despair of 绝望 查看更多



“Tomorrow is another day”---- this line has impressed various people at various times. It's now 70 years after it appeared in the film, but it still seems to hold its power especially during an economic downturn.

The phrase comes from a film adaptation of Margaret Mitchell's successful 1936 novel Gone With the Wind. It's set in the American South and tells the story of a strong heroine, Scarlett O' Hara, who struggles to find love during the Civil War and, afterwards, of her strength in surviving the war and its hardships.

Love story 

In a moment of despair, Scarlett finally realizes that her love belongs to Rhett Butler. For many audiences, it is the theme of love and struggle that has kept the movie alive. While the burning of Atlanta might seem irrelevant to today's viewers, the timeless theme of love keeps its ability to touch people.

With a promise to her lover still in her mind, Scarlett chooses to stay in the midst of war and take care of Melanie. But her heart is broken when Rhett just walks away, leaving the woman that he once loved with cruel words, "Frankly, dear, I don' t give a damn."

Great epic

The film shows the love-hate relationship of these characters, but also American history, the fall of the Confederacy and the following period of Reconstruction in the South. The background made this film a true classic in the epic genre.

When the film opened after World War II, French viewers loved it, and it reminded them of their fight against the Nazis. In 1940 Shanghai, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, people stood in line for hours to watch this film, and saw the same suffering they were having as well as the hope and possibility of building a new homeland from the ruins.

Each nationality could identify with the story and see it as a victory. In fact, Gone With the Wind never lost its charm and ability to inspire and amaze.

Biggest of all time

The film had five directors, 15-plus screenwriters, and an unexpected $3.9 million budget. The film brought in $ 200 million, which makes it the biggest selling film of all times in North America. It also won 10 Academy awards in 1940.

1.The underlined "it" in the first paragraph refers to _______.

A.the novel Gone with the Wind

B."tomorrow is another day"

C.the movie Gone with the Wind

D.the Academy Award

2.The text is written mainly to _______.

A.celebrate the anniversary of Margaret Mitchell

B.introduce how the film was directed and filmed

C.throw light on the charm of the movie "Gone with the Wind"

D.inspire people to struggle the economic downturn

3.It can be concluded that Scarlett O' Hara is _______.

A.optimistic and lucky

B.childish and realistic

C.caring and stubborn

D.strong-minded and persistent

4.The passage mentions Shanghai in order to _______.

A.prove that the background of the movie touched viewers

B.describe how popular the movie was at that time

C.point out that Shanghai was a center of entertainment

D.tell us that Chinese were suffering the War then.



“Tomorrow is another day”---- this line has impressed various people at various times. It's now 70 years after it appeared in the film, but it still seems to hold its power especially during an economic downturn.

The phrase comes from a film adaptation of Margaret Mitchell's successful 1936 novel Gone With the Wind. It's set in the American South and tells the story of a strong heroine, Scarlett O' Hara, who struggles to find love during the Civil War and, afterwards, of her strength in surviving the war and its hardships.

Love story 

In a moment of despair, Scarlett finally realizes that her love belongs to Rhett Butler. For many audiences, it is the theme of love and struggle that has kept the movie alive. While the burning of Atlanta might seem irrelevant(不相关的) to today's viewers, the timeless theme of love keeps its ability to touch people.

With a promise to her lover still in her mind, Scarlett chooses to stay in the midst of war and take care of Melanie. But her heart is broken when Rhett just walks away, leaving the woman that he once loved with cruel words, "Frankly, dear, I don' t give a damn."(毫不在乎)

Great epic (史诗)

The film shows the love-hate relationship of these characters, but also American history, the fall of the Confederacy and the following period of Reconstruction in the South. The background made this film a true classic in the epic genre.

When the film opened after World War II, French viewers loved it, and it reminded them of their fight against the Nazis. In 1940 Shanghai, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression(侵略), people stood in line for hours to watch this film, and saw the same suffering they were having as well as the hope and possibility of building a new homeland from the ruins.

     Each nationality could identify with the story and see it as a victory. In fact, Gone With the Wind never lost its charm and ability to inspire and amaze.

Biggest of all time

The film had five directors, 15-plus screenwriters, and an unexpected $3.9 million budget. The film brought in $ 200 million, which makes it the biggest selling film of all times in North America. It also won 10 Academy awards in 1940.

1.The underlined "it" in the first paragraph refers to _______.

    A. the novel Gone with the Wind            B. "tomorrow is another day"

    C. the movie Gone with the Wind            D. the Academy Award

2. The text is written mainly to _______.

   A. celebrate the anniversary of Margaret Mitchell

   B. introduce how the film was directed and filmed

   C. throw light on the charm of the movie "Gone with the Wind"

   D. inspire people to struggle the economic downturn

3. It can be concluded that Scarlett O' Hara is _______.

   A. optimistic and lucky                    B. childish and realistic

   C. caring and stubborn (固执的)              D. strong-minded and persistent (坚毅的)

4. The passage mentions Shanghai in order to _______.

   A. prove that the background of the movie touched viewers

   B. describe how popular the movie was at that time

   C. point out that Shanghai was a center of entertainment

   D. tell us that Chinese were suffering the War then



第一节 短文填空(共10分)
The Story of My Life by Helen Keller is
the most ____________(有影响的) book in my life.                      1. ___________
It is filled _________ courage, struggle and faith throughout.               2. ___________
Helen Keller was once in deep despair in her childhood, but finally she decided
to o________ her physical disabilities and live happily.                    3. ___________
Furthermore, she showed great patience  ______  her long and            4. ___________
hard learning period. I have learned, above all, two lessons from her story. First, she taught me that often the road to s________  is to                                 5. ____________     
face hardships ______(勇敢地). Maybe you are born under an ill           6.____________
star yet you can stand a better chance ________ others.                    7.____________            
It is therefore important that you screw up your courage when courage is needed.
Second, the damaged part of her senses did not p______ her learning.         8.____________
On the ___________, she had made                                    9. ___________
continual ________(努力) to go deeper into the field of knowledge.          10. ___________


When I walk through the streets of San Francisco’s business districts, white people stare at me as if I were a circus clown.

