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Many years ago,I owned a service station and roadhouse on the main road between Melbourne and Adelaide.

One very cold,wet night at about 3:30 a.m.,there was a    1on the front door of our house.A young man,wet from      2to toe,explained that he had      3out of petrol about 30 km up the road.He had left his pregnant(怀孕的) wife and his two children    4at the car and said that he would hitchhike(搭便车) back.

Once I had    5a can with petrol,I took him back to his car where his two-year-old and four-year-old children were both    6,saying that they were cold.Once the car had started,I suggested that he    7me back.

Before leaving,I had turned the heater    8in the roadhouse,so that when we went in,it was nice and    9.While the little ones played and ran    10,I prepared bread and butter for the children,and hot chocolate for the    11.

It was about 5 a.m. before they   12.The young fellow asked me how much he    13

me and I told him that the petrol pump(加油泵) had    14$15.He offered to pay “call-out fee”,but I wouldn’t accept it.

About a month later,I received a    15from Interstate,a large bus company that we bad been trying to    16to stop off at our roadhouse for a long time.It    17out that the young fellow I had helped was its general manager,the most    18person in the company.

In his letter,he thanked me again and    19me that,from then on,all their buses would stop at my service station.In this    20,a little bit of kindness was rewarded with a huge amount of benefits.

1.A.kick            B.hit                   C.beat              D.knock

2.A.finger          B.shoulder          C.head              D.hand

3.A.driven          B.used              C.come    

4.A.away            B.behind                C.over              D.out

5.A.supplied            B.poured                C.equipped          D.filled

6.A.sleeping            B.crying                C.quarrelling           D.fighting

7.A.allow           B.ring              C.lead              D.follow

8.A.on                             D.over

9.A.neat                     C.warm              D.attractive

10.A.around         B.inside                C.nearby                D.along

11.A.drivers            B.guests                C.customers         D.adults

12.A.left               B.arrived               C.ate               D.disappeared

13.A.gave           B.paid              C.owed              D.offered

14.A.appeared           B.exhibited         C.calculated            D.shown               B.letter                C.check             D.notice

16.A.get                B.force             C.require               D.hope

17.A.pointed            B.turned                C.worked                D.found

18.A.generous           B.successful            C.serious               D.powerful

19.A.praised            B.persuaded         C.informed          D.convinced

20.A.lesson          C.aspect      




It was a freezing November night and the stars shone coldly as I walked through the deserted town of Wick with my heavy overnight bag. It was the third time I'd ____1____ the streets looking for somewhere—anywhere—to stay. But there was no sign of ___2____, even the pubs were shut. I ___3___ to wrap my scarf round my neck. "Five more hours before the next train to Thurso," I thought ____4___, picturing a sleepless night on the streets. Then suddenly I heard a ____5___ behind me:"What's up, laddie? Need some help?"

It was from an old man called Robert MacDougal who noticed me huddle(卷缩)in the street on his way home. When I ____6___ my situation he ____7___ offered shelter for the night. At first I ___8___, I''d learnt from experience not to trust ___9____, having been robbed once in London. That ___10___ had left its mark, but it soon became clear that Robert sincerely desired to help. Wick was a small town and ____11___ I wasn't a local. It was also obvious that I needed a place to sleep.

I ____12____ Robert back to a small cottage where we sat in front of a warm fire and had a little chat about Wick and Robert. Robert was a ___13___. He had three children and several grandchildren, but most of them had moved away. I began to ____14____ why Robert was glad of some company.

After a peaceful night on an old sofa, I got up at 4:30 a.m. To catch my ____15____, leaving behind a note of thanks. Today I sometimes think about Wick, and wonder if Robert is still there. I'll always remember with gratitude his simple act of kindness.

1.     A.hunted for      B.go through      C.walked round     D.twisted up

2.         B.hope        C.tourism

3.     A.continued      B.attempted      C.paused        D.managed

4.     A.enthusiastically    B.desperately      C.delightedly      D.unbelievably

5.     A.voice        B.remark        C.sound        D.speech

6.     A.introduced      B.explained       D.mentioned

7.     A.unwillingly     B.reluctantly      C.automatically     D.immediately

8.     A.considerate     B.suspicious      C.reasonable      D.curious

9.     A.strangers      B.elders        C.adults        D.robbers

10.  A.accident      B.coincident       C.evidence      D.incident

11.  A.strangely     B.apparently      C.luckily       D.naturally

12. A.watched      B.attracted       C.followed      D.directed

13. A.widower      B.father        C.husband       D.survivor

14. A.understand     B.acknowledge      C.know       D.analyze

15. A.dream       B.flight         C.bus        D.train




I am a single mom with two girls and we are on food stamps.

I often go to do my grocery shopping for the whole 1______. While I was shopping for this month, I noticed a lady 2______ a very serious conversation on the cell phone. I continued to do my shopping and continually ran into her throughout the 3________. By the time I made it to the check-out line, she too was in line 4________ me. I didn’t think anything of it and went to pay my 5________.

I needed to pay $60 for my non-food items as food 6______are only for food. I opened my 7_______only to find that I did not have credit card with me. 8_____,I realized that I had 9______it at home. The 10_______said she could hold my order and I could 11______home to get my money and come back.

I ran outside to ask Sharon, who gave me a lift to the store, 12______she could drive me home and she said 13______. So I ran back in to let the cashier know that I would be right back. But while I was running in the store, the cashier was 14______her hands in the air. She told me not to 15_______going home because the lady behind me had paid my $60 bill. I was 16_______as I had never expected she would help me out. I asked her if I could give her phone number so that I could 17______her. She smiled and said, “Just 18______it.” But I will 19_____forget what she has done for me. I thank her so much for 20______a single mom without any expectation.

1.A. day          B. week             C. month            D. year

2.A. sparing       B. sharing           C. going             D. having

3.A. shelf         B. counter           C. store              D. street

4.A. behind        B. beside            C. ahead             D. around

5.A. debt          B. fine              C. rent              D. bill

6.A. cards         B stamps            C. papers            D. tickets

7.A. box.          B. basket            C. purse             D. watch

8.A. Suddenly      B. Firstly            C. Interestingly       D. Luckily

9.A. brought       B. sent              C. left               D. placed

10.A. man          B. woman           C. cashier            D. boss

11.A. ride          B. fly               C. run               D. roll

12.A. what         B. if                C. how               D. why

13.A. nothing       B. no               C. sorry              D. yes

14.A. waving       B. shaking           C. biting             D. touching

15.A. find out       B. think up          C. worry out          D. turn to

16.A. satisfied       B. surprised         C. ashamed           D. disappointed

17.A. remind        B. call              C. teach             D. repay  

18.A. leave         B. follow            C. forget             D. remember 

19.A. sometimes     B. usually           C. ever              D. never   

20.A. cheering up    B. helping out        C. making up         D. letting down               



短文改错 。
     1 . 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
I'm middle school student, I like to make friend with people and always try  my
best to get along with them. And last week I happened to hear one of my  classmate
speaking ill of me with others behind my back, it made me very  sad. She said what
I was fat and acted as stupid as a bear. I had been kind  to her, but why did she
laughed at my appearance? I was much hurt. I really wish I could succeed in lose
weight in just a few days. But, anyhow, no one have the right to laugh at others
whatever beautiful she is.

