for fear of (=in case of; because of anxiety about) 以防, 由于怕 查看更多



(2013·高考辽宁卷)________everyone hereI wish you a pleasant journey back to your country.

ABy means of?? BOn behalf of

CIn search of? DFor fear of



Some people believe that a Robin Hood is at work, others that a wealthy person simply wants to distribute(分发)his or her fortune before dying. But the donator who started sending envelopes with cash to deserving causes, accompanied by an article from the local paper, has made a northern German city believe in fairytales(童话).

The first envelope was sent to a victim support group. It contained ?10,000 with a cutting from the Braunschweiger Zeitung about how the group supported a woman who was robbed of her handbag; similar plain white anonymous(匿名)envelopes, each containing ?10,000, then arrived at a kindergarten and a church.

The envelopes keep coming, and so far at least ?190,000 has been distributed. Last month, one of them was sent to the newspaper’s own office. It came after a story it published about Tom, a 14-year-old boy who was severely disabled in a swimming accident. The receptionist at the Braunschweiger Zeitung opened an anonymous white envelope to find 20 notes of ?500 inside, with a copy of the article. The name of the family was underlined.

“I was driving when I heard the news,” Claudia Neumann, the boy’s mother, told Der Spiegel magazine. “I had to park on the side of the road; I was speechless.”

The money will be used to make the entrance to their house wheelchair-accessible and for a course of treatment that their insurance company refused to pay for.

“For someone to act so selflessly, for this to happen in such a society in which everyone thinks of himself, was astonishing,” Mrs. Neumann said. Her family wonder whether the donator is a Robin Hood character, taking from banks to give to the needy.

Henning Noske, the editor of the Braunschweiger Zeitung, said: “Maybe it is an old person who is about to die. We just do not know.” However, he has told his reporters not to look for the city’s hero, for fear that discovery may stop the donations.

1.The Braunschweiger Zeitung is name of _____.

A. a church       B. a bank     C. a magazine      D. a newspaper

2.Which of the following is TURE about the donation to Tom?

A. The donation amounted to ?190,000.

B. The donation was sent directly to his house.

C. His mother felt greatly surprised at the donation.

D. All the money will be used for his treatment.

3.It can be inferred from the passage that      .

A. the donation will continue to come      

B. the donator is a rich old man

C. the donation comes from the newspaper

D. the donator will soon be found out

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Money Is Raised by the Newspaper.

B. Unknown Hero Spreads Love in Envelopes.

C. Newspaper Distributes Money to the Needy.

D. Robin Hood Returns to the city.



More and more high-rise buildings have been built in big cities      space. search place ofC.for lack ofD.for fear of




A recent study shows that gossip(流言蜚语)is more powerful than truth. It suggests people believe what they hear through the grapevine(小道消息)  36  they have evidence to the contrary.

Researchers,  37  students using a computer game, also found gossip played an important role when people  38  decisions. “We show that gossip has a strong  39  , even when people have  40  to the original information as well as gossip about the same information. Thus, it is  41  that gossip has a strong controlling potential,” said Ralf Sommerfeld, who led the study.

In the study, the researchers  42  the students money and allowed them to give it to others in a series of rounds. The students also wrote  43  about how others played the game that everyone could review. Students tended to give  44  money to people described as “scrooges (吝啬鬼)” and more to those described as “ 45  players”. “People only believed the gossip, not the past decisions,” Sommerfeld said in a telephone interview.

The researchers then took the game a step  46  and showed the students the actual decisions people had made. But they also supplied false gossip that contradicted that  47  . In these cases, the students  48  their decisions to award money on the gossip,  49  the hard evidence.

“If you know what the people did, you should care, but they still  50  what others said,” Sommerfeld said. Researchers have  51  used similar games to study how people cooperate and the  52  of gossip in groups. Scientists define gossip  53  social information spread about a person who is not  54  . In evolutionary terms, gossip can be an important tool for people to  55  information about others' reputations or find the way through social networks at work and in their everyday lives.

A. in case    B. for fear that             C. as if    D. even if

A. testing B. checking           C. examining        D. experimenting

A. drew     B. made C. reached     D. concluded

A. impression    B. difference         C. influence   D. function

. A. access   B. entrance    C. charge       D. communication

A. curious        B. serious             C. obvious     D. worth

A. impressed     B. asked               C. showed      D. gave

A. articles B. notes         C. dairies       D. letters

A. less       B. more         C. fewer        D. much

A. general   B. mean         C. generous    D. outgoing

A. away    B. forward            C. ahead        D. further

A. existence      B. evidence           C. confidence        D. dependence

A. based    B. put           C. focused     D. passed

A. more than     B. less than           C. rather than  D. other than

A. referred to    B. listened to         C. turned to   D. stuck to

A. soon     B. presently           C. far     D. long

A. strength B. energy              C. effect        D. force

A. as B. for            C. to                     D. by

A. absent   B. present             C. gone D. missing

A. achieve             B. earn                     C. acquire       D. win


Mark went through the papers once more carefully for fear that he ____any essential details.

A. dropped   B. overlooked   C. ignored   D. displayed