Their staring eyes don’t see that I get ____1____ A’s in school, or that I am a captain of the football team, or that I belong to ___2____youth organizations. All they see is that I am 6-foot-4, young ,black, and male-----a potential ____3____to them.

White men look at me as if I am up to no good, or as if they are ____4____to me. White women just look at me with____5____, say, sometimes they cross the street when they see my friends and me coming, or walk in the street and only get back on the sidewalk after we ____6____.

Many people come to San Francisco to get away from the stereotypes(成见) of the cities they were born and ____7_____ in. The majority of the blacks and Latinos who live in this city don’t have that luxury.

How can you feel at home when people are_____8_____telling you to get back to Africa or Mexico ----or just back to “where you belong”?

My way of dealing with this kind of thing has _____9_____over the years. In the past, when my friends and I would walk the streets and a hundred pairs of white eyes would look at me as if we were the lowest form of dirt, it would make us angry enough to hurt or ____10____them.

Now I’m more likely to use ____11____ to defend myself against those eyes. To women who clutch their purse in terror, I’ll say, “Man, I ain’t gonna do anything to you, I got money in my pocket!” My cousin has even started wearing a T-shirt ____12_____ in big letters, “NO, WHITE LADY, I DON'T’ WANT YOUR PURSE.” 

The most painful thing is when we get those___13____ stares from black people, especially elderly ones. I want o say to them, “We’re black too. Why would we do something to you?”

Usually I react more ____14____to all of this than a lot of my friends do. Some of them, so brainwashed, just think it’s part of life and that there is nothing you can do.

But for me, that’s not good enough. I just can’t stand it when every day a hundred pair of eyes tell you you’re not_____15_____.

1.A. almost     B. mostly     C. merely     D. particularly

2.A. social      B. local      C. positive    D. new

3.A. danger     B. treasure    C. gift        D. neighbor

4.A. better      B. close      C. perfect     D. superior

5.A. fear       B. interest     C. honor      D. despair

6.A. run        B. walk       C. pass       D. move

7.A. known     B. developed    C. raised     D. located

8.A. honestly   B. constantly    C. hopefully   D. freely

9.A. changed    B. formed      C. strengthened  D. increased

10.A. kill       B. rob         C. damage     D. steal

11.A. actions    B. deeds       C. signs       D. words

12.A. writing    B. printing     C. telling      D. saying

13.A. fearful     B. doubtful     C. pitiful      D. impressive

14.A. strongly     B. actively    C. disappointedly   D. casually

15.A. sincere      B. mature     C. welcome       D. gentle



“Tomorrow is another day”---- this line has impressed various people at various times. It's now 70 years after it appeared in the film, but it still seems to hold its power especially during an economic downturn.
The phrase comes from a film adaptation of Margaret Mitchell's successful 1936 novel Gone With the Wind. It's set in the American South and tells the story of a strong heroine, Scarlett O' Hara, who struggles to find love during the Civil War and, afterwards, of her strength in surviving the war and its hardships.
Love story 
In a moment of despair, Scarlett finally realizes that her love belongs to Rhett Butler. For many audiences, it is the theme of love and struggle that has kept the movie alive. While the burning of Atlanta might seem irrelevant to today's viewers, the timeless theme of love keeps its ability to touch people.
With a promise to her lover still in her mind, Scarlett chooses to stay in the midst of war and take care of Melanie. But her heart is broken when Rhett just walks away, leaving the woman that he once loved with cruel words, "Frankly, dear, I don' t give a damn."
Great epic
The film shows the love-hate relationship of these characters, but also American history, the fall of the Confederacy and the following period of Reconstruction in the South. The background made this film a true classic in the epic genre.
When the film opened after World War II, French viewers loved it, and it reminded them of their fight against the Nazis. In 1940 Shanghai, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, people stood in line for hours to watch this film, and saw the same suffering they were having as well as the hope and possibility of building a new homeland from the ruins.
Each nationality could identify with the story and see it as a victory. In fact, Gone With the Wind never lost its charm and ability to inspire and amaze.
Biggest of all time
The film had five directors, 15-plus screenwriters, and an unexpected $3.9 million budget. The film brought in $ 200 million, which makes it the biggest selling film of all times in North America. It also won 10 Academy awards in 1940.
【小题1】The underlined "it" in the first paragraph refers to _______.

A.the novel Gone with the WindB."tomorrow is another day"
C.the movie Gone with the WindD.the Academy Award
【小题2】The text is written mainly to _______.
A.celebrate the anniversary of Margaret Mitchell
B.introduce how the film was directed and filmed
C.throw light on the charm of the movie "Gone with the Wind"
D.inspire people to struggle the economic downturn
【小题3】It can be concluded that Scarlett O' Hara is _______.
A.optimistic and luckyB.childish and realistic
C.caring and stubbornD.strong-minded and persistent
【小题4】The passage mentions Shanghai in order to _______.
A.prove that the background of the movie touched viewers
B.describe how popular the movie was at that time
C.point out that Shanghai was a center of entertainment
D.tell us that Chinese were suffering the War then.

