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    The Temple of Heaven is situated(位于)in the southern part of the cityIt was built in 1420covering an area of 273 hectares (公顷)

    The Temple was the place where the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties (王朝) worshipped (礼拜) heaven and prayed (祈求) for good harvestsThey came here twice a yearon the 15th day of the 1st lunar month and also in winterAfter 1530 when the temple was built in the northern suburbs (郊区)only heaven was worshipped in the temple

    The Temple of Heaven is regarded as one of the greatest architectural structures in the worldIn Beijing four imperial(皇帝的)temples were built during the Ming and Qing dynasties(13681911)At the southern end of the city axis()is the Temple of HeavenIt is the most important of the fourThe other three are the Altar(祭坛)of the earth in the north, the Altar of the Moon in the west, and the Altar of the Sun in the east just behind the Beijing Friendship storeAll of them are still standingbut the Temple of Heaven is the largest group of temple buildings of its kind in Chinanearly four times larger than the Forbidden city(紫禁城)The whole building was designed in a way that makes you close to heaven

    In making the heavenlike structuresthe designers made good use of the colorsoundfigures of the circle and the squareand changes in its heightThe combination of building and garden helps to make it appear mysterious and magicalThe Temple’s architecture(建筑)has two themes(主题)0ne is “on the earth” while the other is “in the heaven”The square-shaped palace for fasting in the west of the temple appears like a “forbidden city” in a smaller size

    In imperial daysthe Chinese people believed that the sky was in circular(圆形的)shape and the earth was squareOn the basis of this traditional(传统的)concept(思想)the circle was widely adopted(采用)in the design of the temple’s main buildingsIt is in accord with people’s imagination of heaven

1The Temple was a place where the emperors worshipped      .

  AGod and prayed for safety

  Bfor Jesus Christ(耶稣基督)and asked for mercy(宽恕)

  Cheaven and prayed for good harvests

  D.  the Buddha () and prayed for wealth

 2. The Temple of Heaven is regarded as one of the greatest      .

   A. monuments (纪念碑)        Bmuseums

 C. memorial halls (标记)         Darchitectural structures

3. In Beijing     imperial temples were built during the Ming and Qing dynasties

  A. three    Bfour    Cno    Dbeautiful

4.The Temple of Heaven is the most     of the four

  A. important    Bbiggest    Csmallest   D. beautiful

5. The Temple is in accord with people’s imagination of       .

  A. the earth    Bthe moon    Chell (地狱)  Dheaven



   阅读下列短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。

      Albert Einstein once attributed (把...归因于) the creativity of a   famous scientist to the fact that he "never went to school, and   therefore preserved (保护) the rare gift of thinking freely." There is   undoubtedly truth in Einstein's observation: many artists and geniuses   (天才) seem to view their schooling as a disadvantage (不利). But such   a truth is not a criticism of schools. It is the function of schools   to civilize, not to train explorers. The explorer is always a lonely   individual whether his or her pioneering is in art, music, science, or   technology. The creative explorer of unmapped lands shares with the   genius what William James described as the "faculty of perceiving in   an unhabitual way." In so far as schools teach perceptual (感性的)   patterns they tend to destroy creativity and genius. But if schools   could somewhat exist solely (单独地) to cultivate (培养) genius, then   society would break down. For the social order demands unity and   widespread agreement, both traits (特性) that are destructive to   creativity. There will always be conflict between the demands of   society and the impulses (动力) of creativity and genius.  

1. Albert Einstein once thought that schools __________.

[    ]

A. helped develop the creativity of a scientist

B. preserved a rare gift for a scientist

C. prevented a scientist from thinking freely

D. contributed a lot to science and technology

2. In the author's opinion schooling meets the need of __________.

[    ]

A. genius      B. faculty of perceiving

C. social order    D. the impulses of creativity

3. There will always be contradiction (矛盾) between ___________.

[    ]

A. the demands of society and schooling

B. cultivation of creativity and faculty of perceiving

C. social unity and schooling

D. creativity and widespread social agreement

4. Einstein's observation is in accord with _________.

[    ]

A. schoolmasters         B. the author

C. many artists and geniuses   D. both B and C

5. Which of the following expresses the main idea of the passage?

[    ]

A. Einstein and artists have said schools limit creativity and     genius.

B. Schools should be designed to encourage creativity and social     order.

C. Explorers and geniuses look at the world differently from the way most people do.     

   D. Schools can never satisfy the needs of both genius and     society as a whole.



The Temple of Heaven

  The Temple of Heaven is situated in the southern part of the city of Beijing.It was built in 1420, covering an area of 273 hectares(公顷).

