your fare.
B.In a big hotel in Finland, you can enjoy free meals if you’re living in the hotel.
C.The bosses in Finland pay the employees according to registration of their working hours.
D.The workers are always honest with their working hours.
【小题3】We can learn from the passage that ______.
A.the Finnish society is of very high moral (道德) level
B.there are many loopholes in everyday life in Finland
C.in Finland, most taxi drivers will not charge you anything
D.everyone in Finland is like a gentleman, for they have faith in themselves
【小题4】Which of the following is the best title of the passage ?
A.Life in FinlandB.A Society with “Foolish” People
C.What a LifeD.Honest accounts of the Finns


【小题1】China has solved its people’s problem of  ______(足够的)food and clothing. 
【小题2】 In order to see the appealing film,he made a ______ (预定) for a ticket.  
【小题3】His actions do not ________(与…相一致)with his  words.  
【小题4】He lost in the desert, standing  _____ (绝望地)
【小题5】Those two weak boys are ____(关系不近的) relations.
【小题6】The supply of electric power to these districts has to be ____(限制,约束)
【小题7】He is ______ (流利的) in five languages.  
【小题8】It is ____   (典型的)  of him to take hard jobs.
【小题9】Her attitude towards her job is rather ______( 随便的) 
【小题10】One must be _____(意识到的,有意识的) of one’s shortcomings.


Never argue with one's own understanding.
The whisper of intelligence is always there, whatever you do.
If you create a time lag (隔绝层) between the whisper of intelligence and understanding in you and your action, then you are preventing the brain from growing into a new size. When you argue with intelligence, when you postpone acting according to understanding then there is confusion, the brain gets confused.
The voice of understanding, the voice of intelligence has insecurity about it. How do you know that it is the right thing?
So we tend to ignore it. Instead we accept authority. We obey.
But the brain cannot be orderly, competent, accurate and precise if you do not listen to it, if you have no respect. We are so busy with the outside world and its force that the world that is inside us does not command that respect and reverence (敬重), that care and concern from us.
So one has to be a disciple (信徒) of one's own understanding, and look upon that understanding as the master.
Sometimes one may commit a mistake, it might be the whim (念头) of the ego and we might mistake the whim, the wish of the ego for the voice of silence and intelligence, but that we have to discover. Unless you commit mistakes, how do you learn to discriminate between the false and the true? In learning there is bound to be a little insecurity, a possibility of committing mistakes. Why should one be terribly afraid of committing mistakes?
So instead of accepting the authority of habits and conditionings, while one is moving one watches, and when there is a suggestion, do not neglect, ignore, or insult the whisper from within and from one's own intelligence.
【小题1】What will happen if you refuse to follow your own understanding according to the above passage?

A.Your brain will become smaller.
B.You will never get help from authority.
C.You will hardly know the world.
D.Your own intelligence will stop growing.
【小题2】What is the function of committing mistakes from the view of the author?
A.Mistakes can make one practical.
B.Mistakes can make one know the facts.
C.Mistakes can allow one more time to develop.
D.Mistakes can improve one’s judgment.
【小题3】 The whole passage is developed by ______.
A.facts and ideasB.reasoning and explaining
C.scientific experiments D.arguing and debating
【小题4】The best title of the passage might be ______.
A.Never argue with your own understanding
B.Never believe any authority while arguing
C.Never neglect whispers from around you
D.Never stop training yourself.


Passage Nineteen (TV’s Harmfulness)
Yes, but what did we use to do before there was television? How often we hear statements like this! Television hasn’t been with us all that long, but we are already beginning to forget what the world was like without it. Before we admitted the one-eyed monster into our homes, we never fond it difficult to occupy our spare time. We used to enjoy civilized pleasures. For instance, we used to have hobbies, we used to entertain our friends and be entertained by them, we used to go outside for our amusements to theatres, cinemas, restaurants and sporting events. We even used to read books and listen to music and broadcast talks occasionally. All that belongs to the past. Now all our free time is regulated by the goggle box. We rush home or gulp down our meals to be in time for this or that programme. We have even given up sitting at table and having a leisurely evening meal, exchanging the news of the day. A sandwich and a glass of beer will do – anything, providing it doesn’t interfere with the programme. The monster demands and obtains absolute silence and attention. If any member of the family dares to open his mouth during a programme, he is quickly silenced.
Whole generations are growing up addicted to the telly. Food is left uneaten, homework undone and sleep is lost. The telly is a universal pacifier. It is now standard practice for mother to keep the children quiet by putting them in the living-room and turning on the set. It doesn’t matter that the children will watch rubbishy commercials or spectacles of sadism and violence – so long as they are quiet.
There is a limit to the amount of creative talent available in the world. Every day, television consumes vast quantities of creative work. That is why most of the programmes are so bad: it is impossible to keep pace with the demand and maintain high standards as well. When millions watch the same programmes, the whole world becomes a village, and society is reduced to the conditions which obtain in preliterate communities. We become utterly dependent on the two most primitive media of communication: pictures and the spoken word.
Television encourages passive enjoyment. We become content with second-hand experiences. It is so easy to sit in our armchairs watching others working. Little by little, television cuts us off from the real world. We get so lazy, we choose to spend a fine day in semi-darkness, glued to our sets, rather than go out into the world itself. Television may be s splendid medium of communication, but it prevents us from communicating with each other. We only become aware how totally irrelevant television is to real living when we spend a holiday by the sea or in the mountains, far away from civilization. In quiet, natural surroundings, we quickly discover how little we miss the hypnotic tyranny of King Telly.
1.What is the biggest harm of TV?
A.It deprives people of communication with the real world.
B.People become lazy.
C.People become dependent on second-hand experience.
D.TV consumes a large part of one’s life.
2.In what way can people forget TV?
A.Far away from civilization.
B.To a mountain.
C.By the sea.
D.In quiet natural surroundings.
3.What does a mother usually do to keep her children quiet?
A.Let them watch the set.
B.Put them in the living room.
C.Let them watch the rubbish.
D.Let them alone.
4.What does the first sentence in the first paragraph mean?
A.We found it difficult to occupy our spare time.
B.We become addicted to TV.
C.What we used to do is different from now.
D.We used to enjoy civilized pleasures.


Education is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate children only for the purpose of educating them. Our purpose is to fit them for life.
In some modern countries it has for some time been fashionable to think that by free education for all — one can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation. But we can already see that free education for all is not enough; we find in such countries a far larger number of people with university degree; they refuse to do what they think “low” work; and, in fact, work with hands is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries. But we have only to think a moment to understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is far more important than that of a professor; we can live without education, but we die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses, we should get terrible diseases in our towns…
In fact, when we say that all of us must be educated to fit us for life, it means that we must be educated in such a way that, firstly, each of us can do whatever work suited to his brains and ability and, secondly, that we can realize that all jobs are necessary to society, and that is very bad to be ashamed of one’s work. Only such a type of education can be considered valuable to society.
【小题1】The writer of the passage thinks that _______.

A.education can settle most of the world’s problems
B.free education for all probably leads to a perfect world
C.free education won’t help to solve problems
D.all the social problems can’t be solved by education
【小题2】The writer wants to prove that _______.
A.our society needs all kinds of jobs
B.our society needs free education for all
C.a farmer is more important than a professor
D.work with hands is the most important
【小题3】The purpose of education is _______.
A.to choose officials for the country
B.to prepare children mainly for their future work
C.to let everyone receive education fit for him
D.to build a perfect world
【小题4】The passage tells us about _______ of the education.
A.the meansB.the systemC.the valueD.the type