  The Temple was the place where the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties worshipped(祭拜)heaven and prayed for good harvests.They came here twice a year, on the 15th day of the first lunar month and also in winter.After 1530 when the temple was built in the northern suburbs, only heaven was worshipped in the temple.

  The Temple of Heaven is regarded as one of the greatest architectural structures in the world.Some environmental artists and gardeners describe the temple as a place where people can talk to Heaven.In Beijing four imperial(皇帝的)temples were built during the Ming and Qing dynasties(1368-1911).At the southern end of the city axis(轴)is the Temple of Heaven.It is the most important of the four.The other three are the Altar(祭坛)of Earth in the north, the Altar of Moon in the west, and the Altar of Sun in the east just behind the Beijing Friendship Store.All of them are still standing, but the Temple of Heaven is the largest group of temple buildings of its kind in China, nearly four times larger than the Forbidden City(紫禁城).The whole building was designed in a way that makes you close to heaven.

  In making the heaven-like structures, the designers made good use of the colour, sound, figures of the circle and the square, and changes in its height.The combination of building and garden helps to make it appear mysterious and magical.The temple’s architecture has two themes(主题).One is“on the earth”while the other is “in the heaven”.The square-shaped palace for fasting(斋戒)in the west of the temple appears like a “forbidden city” in a smaller size.

  In imperial days, the Chinese people believed that the sky was in circular(圆形的)shape and the earth was square.On the basis of this traditional concept(思想),the circle was widely adopted(采用)in the design of the temple’s main buildings.It is in accord with people’s imagination of heaven.


The Temple of Heaven was a place where the emperors worshipped ________.

[  ]


God and prayed for safety


Jesus Christ(耶稣基督)and asked for mercy(宽恕)


heaven and prayed for good harvests


the Buddha(佛)and prayed for wealth


The Temple of Heaven is regarded as one of the greatest ________.

[  ]






memorial halls(纪念堂)


architectural structures


The Temple of Heaven is the ________ of the four.

[  ]


most important






most beautiful[=DM]


    The Temple of Heaven is situated(位于)in the southern part of the cityIt was built in 1420covering an area of 273 hectares (公顷)

    The Temple was the place where the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties (王朝) worshipped (礼拜) heaven and prayed (祈求) for good harvestsThey came here twice a yearon the 15th day of the 1st lunar month and also in winterAfter 1530 when the temple was built in the northern suburbs (郊区)only heaven was worshipped in the temple

    The Temple of Heaven is regarded as one of the greatest architectural structures in the worldIn Beijing four imperial(皇帝的)temples were built during the Ming and Qing dynasties(13681911)At the southern end of the city axis()is the Temple of HeavenIt is the most important of the fourThe other three are the Altar(祭坛)of the earth in the north, the Altar of the Moon in the west, and the Altar of the Sun in the east just behind the Beijing Friendship storeAll of them are still standingbut the Temple of Heaven is the largest group of temple buildings of its kind in Chinanearly four times larger than the Forbidden city(紫禁城)The whole building was designed in a way that makes you close to heaven

    In making the heavenlike structuresthe designers made good use of the colorsoundfigures of the circle and the squareand changes in its heightThe combination of building and garden helps to make it appear mysterious and magicalThe Temple’s architecture(建筑)has two themes(主题)0ne is “on the earth” while the other is “in the heaven”The square-shaped palace for fasting in the west of the temple appears like a “forbidden city” in a smaller size

    In imperial daysthe Chinese people believed that the sky was in circular(圆形的)shape and the earth was squareOn the basis of this traditional(传统的)concept(思想)the circle was widely adopted(采用)in the design of the temple’s main buildingsIt is in accord with people’s imagination of heaven

1The Temple was a place where the emperors worshipped      .

  AGod and prayed for safety

  Bfor Jesus Christ(耶稣基督)and asked for mercy(宽恕)

  Cheaven and prayed for good harvests

  D.  the Buddha () and prayed for wealth

 2. The Temple of Heaven is regarded as one of the greatest      .

   A. monuments (纪念碑)        Bmuseums

 C. memorial halls (标记)         Darchitectural structures

3. In Beijing     imperial temples were built during the Ming and Qing dynasties

  A. three    Bfour    Cno    Dbeautiful

4.The Temple of Heaven is the most     of the four

  A. important    Bbiggest    Csmallest   D. beautiful

5. The Temple is in accord with people’s imagination of       .

  A. the earth    Bthe moon    Chell (地狱)  Dheaven



The goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable, ______

his financial situation.

A. with respect to  B. in accord with               C. regardless of            D. in terms of

